This is the Sinda signing in. I hope for a good fun game, keep the punches clean and no hitting below the belt, Dwarves excepted
I ask the neutrals to join with us rightous souls, seek the light and keep away from the dark. Do not listen to the lies of the evil ones for they can offer you only hell and damnation.
Greetings from Rhudaur. I am neutral and intend to stay that way for some turns. Am happy to discuss honourable terms with any party. I can be contacted at
All the best
Hi guys,
it’s the WK turning out to be a Witch Queen. And you know what one says about the female of the species… Being a Micro/Molecular Biologist who is currently working with multiresistant strains of Tuberculosis and having done research linked to Biological Warfare defense (Yersinia pestis - Bubonic Plague), I usually have one or two ideas how to make life more - challenging . So I’m looking forward to meet my dear enemies, I’m sure it will be rather sooner than later. Greatly cherished neutrals, I hope to see you soon as allies under Sauron’s eye. Life’s so much more entertaining if one is a little bad…
Contact me at
Welcome to the game everyone from the Noldo. I’m looking forward to contacting the neutrals (will have to be later this weekend as I’m a bit busy now). I can be contacted myself at
As for our microbiologist WK player, I’m working in a Gene therapy lab right now but I did three years working in a Ricin lab before that so I’m sure I can throw something nasty back at you. Seriously though, sounds like interesting stuff and it’s nice to see another scientist on the boards. Hope you have a fun game (we’ll try and make it a short one though).
Ah, the signal for our attack has come. Greetings all, especially our playmates the Gondors. We hope you are looking forward to our visit as much as we are.
We bring progressive society. Our lord Sauron is on a mission to bring modern values to the world. Unlike those feudalistic, racist relics of a quanit past on the other side, we represent multi-ethnic society capable of great subtlety and sophistication.
Well, maybe I’ll drop the subtlety and sophistication in the case of the fire king.
So peasants of the world, rise up and throw off the chains of your feudal masters!
Neutrals take note, we are the side you want to join. No other team can beat the advantages of our philosophy.
Michael Grazebrook, power behind the throne of the Fire King
mgrazebrook at compuserve dt com
Ah, the signal for our attack has come. Greetings all, especially our playmates the Gondors. We hope you are looking forward to our visit as much as we are.
We bring progressive society. Our lord Sauron is on a mission to bring modern values to the world. Unlike those feudalistic, racist relics of a quanit past on the other side, we represent multi-ethnic society capable of great subtlety and sophistication.
Well, maybe I’ll concede the point on subtlety and sophistication in the case of the fire king. Anyway.
Peasants of the world, rise up! Overthrow your feudal masters. You have nothing to lose but your chains. Saurons forces are riding to your rescue.
Neutrals take note, we are the side you want to join. No other team can beat the advantages of our philosophy.
I would welcome any diplomatic contact from the neutrals, and open minded dark servants, talking sometimes avoids the necessity for all that bloodshed.
I can be reached at
to all my foes we measure ourselves against you knowing that the light has overcome the darkness before, and will do so again.
whilst not a biologist I am a scientist, astrophysics being my area of study, lots of intellect in the game, hope it lasts a while.
I see some good old friends on both sides of the fence here. WK are you Arthedain in 73? Ready to snuggle up to the Corsairs and Harad.
Big Doug the QA in 88
Yep you are. Talk about Irony. In game 73 I’m the WK and in this one you are. While we try to kill each other there, I will be helping in all sorts of ways here. Ya gotta love this game.
South Gondor signing in, greetings to one and all.
Lets have a good clean fight, and prefferably a good good win!
I welcome contact with all, especially the southern neutrals.
I see Rhu has kindly posted his details and already is receiving mail from the FP. Does anyone know who the other neutrals are? We the FP and i’m sure the DS also would like to get in touch with them. Of course we the FP can offer them freedom and self rule while the DS can only offer them slavery and serfdom.
Slavery and Serfdom, nay you are wrong… The DS can offer the Neutrals mastery and liberation. Join with us and be the master of YOUR own destiny and not that of the Council of light, have the L:iberty to do what you will when you will.
Neutrals contact me at or post your address here.
I’ve had no details of any of the other neutrals as yet. I’m still deciding but veering DS in the interests of game play but I won’t do a late declaration - it will be open and before I make hostile moves. Still can be persuaded either way - I’m looking for the fun guys - dark and depraved, jolly and light - I’m easy!
thats too true, we have always thought the Elves to be ‘Funny’, I think it got something to do with all that frilly clothing they wear, and the silly dancing around mushroom circles…