Game 90

Is Bain feeling just a bit…naked?

it’s been very quiet since you’ve asked that. maybe bain has been hiding behind a tree after losing his armour? woodies are simply too busy laughing i’m sure :slight_smile:

this is tine for cl btw, it has been a long time since i’ve played my fav nation (apart from the ftf, that is). i’m having fun here.

i’d love to hear from everybody at bettinajwagner at . and i haven’t been posting so far as i’ve been literally drugged out of my senses - i didn’t want to face the embarrassment of having posted too weird things :wink:


YOU’RE the Cloud Lord - I thought it was Michael…

Bain had an excellent vantage point to watch his Human and Sinda “allies” splash against the walls of Dol Guldor. There, the Dwarves have their revenge for Celeborn watching Smaug tear into Erebor…now, can we work together from here on out…?


now brad, i’m disappointed in you. didn’t you recognize the playing style???

tine :wink:

I don’t recall any blind challenges in any of our capitals… :wink:

woodie, peeking out from behind the laughing tree

well, i tried with shoglic on turn one and got beaten

happens… :wink:


Things are finally heating up now, aren’t they…? Kinstrife is on, it would appear. Poor Corsairs of Umbar - you choose unwisely…

And now the Easterlings have attacked the Northmen. “Join the team who let’s their allies die~!” is a hell of a marketing campaign…

And Now the Harad shows up. DS get Harad, Corsairs and Easterlings. Good luck to them.


Well then. If anyone’s reading… WK and Dragon Lord poofed themselves. Rhudaur and the Dun join the Free. The West is clear, as is the Middle.

Easterlings join the Dark - the Rhun is an ugly wasteland as the Easterlings have lost everything else extra-Khandian. Cloudie is really really not liking the Eothraim.

Corsairs land in SG and do - nothing. Harad lands on NG the next turn (well coordinated boyz…) and does…nothing. QA is pickling around the western side of SG and has done…nothing.

I guess the 3 “most powerful” neutrals balance out losing Nazigirls 1 and 2, alas, I’m still calling for a Free People victory here. Start the infighting Darkies - your DOOM is sealed~!


Actually the Cloud Lord loves the Eothraim. Tasty.

I see Gondor is scared to death and has raised the drawbridges. The Duns, Arthedain and Rhudaur are so ineffective as to be largely invisible, at least on the public bits of the map. In general, the Free seem pretty much scared of a fight.

If you have no more stomach for a fight, we’ll accept your surrender.

Obviously, the public bits of map are small… There are the odd agents doing well, we’ll grant you that. But really, where are the DS projecting power that actually matters…? You got both Harad and Corsairs - and you took 2 towns… Impressed, we are, yes…impressed…


Well the awesome citizens of Kala Dulakurth resisted threats from the inferior armies of Woodmens people as they laugh at you while your minor army sits outside pondering what to do next, i heard disband and try another day.

  • Meanwhile @ Cameth Brin we had a minor shake up of the stirring of the pot while its citizens we on the defense; poorly on DS part we had no prescout available; that mistake won’t happen again. But we have moved to a new location i’m quite sure you know where I am at and we did find some targets and some of them will be coming with us.

Yes your nations have done some overwhelming accomplishments for the 1st 10 turns; you knocked out both Wk and Dragon Lord before turn 7 hats off to your mighty nations to all whom contributed. But we are not leaving without a fight and SG took a mighty blow with Naval supererority right outside of his capital with the loss of Lord Argirion. We are closing in and nobody knows it better right now than Northen Gondor; Minas Anor 95% chance of it falling under DS flag with a little under 15,000 troops we have better than fair chance of taking the capital under Fire King leadership! Pelargir numbers not officaly in yet but i give it 60/40 our chance we might take it. These will be our impressive attacks that you boasted above; but of course we had to pull resources together to rebuild bridge…

Dîn and rest of DS management

Well, if NG actually played on the FP team, I would have a clue what you’re talking about… As it is, we work with files from Arthedain, SG and the Sinda - so from our perspective, we’re kicking your asses…!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Yup i can relate i have had a few games like that…

haven’t we all… commiserations!

cheers, tine

Hey there - visiting you right back~! :slight_smile:

Oh wait - it appears NG is still in the game… You know about the best laid plans, mice, all that…?

Looks like this will be a long game!


Held at 4413! Like the results of the navy combat! Corsairs with only transports! Thank you!
