Game 91

Hiya all - turn 14 is in and we continue…

In the north the freep have their feet up. No DS activity (or pop centres) apart from 2809 which has a DS army and a similar sized freep force on it.

In Ithil all the bridges are down so the river forms the boundary.

In the far south much of the activity is happening…
N.Harad only has 2732 in Harad hands. The rest was flattened. 2730 is a SG T/F and has fended off numerous attempts by Haruth Ramam to threaten it. His army is the only one in N.Harad.

In N.Harad - only 2535 remains to the Harad in its original condition. He’s taken the Corsair cap as a MT/C and 2437 as a V/F. The DS have been most active here with their agents and have dropped a couple fortifications as well. The large Harad army was intercepted at 2336. Lots of freep running around, but you never quite know what’ll happen to them :slight_smile: Mireadur assassinated after many failed attempts this turn.

Mordor - lots of freep armies descending on the NW. 3120 has a couple small FK icons and 3 much larger freep forces. Other DS and freep icons closing… the big ones are freep :slight_smile:

Bugger all enemy agent activity last turn, so I’m guessing the poor market and needy evictees in their midst are keeping their numbers suitably low.

All’s good for the freep, but there’s still a game to be won. At T15 it’s the longest we’ve played in a very very long time so it’s all good fun! :slight_smile:

An addition maybe, never a substitute! :slight_smile:

Turn 15 has arrived and little of great import to impart…

In the far north the last DS holdout - 2809 was revealed and the Drag army there reduced to a small force. Freep armies all over Mirkwood obviously so they may have some words (and pointy fings) to share with Urgubal.

In the far south - the DS must have a heap of emmies because they influenced 2730 on decent loyalty away from the SG. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted :slight_smile:

NG forces routed the recruit out of Vamag again, and forces malign have gone there to try and wrest it from the bad guys.

the Harad super army ran into a SG and Corsair army at 2336 so that’ll be a fairly close run thing and bring their campaign towards its conclusion. 2437 (V/F) and 2438 (MT/C) remain in Harad hands. Of his own nation the only pop of consequence in the south is the MT at 2535.

At Mordor the skanky FK managed to recruit Lamthanc (we’ve beaten them out of the north so dragons have been a rarity), and fried a heap of our troops. The bits that weren’t fried were largely assassinated with a large Eo army going down without swinging alas. More icons to come :slight_smile: The Sinda army made Morannon and an army at 3120.

Not much else to say militarily just now.

I feel rather clever this turn. I made a couple educated guesses that actually look educated in hindsight! :slight_smile: PC’d Nazog at 3120 but was refused. But also got Kadida’s location right and he didn’t :slight_smile: Celdrahil has dealt with him in a heavy handed manner. Aaah that felt nice - not for Kadida though! :slight_smile:

In answer we lost 4 or 5 freep to various forms of death.

Oh one good thing - Angamaite the moocher was captured at game start - finally decided to escape from some DS’ smelly sack. I was honestly surprised that he actually had the creativity to get out at this point! :smiley:

Well heading into Autumn and on our way to winter. Those troubled DS economies may know more pain from here on in - we can only hope! :slight_smile:

Hi there Darrell,
I’m really glad to hear about that!

It’s the same for me, me thinks!

Ha, ha, ha!

Have Fun!


…oh well, the time has come to investigate some more time into this game!-
We done a lot without communication, let’s see what we can do if we will coordinate!

Have Fun!


[QUOTE=Gixxxer;66993]…oh well, the time has come to investigate some more time into this game!-
We done a lot without communication, let’s see what we can do if we will coordinate!

Probably argue a lot! :wink:

Turn 16 is in and things are warming up in the south.

So logically I’ll start from the north :slight_smile: The last DS hold out - 2809 has a large Woodman army on it.

At NW Mordor the Dog has been beaten back from Morannon which now hosts a Sinda force.

3120 is about to see Bulrakur’s army flattened and freep advancing on Mordor. DS will need to dig deep now…

In the far east Uvatha’s ‘army’ was intercepted at 4318 and Tonn Varthkur’s army at 4218.

