Game 85 1 Week Grudge

Mike - the South is a Distraction, remember? They didn’t even notice I’ll bet. All according to their plan, I suppose. See? The more MT’s we take in the South, the better they’re doing elsewhere. Just ask the Witch King…er…Dragon Lord…er, I mean, Easterlings, yeah Ovatha - we haven’t taken any of his MT’s yet…(notwithstanding his 6 towns gone Poof! Turn 2…). Okay, the Fire King - he’s added an MT to his portfolio, proving, once again, that the South is indeed, a Distraction…


Brad of the Nardveld

LOL – just seen Dragon Lord turn – second time in a row you smashed an army on the walls – guess hoping for a threat this turn with Higher loyalty then it starts !!

You think our tactics are funny? You Funny…yeah, YOU! Glad you post so pompously after looking at your own turn… Some of your “allies” aren’t likely as amused as yourself…

Aye if my capital was under Siege for 3 turns I would not think I was coming out ahead. Sure it cost us 5k to rename the commander but Dragon Lord has lost that in Tax’s and Capital orders each turn. My guess is you beg us to just take the thing and free up your capital orders?

Reguardless QA lost both MT’s in the south this turn right after Hards capital…I’m happy with things for turn 8. At this rate the Frees will have the West and South done by turn 10. The East will be a wastland and only Mordor shall stand…its going to get tight in there.

Damn – figured out I am playing the Dragon Lord – keep thinking that , ok by me – have everyone turns but Easterlings – oh guess I am the easterlings to – damn another slip of the tongue , guess I should keep my mouth shut – not !!

Tight is just how I like it :smiley: , means she hasn’t been around alot :eek: , funny though I looked at dragon Lords turn again – oh right my turn , forgot , and all his capital orders went off with no hitch :cool: , your last character bouncing off the walls had to be a 10k character unless naming 10 point commanders – so let me figure this out 10k character , MT 3k in revenue minus a keep equals 1k in total surplus gold – OK – you guys got me on this one :confused: , i have to admit


John, you’re the lucky one! Your food actually makes noise. Hurry up and finish that Mirkwood snack so you can get down here to Mordor for Dinner. You’ve been chewing on Dol Goldur long enough :slight_smile:

Harad? Yes I always was one to eat desert first…

Tros Hesnef’s father was a hamster, and his mother smelled of elderberries! (since all I can do is toss insults at the moment, lol!)

Mike the Pirate
Kinstrife Reunited
(or North Gondor and the Corsairs, since we’re naming names)

Glad to see our noble opposition is attempting sums. After y’all successfully add up a tree, we’ll lay out what a “forest” is for you after this one. Keep on countin’ brother, keep on countin’…

(one southern major town, two southern major towns, three glorious wonderful southern major towns, ah-ah-ahhhhh!)

da phrie

Hmmm… Does this make 4! Four wonderful, beautiful, gorgeous southern major towns! Ah ah ahhhhhh…!!!

For the voyeurs:

The Rhun is a wasteland, Easterling and Northmen both. Heavy DS pressure on the Eoplex now, 3612 gone and 3112 apparently next. WK is out, QA completely relocated and Harad down to 2 MT’s and a couple towns (er, I mean 1 MT… :D)

But there are FP icons in the strangest places… One of them is incredibly close to the Cloud Lord capital! Another is at 3627! How in Tarnation?? FK has held Osgiliath and has only just now, on turn 10, been able to move South to 3026. 13,000 or so troops at 3024 last turn, Aivnec helped… NG not done on their East Bank yet, though…!

So the DS have successfully applied pressure where they wanted. So have the FP. The FP were the first to show up with something “cute”. Now, where will that lead us, we wonder…?

Stay tuned frequent fliers, this one’s gonna either get hot or fall off a cliff pretty quick~!

da Phrie

Mordor’s about to burn…