Game 84

Well back to the game

All those agents sat at 3024 and looked at each other and did what?

Well we played it clever or so we thought and went for the lets guard each other.

Alas the other side had no idea what agents we had at home and did the same, though trying to kill non existant agents in the hex might not be a good idea.

Well two can play at doubling you know.

This go sees 3 armies and 2 dragons on the last northmen MT in the game, well perhaps you gave him one.

Its gone the only question is what goes with it.

Meantime back in the north our agents bleed the duns dry of any gold and is that a second dun mage to die in challange?

Thanks for the arty saves us picking it up and as I am sure you can see we picked that one up in the hex to.

The Rhu/WK bring the advance to a stand still and ask the question aprt from a few losses is this turn 0 or is it really that late.

Oh tell the duns we have plans on another town off his and not to count on the replacement characters this go.

We also plan to land this go on the Woodmen and steal him blind next, well does no hard to let him savour that moment knowing his big agent is far from home and will not save his hide.

This go we unleash the dread curses upon the nasty good forces read it and weep for it is the first of many.

Can the harad hold the line against the dread forces that fly down to hit him?

Well we shall indeed see this go on that subject and thats no lie.

Can we take out that army on the corsairs cap and when both those boys are dead take out his cap? oh I do so hope so.

But boy with the pounding the eo is due to get this go I have to feel sorry for him.

Oh well shall we see what the next turn brings for times are indeed hard when so many elves visit the land of Mordor.


Well indeed the game is afoot and our teeth are deep in the enemy, will they shake us off, we shall see.

But back to the game and the running game play.

You know we only got 2 out of 3 cursers off and you know where we where. The question you have to ask is does your super agent feel lucky?

Well his name has been called lets see if we get him.

Well think about it his sacrifice means your comm gets to live, though I await to see if he lives to see out the battle.

Now yes the duns wont have any gold this go and no your woodies join the club to.

The Eo I am going to sit on you and kill all those comms and man there are a lot on your cap and just for a bit of fun kill the other two as well, though darned if I only know one of there ruddy names you lucky devil you.

Northmen I did say two dragons and so its proven to be, did you spot the third close by?

Oh kiss goodbye to another eo comm its yummy in our tummy time for him, noarmy and you know what we have at home its goodnight time.

whilst I am at it you know that northman army comm near his cap has to go to and his name is called let us see if it goes well.

1910 only 2 comms your names are called to read it and weep for it shall become your bleeding ground for our agents are many and highly trained now.

As regards my old chum the corsairs think not you could get away and boy do I see many targets, how mnay was that last go ony 2? well my money is on a hell of lot more this go.

But we see so many one is a bit risky but what the hell we say send in the boys and risk it.

And of course shall we burn your MT this go and take a few more and we think it not to many.

Bain dont think you get away on the cheap Din is on his way for you lets test our mettle.

I could be telling porkies though as it all depends where the dragon goes and as you know we have had a few to play with.

I of course see you are stealing gold from aus and whilst we do have quite a bit I do intend stealing more of good nations than you can steal off us and kill more charaters than you can of us.

Did you notice how the BS ignored you and got on with his actions when you visited him with your stacked agents?

I wonder if I missed anything?

Mind you having said all this having fun playing the game


Well Dunsal your name has been called and yes its your time
Faltur I give you a clue 3 others dead in that hex what odds on you living the night out?
Elrond if you think camp building and playing wil work hiding in the landss of the NW n that plains hex will not save you.
Osric your name is called kiss this world goodbye
Alandur your name is called forth
I think thats enough names to start with?
Oh sorry if its the no charatcers build for the duns again and a few others this coming turn.

Well what a game should be buckets of fun for all sides

I will have the corsairs capital if it kills him those are pure cav armies sitting outside his city and we want to return the war machine favour


The question on his lips was can we kill double figures this go or not.

Afew more corsairs in the pocket, as we wont be kiling you, join your buddies in the bag.

Yes another SG or two, but just a nibble.

It would not be the same without an eo comm in the bag so yes you know it.

The sindar will feel the pain for just a bit and know we are comming to pay you a visit and sort you right out once and for all.

Only one northmen this go so we have to go easy on you it seems.

Well a NG or two, ok maybe a few more but hey who said we could count.

But you have seen the range and power, now see it concentrated its time for shock and awe.