In the far south the DS influence party took out 2137, but Celdrahil threatened Vamag in return. THe Harad and QA have built a very impressive amount of troops at the intercept point of 2336. That’ll be a handful to stop.

Otherwise pretty quiet I think. A NG lord assassinated and his small army disbanded at 3120. A sinda comm cursed at Morannon. Agents thwarted elsewhere.

Turn 17 is in - I can’t remember when I’ve played a game that went so long? It’s 3 times longer than any game I can remember! :smiley:

The north of the world is easy to report - 2809 has fallen and that’s the end of the war in the north! :slight_smile: Angmar, Rhudaur and Mirkwood are all in freep hands.

The Rhovanion and Rhun looks a little better for the DS but still has a sting in it. Uvatha’s army was victorious at 4318 but the big cheese himself was kidnapped. I’m guessing his heir Hargrog is at 4414 with a small freep army.
The dog armies at 4218 were victorious but suffered severe losses.

Mordor - lots of DS troops attended Morannon to welcome lots and lots and lots of freep troops. Weenie roast on order…

The BS backup 3627 was influenced away by the freep this turn as was 3622 - wow! :slight_smile:

In the far south Ji and Mack the CL superkillers fled the NG cap without killing anyone, probably misplaced their scout! :slight_smile:

The DS super emmy squad failed to take a Corsair MT last turn.

The CL agents in Corsair lands failed to make a hit.

And the mega QA/Harad armies at 2336 did not advance staying put to combat the Sinda army.

So a quiet turn from the DS in the far south.

The war is now being carried to the Mordorians so we’ll see how they weather another serious front opening up on their stretched resources.


Though your posts here are entertaining, in reality I wouldn’t like you revealing everything that is going on in the game, especially if we were of the same allegiance. Way too much ‘free’ info given out to the enemy, lol.

:slight_smile: Maybe. Some may just be provocative or inviting of false assumptions as well. So many ways to use the forum to influence! Maybe I just like the sound of my own voice too - who would have guessed? :slight_smile:

Hi there Bullwye,
what can you do with the infos you got?
Nothing, me thinks!

… the game is going in a certain direction
There’s not much left for the DS, now we’re coming to conquer Mordor!
… and we will do!

Have Fun!


I too enjoy following the synopsis by the banana man. Others thing admitting that 2+2 actually does, at least 19 times out of 20, equals 4 - is too much information and the ENEMY will come to KILL YOU more often than not. There is a paranoid element to this community… It’s funny.

Hail the nana and keep the synopses coming please Winsten.

The more general information shared the better, it makes games more interesting to have banter going between adversaries (and us numerous bystanders contributing to this posts 1500 views).
Of course there’s a risk some information that shouldn’t be shared gets out, but even then how much can actually be acted on? It may be deliberate disinformation, incorrect and in many cases knowing something and doing something about it are very different things.
Censoring information potentially usable by others would lead to little or no information being passed outside the team, since it’s completely subjective as to what’s too much, and among +10 team mates you’re bound to have at least 1 down right paranoid individual (and for good reason since we’re all out to get them :stab:), this would take from the game and probably wouldn’t help recruit neutrals, who in general expect information.

I used to run a funny twist on this idea by baiting the enemy mercilessly on the forum so that they’d throw everything they had into taking me down, whilst living vicariously through my allies. Another fun concept is to use the enemy’s map against him. We tend to think that we have the advantage when the action is taking place on our map report, but you can turn it into an awful disadvantage. Given that I don’t want you to do that to me I’ll leave that idea there! :slight_smile:

Hi Klub. Most often you get the ‘my pointy implement is bigger than yours!’ debate with little insight into what is actually happening in the game. I try to give the run down exactly so other people can follow. Other than that - a big yes to paranoia! :slight_smile: Mostly we don’t hope someone will get them so much as just shut them up for a while! :slight_smile:

It is FUN to see what is happening even from outside the game! :slight_smile:

Okay I’ve got some extra bits for you. The Freep decided early on to beat the daylights out of the DS everywhere other than Mordor. We just couldn’t attack them everywhere in strength at once with any real hope of widespread victory. So Mordor in this game was about containment (which we achieved quite nicely! :slight_smile:

In the NW we saw a Rhu icon on EVERY pop including the village and camp at the end of T1. It looked like it was going to be a very hard nut to crack, with the DS able to reinforce faster than we could get armies into the area. We managed to maneuver armies into their rear area so they lost defensive cohesion. Though they had a fair counter in troop numbers, it became a game of guessing where we’d be hitting them hard, and where small forces were aiming for disruption. The DS guessed the MT’s were the target - we hit the towns. The NW was basically overrun by turn 10.

