Game 87 - Any Free People Out There?

You must be somewhere out here, you’re all over Mordor.

The Cloud Lord would be interested in discourse with you . . .

Contact him on

Thanks, Simon.

Hi there,

I?m Symeon (a Greek name which would translate to Simon in English, so I guess we have the same name) and I play the Noldo-Arthedain in game 87.

Feel free to contact me in this mail , I would love to chat about this game.


Noldo-Arthedain in game 87

The DS speak!
I’m James and I am playing Northern Gondor and the Eothraim.
You can contact me at:

Hi there

I got it all wrong once again, thought that the DS had the upper hand and the Freeps werent replying, but its the other way around - doh!

Guess you got to turn 20odd by now and its somewhat clear to all who is on the recieving end of the beating.

Nice gaming to you


I am Quinton and play the Corsairs and Rhudaur in game 87.

I can be contacted at


You play the Corsairs and the Rhudaur???

How did that come about? Did the original Rhudaur player drop recently?


Hi I’m Chris and I play the Duns and Sinda in game 87, am I correct in thinking you play CL in game 16 also?

I can be contacted at

The orginal Rhudaur player did drop so I am on both!!!

I played the Dragon Lord in the last 1 week game (I forget the game number).

Thanks, yes sorry James explained to me in an e-mail in which he also gave me the locations of all your characters :smiley:


Ouch…who needs enemies with friends like these!
