Game 84

Well we are having fun and let the games continue.

Will we remain unbeaten? Any bookies out there?


I am going to dedicate this one to those who ran away.


Well to the Eo think yourself lucky I am leaving you alone, well for the most part.

To the Northmen think yourself unlucky I have not left you alone and wont be this go either.

Can you afford all those troops woody old chap? Lets find out shall we?

Corsairs you know what to expect and it wont be pretty, notice someone missing this go on your pop centre? Can you see them still?

SG Sorry about the HARBOUR but live by it you die by it or so they say.

NG I think its time we sorted those little games out once and for all, I have a present for you lets see if you like it. You will be seeing it this go and know the true horror!

To the elves, darn we have not touched you.

Old stumpy, tut tut tut its time to sort you out once and for all.

To all the rest over in the West its that time and you know what coming, to those who know me, expect the worst and to those who dont wait and see.


Just how many Dragons do you think we can put into the field all in one go?
Just want you to know its quite a few and thats no lie.



Well if the Corsairs cap minus any fortification does not look inviting to our all cav army marching down the road. You may not belive me but why else did we do it?

I have to admit we can only know one of the names of your nor characters at 2514 but now its revealed well do you care and will just leave us to play with the one we can see.

Now come on 3024 did you really think we would levae him all alone to your nasty wicked agent crew?

Ok we got lucky and just happened to head there to punish those gondor boys but hey you will do instead!

Is that really all the troops the Eo has? The Dragon Lord has more in one army that you do in the game it seems, or will have very shortly.

Can you stop his might boy with dragon from reaching any of those eo pop centres, just like you stopped the fall of 3109 to him?

I assure you I will be retaking those pop centres you naughty corsairs took off me, well I have done one so far and I dod not think that to many.

So to give you an idea we are planning the following.

Using a few more dragons.

Revealing a few more pops

Taking out two the corsairs and northmen caps, and since he has lost one MT so far well the Northmen best hope and pray you have a spare slot for him he will ned it with all the troops we have on 4217, with more coming up

Can the market limit really have been 34k on turn 6 will have to see what it is this go as its never gone under 30k so far.

I have never seen a dark side with so much money and you must have a lots to from our steals so far.

But lets give you an update on our plan

Smash the corsairs with agents and take his pop centres since we think we can.

Do over the eo and northmen as you seem to be weak in that arae and we are about to unleash a lot of cav armies on you in the plains.

After all 3120 has been a killing ground for your armeis and it will continue to be so so why change a winning plan and not let you get to it?

Knock out the northemn and we seem to have got half way there as you seem to lack troops numbers to stop us and our dragons.

OK so you have forced us to blow the bridge at 3024 as we dont like being stretched and want to concentrate where we like.

Well being so open about our plans gives you something to shoot at and stop.

Great game by the way having fun


Ok whats the good of taunting the other side if they never respond.

I will just have to seetle for a second Northmen MT this go and that attack on his last one this go to with a force which wont be stopped.

I say one thing for him he likes to keep at home and it will take 2 turns to cul all those boys who stayed at home.



Well a game never looked sweeter than this as I sat back anmd looked at those turns roll in.

Whether I am just a lucky so and so or just good remains to be seen but I will take luck any day of the week.


Umm…Who exactly is it that you are writing to? You seem all alone on this thread. Is that why you are trolling other threads?

And your point is?

After all if I was wrong would not there be a reply?


Quote from Vandal in game 92 thread:

"I would suggest you go reread the facts as frankly your view is somewhat let us say just fiction.

As you can see I only dropped a note to a fellow face 2 face player and happy to leave it at that.

Now of course why some fool wants to taunt me is beyond me but there you go.

Oh and you thought wrong and I believe the reason he got up my nose was I take offense at threats to do me physical injury.

Of course given your deep knowledge of the subject I take it you are aware if this as you make mention of it and of course thinks such things are ok.

Oh and remember its not a boast, but a statement of fact that the player in question is not good enough to take me on.

Given the chance after calling me out now what did I see but a lot of dust in the distance.

Now please put any reply in the game 84 forum as I would really prefer to keep it out of this one.


  1. It’s clear from Gladian’s first post that he thought you were a player in game 92, hence the taunting.

  2. None of his posts in Game 92 threaten you with physical injury.

  3. You have no idea who I am. We have never met. We have never corresponded (other than in this forum). How can you possibly presume that I “of course” think threats of physical violence are okay?

