Game 88 Ends

GAME 88:
Player (Noldo) report. Game 88 ends in a Free victory on turn 23. This was a 1650 grudge game.

Early Game:
The Free strategy was the ‘traditional’ one of containing Mordor while eliminating the DS outlayers. A portion of that strategy includes the voluntary abandonment of Ithilian and the throwing down of the bridges over the Great River.

Things went according to the Free plan in the early game. Rhudaur, the QA and Harad were quickly eliminated. The Dragon Lord was driven back into Mordor and the WK suffered the loss of several population centers, including Mt. Gram. Attempted breakouts from Mordor were largely contained.

Middle Game:
The Free strategy started breaking down in the early-middle game. A well handled DS curse squad broke up the offensive against the WK. DS attacks out of Mordor struck heavy blows against the Northmen and Eothriam.

The Free went into the containment mode against the WK and sent western resources against Mordor. The Free were able to stabalize the Rhun and River Running front when the DS became increasing distracted by events in Mordor.

The late-middle game saw the bridges rebuilt and Sinda, Corsair and North and South Gondor armies assault the Westgate. Despite dragons, assassins and a second DS curse squad these military forces knocked out the FK and reached Mt. Doom, which was destroyed. Two Free curse squads and a number of agent and emissary companies assisted the military assault on Mordor.

Late Game:
The DS’ only hope was a One Ring victory and the Free had taken the required steps to prevent this. The gallant DS surrendered on turn 23. A salute to our noble foe.

Throughout the above struggle the Free made full use of the invisible economic, deceptive and psychological aspects of the game.

The top three Free People were Ed Mills, (name witheld) and John Simpson. Good game guys.


You were quite chatty early in the game, but as the tide turned it became quite silent from your side. We must all learn to be gracious in defeat as well as victory, so it would be interesting to hear of the view of the last few turns as seen from the eyes of the DS in Game 88.

You guys played a good and hard fought game. You really did have us scrambling for a few turns to cope with the agents and curse mages but we under the calm counsel of Bobbins stuck to our plan and things came around. I must say I thought the end game was coming but thought it would take a few more turns to carry it out and so was surprised when I got the game end announcement.

I would like to hear your views on the game. Especially lessons learned. So I hope to see you post.

Brad Jenison
The Woodmen by the way