Game 82

I spy a naughty little mousey making nests in my Mountains of Mordor. I look at my allies turns and notice that they are not their nests. You know you cannot keep camps in the Mordor mountains don’t you? :slight_smile:

Says who?? I like it there…

Hey it’s Tine. I thought the cat had got your tongue? :slight_smile: Oh I’m sure we can come to some sort of amicable agreement. How about you give us 2 MT’s and 2 T’s for my 4 camps? :slight_smile: Seems only fair…

You mean cat’s got my keyboard, surely ;). In regard to pcs it’s very much panta rhei, so let’s see in a few turns, shall we :))? I’m so very sorry I didn’t manage to bankrupt you, despite all my concentrated efforts of infing away pcs, burning camps and stealing while all your armies were still intact. Sorry to let you down!

Cheers, Tine :wink:

I’ll try to get over it Tine. I was looking forward to being eliminated by you - wha? :slight_smile:

Hi all. Sorry for the delay in getting a report out. Life outside ME is hectic to say the least. We’ve got our plots together now for Turn 9 so time to fill in the blanks…

The Freep are rolling into the NW DS in an impressive wave. 13 icons are sitting in WK/Rhu territories which is the impressive part :slight_smile: The WK has lost 3 minor pops now and the Rhu will lose everything bar his capital. Duns will feel the heat no doubt next. So grim news there.

The Freep have cleared the way at Morannon, and our inability to recruit a dragon in turns 5,6 or 7 (arrrrgh!!!) will allow them to take it. However every other advance has been countered, and the number of armies that have perished a step beyond Ungol is impressive. 3 army sized forces were eliminated at 3323 and 3324. A huge SG army lies at Morannon with a large Dwarf force. An NG army is at 3222, and another NG army is at 3323 being hosted by a DkLt’s army. No other forces at this time.

Dudannis was knocked off at 3120 and another agent captured. So the agent machine is warming up (looking forward to turn 10 :slight_smile:

Seems everyone’s saving their best for that area :slight_smile: Both RoI and RoW carriers failed in their assassination attempts. The freep agents moved to the wrong hexes. 2520 was hidden (but we didn’t go there :-). A NG comm was captured, and the Duns armies remain intact.

A large Northman army encountered the DS hosts at 3914. That culls Tine’s recruits nicely for the moment. It’s been a grind out here, a bit of a race of cripples. Tine from her messages feels good about something as do we :slight_smile:

Overall, NW and Mirkwood have taken a hammering for the DS. DS activities are starting to tell on the NG and EO. Still a long way to go.


Winsten Wun Toof

Arthedain would like to thank the people of Rhudaur for their wise decision to join the Free, despite their leaders. Arthedain wishes only the best for the people of Rduhaur. We have not attacked civilians, the towns we’ve visited so far joined us by popular acclaim :).

:slight_smile: Just hold on to that thought, we’ve got our own version to run by you :slight_smile:

Which version of “Rhudaur - Flail or Fail? and Why are they spelled differently?” or “Northmen Capital - the great No Go Zone” would you like to run by us…?

The Dark have had chances, for some reason have done nothing with them. I guess the last Noots should join for “Game Balance” reasons… Or join the side of natural selection and have done with them…

I’ll second that motion…wait, it’s my own…can I second it…? Oh, right, those rules…

Regardless. Does the Dark Loo have a dragon? You don’t have to tell us if he does, won’t make much difference to our plans anyway. Tell your Dun that “Yes” I do intend on fighting him…I’ll get there when I get there… :slight_smile:

Cardy B

Hrm, I wonder which pop centers you gave as backups to the Rhudar, or did you guys just leave out high and dry like the WK did him all game? Lets see, Dragon give him a backup, nope none to give. Fire King give him a backup, nope none to give. Dog Lord gave him a backup, well he doesn’t gots one either. Hrm, what about DkLts, if he did, whoopsy!!! So whos gonna give the Dunn one in a couple of turns? Or the WK for that matter.

PS Bain’s ashes are enjoying their sight seeing tour all around Mordor, we have met all the finest peoples, but ya know… we dwarves like camping, and we hope the DkLts stocks marshmellows as I hear MT/Forts make great campfires. TROGDOR!!!

Bain Ist

Whats the matter Winstun, cat got your tongue?

Nope. Just take a look at those turn results and you might have some idea why I’m miffed. You could have been countered across a wide range, and smashed in the east, but for the advice not taken and the choices not made. Another day my friend, allies reliable, luck statistically plausible, and you’ll be able to count the stings :slight_smile: On a serious note, Indie games are ummmmm really not my cup of tea and I’ve returned to the grudge game arena. But I’ve asked Brad to get whichever of you want a real challenge together and Gixxx and I will play you 100% committed (after we deal with our current opposition a la G91. You’re more than welcome to pick up a challenge with whatever team you prefer, where there’ll be no quarter from uncoordinated enemy positions. And you aint gonna get the abominable and total initiative luck you’ve had this game in a second methinks. Up for a game? Go on - you know you want to :slight_smile: It’s a different ball game though when Gixxx and I control all the positions >:-)

Consider the possibility that both sides are grappling with similar issues… It appears you have 12, er, I mean, 11 participating nations, at least…we still don’t have 10 yet.

Doesn’t matter to me. I saw the chicken scrawl on the wall and made for fairer climes. When are you going to pick up a grudge challenge? :slight_smile:

I’m a rotten captain, turnover on my team (I don’t recall losing…) is too high, I’m out of “friends” at this point…

:slight_smile: that’s funny. Imagine what it’s like to be yourself and then do something else :slight_smile: The best thing I ever did for my game was to play less games and take up more positions. The ability to coordinate and do things simply not possible in standard games is exciting. The funny thing is that as the number of players diminishes, the stuff ups and arguments disappear. Largely by the time you get down to 2 or 3 players you can split entire theatres off so the need to coordinate is very limited. You simply don’t have any good reason to get in fights :slight_smile: And the beauty is that you can far more easily find 1 or 2 players that you really don’t have to worry about - just let them do what they do. It’s a thought anyway, you might be in a bad position to play grudge the way you’ve traditionally played it, but may be in the perfect position to play it in a way that will give you less anger issues and more fun.

Greetings Warlords,
I agree that a grudge will write a complete different story.
… but we already have a new grudge opposition … nor I would say that game 82 is lost for the DS.

I’m new in 82, but I’m sure I’m able to make some progress.
I may need some time to rearange some things …

Let’s see what will happen here.

Have Fun!


WHAT!!! Gerhard, you dare to oppose us??? No whisky next time! :wink:

Tine NW

From the situation that I can ascertain Tine, I believe he’s dared to oppose YOU~!

Have fun over there, then~!

Completely wrong Brad,
I guess we all know that I hate indie-games.
… but Rob hired me for this game some turns ago.
Now Rob has left the game, …

… but this guys have the right spirit.
They’re making plans and writing a lot of mails (really many mails, stop this mates!).
It would be a shame to give it up with all the mates playing with such an enthusiasm.

… and here I’am back in an Indie-game

Have Fun!