Thabks for looking after the northen pop centres by the way all those emmeis we have who took out the northmen have to find a new home to play with.


Tharudan well what can we say you lve by the sword and then you die.

Do the corsairs feel the heat of my breath on his neck?

If you look at all our amries and note we matched you horsman for horseman your time is nigh and one by one your comms will die and your cities will fall.

Are you sure you can take out the WK in the north that pass looks like a world of pain to enter and none have passed it yet.

Well the eo will feel just a bit of heat this go and is that no armies in the filed, at least you have no money worries and wont be sending any more men to play in Mordor for a bit

Indeed will you have much left to come and play with us?

Well what can one say about those gondors except hell we may have 2 dragons on the eo but the one we saved for you does not look enough.

Hell we wil have to match you troop for trrop in the field to and i son wanted to send all those heavy cav out to play but sometimes you have to defend to.

I can feel a mighty battle coming on and I am sure you wont mind us playig with our mighty agents and magicians to, can we expect yours to?

Northmen are a but a character nation now and the corsairs will join them soon.

We liked killing those gondor characters on your capital and will bleed more of your loot this turn.

Well we cannot complain and yes we are going for the magic 10 plus characters to kill this go and we expect to have the ability with even luck to do it.


Well as I like a challange I shall match you troop for troop in the pass and should you run do not worry we will rebuild the bridge and come and visit you.


Well I did tell you we would be coming over the hill now did I not and boy of boy Gondor your capital looks ripe for plundering

Fireking 100 plus comm and dragon in tow lets see who blinks first.

If you think you are getting past our agents and dragons think again, but as I said we will match you in the pass as losing that many men might break the heart of many a leader.

Of course those seed Gondor armies wont save you as could it be we have an agent or two on them to?

Ok so using two dragons on the Eo army was excessive but fun none the less and like a bad penny old Lanthanc well guess what?

Yes you got it his coming back to play.

Now come on 3222 its about time I caught up with you and its Tharudan time for you.

Bain my friend why skulk at 3104 it wont save you either.

Oh its payback time for you stumpies allright you have had just a taste.

But for the corsairs its a real killzone and another couple for the pot.

Can you handle it?

Oh best hide your capital as I will have enough troops to take it why risk it when I can put 3000 troops on it next go and can you stop me.

I am going to burn your MT this go as a demonstation of power and oh as you know the agents will take out those new armies next door and whats to stop me taking the pop centre when its almost defenceless?

3612 well its gone as you know and what to stop me taking the rest?

My pet will sort out the defenders and those who follow can mop up as we pass.

But I will savour the head of the woodmen and not a moment to soon, for that was most unpleasant.

I am going to pay you back for this.

Well you will forgive the rest not being here but the northwest whilst it holds you still hold sway so what we do there you will have to find out.

Do carry out testing us as the slow grind is not that bad and we are grinding you down.

I will be nation specific now in a turn or two and wipe entire positions out for the gold stealing is done, the full power of our agents will now be unleashed.


Well another day another sweeping killzone as ithil runs read with the dead of Gondor.

Yes I know only 5 dead north gondor army commaders and your leader now sleeps with the fishes.

If you have not noticed all dark servant agents have there own personal bodygaurd, but feel free to try.

Ithil has a few more of those interesting chaps and all bodyguards now have there own bodyguard.

Now I do see a wide array of SG army comms and a few other interesting characters at home, it should be intersting killing them.

None unless you are lucky wil leave this pass alive and think not that this army will last out the night for its doom is upon it.

Like the small dragon coming to play and pinned on both sides by those might arty dripping dark arty comms.

As I said concentration of agents they will go forth and do very naughty things, can gondor afford to lose any more commanders but what to stop us fom taking out his cities?

Now as regards the corsairs unless you are a lucky chap the agents on you will take out your army commanders as I said ,army plus war machines, well 2 more mt and a city about to bite the farm.

I plan to break your back stop me if you dare.

Now the poor eo how could you march south and leave them alone to my tender mercies.

Agents all over him armies and dragons smashing his defendes and nothing to stop the replacement army with fresh dragon from taking another pop centre.

Ouch it has to hurt to lose a few more characters to and yes I will be paying your capital a visit.

But of course dont think I have forgotten you my sindar chap, its a few more for you this go.

Mind you what the hell you think you are doing in the land of Harad, tut tut, I tracked you and guess what, yes its nasty and its in the same hex, I just wanted you to know.