Mirkwood took a little longer, but we were focussed and the result the same.

We really took it to them in Harondor and wiped out all except 2732 in the north in short order, and a MT and T in the south for the Harad. Haruth wandered alone in the North while we focussed on south and eventually threatened the T/F at 2730 back into the fold (after numerous failures). He sits there to turn 17 with a MT, T and a couple camps.

In the south our success became a hindrance as the coastal pops were wiped out leaving no landing point. 2535 remains in the Harad hands as does the adjacent town at 2635. All else was burned. The problem now is landing troops, however they do come and give an accounting of themselves when they do :slight_smile:

The Harad pushed a massive army and captured the Corsair capital (2438 as a castle), whilst a super DS emmy squad took out 2137. In return the SG threatened Vamag away. Since that time we’ve played a nut and cups game with the enemy emissaries whilst they try to tip the odds further, and battle after great battle has been fought at 2336 where a huge bloc of Harad and QA forces have sought to overrun Umbar. We’ve thrown swarms of Corsairs, Sinda, some NG and now SG troops into the grinder there and slowly whittled those forces.

Early on it looked difficult with the main enemy reinforcements and assassins present here. However the efforts to wipe out Mordor have now kicked off in earnest and much of that support is now needed in Mordor.

The effect then was for a totally unmolested Mordor, but a wipe out pretty much across the rest of the map. The hint that all is not well for the DS trying to float disenfranchised allies comes in several forms - character presence is low. There don’t seem to be many enemy agents. In the far south they keep refusing challenge which I suspect points at low comm numbers, and we managed to influence two Mordor MT’s away with small groups of emmies. And as the great read says “Winter is coming!”

I think it’s a problematical strategy to just try to contain Mordor while you deal with the rest, usually an enemy won’t surrender if Mordor is sound, and at Turn 17 if you haven’t knocked out force pools, they can be quite strong. However if you go hard at Mordor and lose in the far south in particular, you still won’t win even if you do take Mordor. There’s a base of around 10MT’s available in the far south with limited ability to get at them.

We haven’t been well coordinated, in fact we haven’t been coordinated, but each of our theatres seems to have done its job. Mordor is a different nut to crack and will take a wake up for our team to resolve.

It’s been an excellent game. The DS have taken an absolute beating and their economics must be a very well run ship to get this far. They’ve shown a lot of discipline and persistence to keep trying, and have given me some headaches in the far south. I can’t help but think though that the tides are turning in the remaining areas of the fight. Morannon is host to huge forces, the DS in the far south are stretched and possibly vulnerable in their big push. We’ll see what the coming turns bring.


What a great post! Great to see a strategy explained!

Not fully! :slight_smile: There was a definite weakness in the strategy - see if anyone picks it. If not I can keep doing it :slight_smile:

With a three week turn around for game 91 the game has just enjoyed a birthday. And in the spirit of giving the DS gave us the victory and conceded (shame – I would have preferred something lacey :slight_smile: As I look from my window across the Ithil I see the perfumed and silvery hosts of Gondor (plus some considerably less appealing hairy sawn off types) bulldozing the eyesores raised by Sauron for low cost housing (probably for those short smelly types :slight_smile: I’ll give some insight into how it all unravelled for the DS, but before I do – I’d like to both thank the DS for their stalwart efforts, and commend them for their determination to fight on. A terrible position was about to become vile as the Freep character force entered the fray with a vengeance this turn, so there was absolutely no question that the huge damage dealt the DS was fatal, that it really was over……

In the final phase 5400HC from NG and the Duns toting 64 warmachines, along with almost 3000 Dwarven HI and more backup commanders than you can poke a stick at – violated the city/keep of Morannon. It now sports a suitably untenanted tower (an optimistic description for a big pile of stinky sitting in the middle of a large dirty crater). Losses were so light that a combat calc suggests the loyalty was 1. The cav armies advanced to 3222 with newly arriving backup and plenty of firepower to either smash through Durthang or to drive into Mordor.

