I don’t mind being trashed here, and understand your confusion. As Dunland spent the entire game kvetching about Rhudaur, The Noldo, the Gondors, the entire Dark Servants team, as well as myself, its easy to understand the confusion about who he is pissed at at the moment. Incredibly, I STILL get really nasty notes from him complaining about the game, and he seems to think i was upset because he snuck in and ‘stole my victory’ on the last turn. After the excellent play , especially by Arthedain, the Dwarves, and the Northmen, ( a performance unfortunately diminished by the incessant whining of the DS and the Duns), I unlike him, would have been truly embarrassed to have gotten a winners cert after never firing a shot.
Here is a snippet his latest- a month after the game has ended- ""I trusted you, thought you were a nice player. After this experience in my second game you can be sure that I will warn people about you, selfcentered creep that you unfortunately turned to be.
- M""
For gawd’s sake man, let it go.