I’m not calling you anything. Only the choice of early freep Rhu which I’m sick and tired of. There’s a huge difference.
- Mikko
I’m not calling you anything. Only the choice of early freep Rhu which I’m sick and tired of. There’s a huge difference.
There are 9 others, no?
I said nothing until I heard the decision was made. A decision I consider boring, since I’ve seen it three times in a year and seen what kind of games came out of that. Sorry if that observation bothers you.
As of today, The Easterlings have pledged loyalty to the Free Peoples of Middle-earth.
If you have any intentions to turn DS you should have done on turn 1.
Anyway i cant blame you for going free.
You cant make a person response the whole team.
I thought join a 1650 with neutrals would be cool. I was so wrong.
Congratz on turn 5 victory, was so fun.
Well it seems most of the team has already sent resignations. And why would they not.
In paper you might say it’s a fair 3-2 allocation. In practice it’s an already attacked Harad + Duns in a hopeless situation versus 3 established and intact neutrals.
I’d like to remark, that I was asleep while this resignation wave happened. My last post was to celebrate killing Erestor and Tarondor.
I however agree and support the mass reisgnation.
There’s a way to salvage the game tho, but it’s a drastic one.
It’s not uncommon to quit when the neutrals appear to have the deck stacked against you. Very common, in fact. A HUGE reason why the game is trending away from neutrals. Alas, the best games you’ll remember years later are the “against all odds” ones. It comes down to “will this group of players rally, come together, and be a better Team than the masses of Individuals stacked against us?”.
Take some time to consider the question before you answer it.
6 or 7 people had resigned before I saw the conversation, and I do agree with them.
Would be different if the game was free. but 6€ per turn for a game that most feel has gone sour isn’t for me either.
Its really easy to say bs when you are on the side of the stacked neutrals.
And for me is not about been in disadvantage, its to make a point.
When I have ever played I tend to join the side that seems to be losing or whoever got the least amount of neutrals.
Corsairs going fp is a really tough one to handle. I played a 12 v 12 grudge when harad was DS, Corsairs fp and the naval superiority is mad. Given the lack of 40+ commanders for QA and the number of ports for harad, fp could land and attack at will. So if easterlings were fp and harad already under pressure it would take mistakes for DS to have a winning chance. Having said that part of joining such a game is the chance that it will end up unbalanced. My first ME was just under 3 years back. I was on fp and we had the duns declare for us, everyone else went DS (just think that was harad and corsairs together plus the other 2). We were on the verge of quitting a few times but dragged it out to turn 18 but it wasn’t much fun and to be honest the team didn’t gel. I think we had 2 spanish guys playing the gondors and if it wasn’t for them and some superlative work by our agents it would have been a lot grimmer. I’ve played one game with neutrals since, went to turn 46, I was Rhudaur, went DS on a 3 - 2 split, got knocked out around T12, took over Dark Lts. I think fp were on the verge of resigning around T20 but they hung in there and won. Last 10 turns saw the one ring bouncing around the south. However, despite having been on the end of a couple of uneven setups (I’ve also been on the wrong end of what I though were dodgy setups in FA) I do believe you should commit to playing at least the first 10 turns, or I think these games will just not happen as its a lot of effort to put in and then have it aborted at T5. Finally I do have the luxury in my old age of a reasonable income (COVID-19 actually gave me more work to do), so I recognise it may be different for those who aren’t as lucky as me.
This game was great for me to learn not to play this format anymore, since too many players are in same Grudge games and become a good friend ( i dont blame it) and this is a huge factor for alliance change nowadays, pretty much no one ask for Artifacts or PC’s anymore, pretty simple Neutrals they will go for the side he has more friends.
Attacking Duns and Harad forcing them DS is not a bad play for FPs, but Other Neutrals seeing that Keep Join FP’s is pathetic!
I come from the time act of war like that was punished by retaliation not by Joining to them.
IF FP’s on this game were expecting a long game of them just pushing on DS, surprise GAME OVER!
I find it fun as a neutral to attack both sides if possible. As far as I am concerned it’s my job until one sides convinces me or more likely one side has joined with neutrals who will declare for that side early on. I will always declare for the other side in those situations.
Maybe if you keep your attacks minor. This can really only work with Duns and Easterlings I think?
I’d like to see a sixth Neutral introduced. The Lossoth. They’d be scattered all around the northern edges of the map. They’d have a tiny navy NW, Only light troops, MT at NW, NE and maybe one n the middle, Lossoth starting pcs, and self camped pcs north of the 05 line will produce as if the climate was two steps milder.
Lossoth have +20 scout/recon
40 comms
+20% market
Summon Storms
Lossoth warships are 4 strength
A typical Lossoth starting army would be 900LC 1200LI 900Ar 1200MA
Starting PC could be 3x MT/Fort 1xTown/tower(the harbour), Some unfortified villages and camps around (or
behind) the 3 MTs.
Starting Characters:
John the Great Walrus 50 0 20 0 +20cr +750combat item - champion
Gru the Penguein 0 40 0 0 (15) +500combat item
Ingman 0 0 0 50 knows SS + 500combat item
Valia 30 10 0 0
Arlaks 30 0 10 0
Fezzel 10 30 0 0 (10)
Frezel 10 0 30 0 (10)
Fravex 10 0 0 30 (10) knows scry area
Map NW corner is 1401
Easterlings, Cirsurs and Harad can cause serious problems for both sides doing this.
Back in the day, I remember a game with a Harad that lasted 20 turns or more attacking both sides. Hilarious the forum at the time…
Lossoth. 3 MT’s are too many, this isn’t Kin Strife~!!! These scattered … things … should have only the 1. And the army is too big. Mostly NE they have no real threat (Iron Hills?) so they don’t need a large starting army to mitigate their small tax base at game start.
I also have an impression they’re more NE then central - how about a NE map of 4401~!
We came up with this conundrum in one of my games, and I ask seriously as I just don’t know - if Rhudaur goes Free in the first 2 turns, what in hell are the Duns supposed to do? Go Dark and die, go Free and give a serious imbalance, or stay Neutral and have EVERYONE annoyed with you?