the Ring Seekers are Free vs the OneWeekWonders as the Dark Servants
Well, obviously, the Dark Servants are going to win…this is a Grudge Game, no? But we’ll give you a bit o’game yet methinks… A few things to try before we send in the concession, yes?
Good thing you’re retired Mike, else the Sick Days you’ll be taking in order to grieve your results here won’t impact the public safety in a negative way.
Secrecy? Surely you jest…?? How about mind-numbingly obvious and simpletonesque? Couple more weeks of PreKinderMEPBM like this and we’ll likely lose due to boredom.
Gotta wonder how they feel about replacing Rhudaur with the Easterlings, and on Turn 2 their neutral of choice runs a nation smaller than the Dark Lieutenants.
If so, let’s wait another week and check out some elementary moves. But let’s rejoice over our prekinder strategy.
you eliminate Easterlings from the north, ah, so-so :mad:
we eliminate Aluiric and how many ponies? nice pre-k move
you take a couple WK pops, ah, same ol same ol;
we do the same to Woodies; cool
Gondors play hide and seek; whatever
We capture MI,
You sink a couple navies and a couple fodder comms, hmm
We sink Sinda and a regent; yup; pre-k at it’s finest
My friend, take a moment to rejoice and let’s move on to next week. Now all those in danger of losing another MT, raise your hand. And all those that need navigation courses, don’t be shy, raise em high
Sauron may sleep well, but the Royal Exchequer doesnt. If the orcs are so evil why dont they fight for free… Perhaps you might try taking more PCs than you lose
Ok, now that you’ve had your moment of rejoicing, will a couple more MT’s be a good starting point? That would give us, let me see, 1 + 1 +1 = 4; oh I mean 3, silly me; I’m thinking ahead. How many do you guys have?
Galadriel loves Sauron too! ya know, a girl and that tough guy thing
He’s run off map, not for any surprise attack, but out of cowardice, actually. You can tell I’m not the Eothraim… His MT’s have newly hired Archers. We’re targetting Morannon, 7500 I think we need. Would you guys mind leaving us be for a few turns…?