The Lord of Greenwood at your service. Please, unaligned nations of Men - your peoples seek glory in the future histories. Let me help your write your, and their, stories of greatness.
The Lord of Greenwood at your service. Please, unaligned nations of Men - your peoples seek glory in the future histories. Let me help your write your, and their, stories of greatness.
The Dark Lt. Dan checking in. I look forward to a good game, any neutral may feel free to contact me at I also look forward to crushing Brad like a grape.
Brian for Urzy
I’m no merlot~!
So Lord of Greenwood is here it wouldn’t be a 1 week game w/o Bradaborn which fancy FP nation are you this time?
Dîn checking in.
Woodmen, Brother Brian Ohtar. Don’t you get tired of that nation…?
Meanwhile, I hear there are some certifiably insane RL humans running DS nations. I bet you know who you are…!
“Insanity is relative, it all depends on who has who locked in what cage”
The Witch-King checking in, please send any contact to Suraklin98 (at) yahoo (.) com I am looking forward to hearing from Rhuduar and Dunland on how we can join forces and go drink Brad’s merlot. It would also be nice to hear from more of the soon to be enslaved in these forums.
I almost want them to go Dark just to see you try…
Bradaborn i’m not as veratile as you yet i guess it would be good to change my nations up a bit.
Hi there, QA would like to speak to Harad, Corsairs and Easterlings please contact me at retrorotty at gmail dot com.
Good gaming
QA 90
Well, the Woodmen doesn’t discriminate against the Rhudaur or Dunlendings… Unaligned nations of Free Men - the DS are obviously Neutralists. Unite in brotherhood to seal their demise and rule over them in a new Middle Earth, where Neutrals of all regions are courted equally~!
Okay, I’m loathe to presume that the QA has attacked the Harad, buuuuut…what is my alternative presumption? “We didn’t know he started with a Navy there”…? “I thought navies were invisible.”…? I mean really folks, either you’re Neutralists, as I opined above - or you’re just plum dumb…
Merry Christmas to the Free~!
Merry Christmas to the Neutrals~!
I have friends amongst the Dark…former friends, that is…
Well, I see I’m all alone here…I’m used to that…
The Neutralist DS attacking the Harad has vanished - have they worked out a deal or have they fed the fishes? We shall see… In the meantime, the Dark finally left the skirts of Mordor and are in a position to take a couple NG pops. My Dwarven allies have saved me at 2711 as other allies are poised to remove the Dragon Lord from Mordor…yes, Mordor. Greenwood shall come soon enough, I assure you.
The only WK pop we’re on is Gundabad, attrition there for now. We’ll be moving into Angmar soon enough.
FK threatened Minas Ithil. Sorry guys, it’s not Morgul yet - we’ll be moving East from there, don’t bother redecorating.
There you go, 2 turns in and still no word from the Southron 3 - might be interesting…!
Cheers and Happy New Years~!
Woodie Brad
My apologies Brad, I have been busy. I will do my best in the future to keep you entertained both in the game and on these forums.
I must admit my admiration for the planning and execution of the Free around Mordor- the level of coordination has been more like that of a grudge game than one of the “normal” regular games. But the game has just started and who knows what the future holds?
I wish everyone a happy 2013.
David the Witch
Yeah same here Brad last few weeks been a bit busy; Dîn will do his best to brag when he can.
I heard Dilgul is lovely during the Winter, good ski resort and such. What a load! I get there and the place is empty, no service. Don’t expect a tip when I leave the place.
PS You might want to bring a match when you show up, as I ate something horrible at Warfinger.
Porter. The Long Rider starts with an impregnable island capital and that’s what you’ll end with. Take credit for that if you like…
Medus. Oooh. Aaaah. Gothmog threatened something. We’re impressed. Now, what is Carrog still hanging around with that thing for? Should we presume you don’t trust or respect your Cloud Lord?
House. Just one this go? I’m having a hard time rhyming “toast” in your honour. Apologies…
Woodie Brad
Hard to juggle 4 knives at once Brad, but I am not dead yet. I will see if I can have some suprises for you before I fall out. Now, who is ready for some dragons?
David the Witch
The Woodman will boast,
Downhill he will coast,
As Rhudaur does most,
To make Angmar roast.
The Witch King is toast~!
On the heels of such bravado, one must admit it was a horrible failure of a turn for the Free…