Well done on a game well played and a superior team performance to us poor Dark Servants.
I’ve enjoyed the game, despite losing and as my agents fade into the darkness they can at least comfort themselves knowing that we “took a few with us”.
I hope to fight against or alongside some of you in the future!
Happy to enter into conversation about the game either here or via e-mail.
It?s been an interesting game; it surprised me to see that you would stick to the game especially after turn 20 or so when it was clear that your side was losing. I guess with four of the neutrals on our side the odds were against you. Still you managed to give us a scare with the LR move against Eothraim and made life difficult for NG and Corsairs-Harad.
Please convey my congratulations to the Long Rider player, he was very resourceful and proved to be a major pain for the FP. Kudos to you also (CL) and QA and the rest of the DS team.
We had our share of inner problems, had a couple of SS turns, lost 5 original players along the way so we had to double up on some nations but in the end it all worked out well.