When death comes I like you to see it comming and thats to old a trick to work on me.

I am not even going to talk about the north as its very nasty atatck this go and hey the arthedain and his buddy are about to feel the meaning of what they call pain.

Oh its going to bring tears to your eyes and much weeping will be heard after this coming turn.

Its time to turn defence into attack and taking your pop centres and our own is but a taste.

The iron Hills well what can I say its going to be fun, and not for you, well we pinned you and I bet you did not get to where you wanted to be

But our agent are so hey so what we have a lot of agents, why do you think the ground war is so slow.

Well I would like to tell you more but hey I think thats enough food for thought.

You know where we head the only question is can you stop us


Ouch if that has not broken the corsairs back, well I just dont know.

Gondor its going to run red allright.

Now the horsemen lets see f you can hire an army to stop the loss of another pop centre.

By the way you can run but you cannot hide!

Now with blanket agent coverage I told you that challanging me would annoy me and you know whats coming.

I will take your pop centres off you next go and do naughty things in the woods.

Now if you think I am going to let those nasty big armies live you can think again for I will be off after them as they only have a few places to go.

Do those in the northwest feel the heat, oh its a burning we will go and its tieme to play


So as it was written so shall it be for the eo must be feeling the heat after that losing his thrid major town.

Now the woodies will be feeling the heat as whats to stop the loss of both those mt, what can stop us as I see only dead armies in the field.

Oh how the corsairs must be weeping how many mt is that now you have lost and how many more this go?

Did the gondors feel the heat as well for we go forth and will be teaching them a mighty lesson again, if the loss this go was not enough.

Now the question comes to mind have you seen waht we have for i have seen your gathering and mightry as it may be ours is mighteier and I did not want to take out all your pop centres it would be mighter still indeed.

The only question you need to ask is what pop centre will we influnce this go and what will we take with force.

To you I leave the camps, we stick with the mighty population centres.


Ouch that had to hurt

Corsairs reduced to a few MT and his capital which you cannot stop falling next go

Eo dont to 2 pop centres and with no armies to stop us well what to stop another pop centre falling the same as 2912.

Northmen well lost all your MT but hide as you like.

Sindar, well I did tell you so and moving your captital will not save you, replace those losses if you will.

Woodmen, whats to stop me taking out your captila I dont see any armies we cannot kill in the way.

Oh Gondors you can run but you cannot hide how many losses can you take in a go?

How many armies in the filed before us?

Remember Ithil well for you will not see it again unless you have a death wish.

The dwarves well this go was but a ataste and you will feel the heat a tadge more this go.

Well the rest you do need something to think about, so think hard.

If you think your agants will stop me and make me come home our armies are out of the bag already, why would we want to come home when we have pl;aces to go and cities to burn.


Well that was so savage with the loss of two more capital cities, well thats 3 to us, with the loss of a fourth this go one wonders how long you can defy us.


So as it has been written so has it been.

The Woodmen well ok you did have a lot of MT left but with no fortifications and our agents owning your capital where you a threat any longer?

The northmen lost every MT very early and ignored for the rest of the game

The eo held him at the pass and then reduced to 2 mt with both about to fall, finished as a power.

The arthedain, well ok we only burned one village but the WK thought he still owned the field and 1804 was at our mercy and it was not us running from the hex.

Cardelain well the WK and Rhu held need I say more

NG With over half your charatcers dead or captured and your cpatial in our pocket I was going to leave you a lone for a turn or two and let you come and play with us if you dare.

SG Even more charatcers in our pocket and a few more to join the clan as our agents sat on your capital.

Dwarves Darned if we gave you to much of a hard time at all please dont play so well next time. Still I would have like to see if I could have killed Bain as two agents at last managed to pin him down, oh well.

Sindar Well after all the stick you gave us it was a pleasure to give some of it back at the end!

Noldo Well alas it did not worry me, I leave you the camps, we took out the MT, a fair swap we thought.

Duns Well I trust your mages slept well but if you wanted to play with agents, I thought it time to teach you the error of having no armies.

Corsairs A tough battle but even with gondors help we wore you down pushed back the tide and took you out bit by bit.

Could your hidden MTsave you?

Well we did have more than one reveal and had tracked the Noldo so it was not a shock.

As I have said so as it was written so did we do and mighty was our arm and long our reach.

Undefeated we remain and so shall it continue to be.