  4. Statements of fact about the quality of another’s play are actually just opinions. Even if your statement about Gladian’s ability were supported by evidence, your comments will seem like unsubstantiated boasting to those of us who don’t know either of you.

  5. I appreciate the fact that you want to keep the game 92 thread primarily focused on players who are actually playing that game. It is, however, too bad that you did not make that decision three posts earlier.

Hey there Ganelon,

The way I read Vandal’s response on the 92 board re: the physical injury thing was as a response to your taunt that he was quitting all games because of an email he didn’t like. He just said he wasn’t quitting all games and that he didn’t like physical threats (that was in the email he didn’t like). Heck, I wouldn’t like that either.

Oh, and part of the art of playing with or against Vandal is learning to decipher his use of the english language. I’ve played both with and against him. He’s an outstanding player and team leader. But he’s very cryptic. I think it’s part of his genius… <wink> And it adds an extra dimension of fun to the game. You get an email, or read a post, and you sit there pondering… Now what is it that Frank is really trying to say here…

We’re in this to have fun. So, let’s have some!

Now, about game 84… where are the Freep posts?

I suggest you go reread your own stuff which refers to me dropping all my games due to a few e mails.

Its a bit much to drag up the past as a matter of fact and then say you dont know me.

If we knew me well enoughto make such bold statements you know me well enough to know I am not talkng about any threats in game 92 but the issue to which you yourself refer.

You would also know all to well that given the choice of taking up those options or taking GM option of what option would you of course take.

As regards the quality of play to me it does not matter if it seems lie boasting the fact is that when push comes to shove I do what I say and evryone who has knocked heads with me has fallen to my sword.

But if you are eager to test me then as I always say the game is there to take me on one on one and try and teach me that lesson.

As long as you are not the bunch banned from playing me then its game on.

If you ever look at my posts do I ever back down or run in a direct challange?

I of course as you say have a view and may read what i like into your mai las you have done with mine and hence I remain of the view as stated.


Simple understand some players love me and others hate me and that is the way it is as I tend never to compromise.

Some players think I am great and others a fool but whethers its luck ot not has my team ever lost and have we ever run from another team?

I simple saye to the victor goes the spoils and if I win I get to write the history.

The rest is for the rest.


Oh I think the Freeps know the jig is up and wont banter with me but thats good as I could be wrong and would I not silly then

Vandal to good for his own good


As I said, I don’t know you. I do know you posted on the boards that you were dropping all ME games … and yet here you still are. I’m glad you thought better of dropping all your games. That said, however, you still told everyone you were leaving. Seems fair to me to point that out. It wasn’t so long ago that you made your announcement after all.

Since another player in game 84 is now actually posting on this thread, I don’t think it appropriate for me to keep posting here. Therefore, to save time, please read the following as my response to everything else you have to write to me:

   "whatever ...."

Again get your facts right that was about a year ago and i dont think that is what I class as recent.

But hey you have a view and I may not agree with it but its yours.

Whatever says hmmmmm I think you know you are wrong, after all I should know my own history and its time to give up this as there can only be one winner when you get your facts wrong.

Later for our paths may cross and who knows on what side


Whatever …

Mister Ganelon, :rolleyes:
Since you are not part of this game will you go and do WHATEVER you do and leave us our little thread or are you
one of the FP in this game trying to confuse the issue?

The best way to answer to Frank and his team is to take us into a game.

Now there must be a reason for our FP opposition to stay silent. Maybe they are old ennemies that don’t want to reveal themself and as far as being the only one posting I would suggest you look for the older thread of game 84 and you will see my name in there.

Now that it has been said you can say Whatever all you want

Thelor 66 aka IK game 84 :cool:

Thelor, I was ASKED to post on this thread by Frank. But now that I know YOU don’t like it, I’ll certainly stop… :rolleyes:

Ganelon my old chap now I since I do like toying with my prey shall we go forth into another room and continue your whatever line.

Now whilst I am happy to take you on, all on my own feel free to go forth and bring a few buddies to hold you hand as I do naughty things to you.

All in the game of course and I look forward to a reply

Use the personal mail option and I shall leap with joy at the prospect of another scalp under my belt?

Boasting or a fact, as always I will put my cold hard cash on it, loser pays for the game.

But as you can see has anyone in game 84 called me out on what i have said?

Did they do it on 35 where we won in 6 turns, the one on one in 6 turns, or our last game won in a much harder double digit of turns.

But the asnwer is no and shall we perhaps bet how log you can hold me out, not on can you win.

Well I await your reply in due course