Inside Mordor the Noldo and Arth were hanging on to 3622 (ex DkLt’s backup) and 3627 (ex BS backup). Both had been taken by 2 or 3 emmies suggesting that 1 loyalty was ‘the new 80’. This accompanied by the fact that we encountered almost no CL agents, a very weak agent game, and no backup comms shows how deeply the economic rout of losses in other theatres effected the overall DS warmachine.

As we look, no DS pops exist above Mordor. Morannon is lost, and heavy Freep armies pushing into Mordor. In the far south – the only other extant theatre, the DS were also about to feel the pain. Freep assassins had moved in which I’ll explain below, and the damaged QA and harad forces at 2336 were about to be hit by a similar sized SG force with the majority being HC. The fight was about to die in the far south.
The pop split was as follows –
N.Harad – 2732 influenced to the Freep Duns.
2730 was threatened back by Haruth as a T/F and a couple camps remained.
S.Harad – The QA had influenced 2137 and had a small recruit. The SG had threated Vamag in return and transferred it to the Corsair. The Corsair had reached 2438 (Harad MT/C) with enough troops to wipe out the defenders and issue the threat under a C65(+60). Given that he’d been successful taking back the V/F at 2437 in the previous turn without the arties, and that Carlon had captured 2438 many moons back with a maximum loyalty in the 20’s and long turns in which high tax rates could have smashed that, the outcome would have been a return to Corsairs in short order.

At 2336 we were just flexing our assassin muscles. A Woodie agent took out Carlon, but another two Noldo stealthers had reached kill level and were about to knock out 3 of the enemy commanders completing the rout. From there we were at liberty to take out Haruth in the north, plus the two recruit icons at 2535 and 2137. The QA and Harad adventure had come to an end, and they were about to feel the cold breath of scary men with pointy implements at their back (can’t say as my Corsairs felt much sympathy after weathering Ji and Mack for so long :slight_smile:

At Mordor our first curse squad was about to make its’ presence felt. We’d moved them to 3020 for their first hit. Ji and Mack the knife, the two super CL assassins carrying #72 and RoW (we’d killed the carrier of #70 and dumped it in the sea some time ago) had arrived for kill duties the previous turn. On past performance the two had never assassinated AND moved in a single turn. And given my high level comms present, and the nature of the threat at Morannon, I’m confident that – had we continued, they would have stayed anyway. So this turn would see Elrond and co toast one, and likely the following turn – the other.
Mordor itself is terribly vulnerable as well. Our experience is that the loyalty has collapsed across the board. Our game now would be as simple as curse/assassinate their low number of commanders and reveal the MT’s to our emissaries. That’s quite apart from the scary looking dudes on horses (or the walking ones that may in fact be horses or at least some other livestock).

We were also developing a second curse squad. So our character game was at least as strong in terms of assassins and cursers, and likely about to remove the DS from the conflict. In addition their pops were completely vulnerable to small scale emmy action for us whereas ours were considerably harder. Our ability to field huge armies fast in terms of comms and maintenance was completely unmatched by low character trashed economics in the DS.

We don’t know how many DS nations were eliminated at the end, certainly some. None of our nations were eliminated. At T18 our character numbers were as follows:
Wood 15
Northies 17
Eothraim 17
Arthedain 18
Cardolan 19
NG 19
SG 17
Dwarves 18
Sinda 16
Noldo 18
Corsairs 13
Duns 19
Total 206 characters with every opportunity to flesh out damaged nations such as the Corsairs exiting from under DS attentions.
The most at risk was the Corsairs who had allies supporting with high level guards on all pops and was about to trash Harad as outlined. The DS would have difficulty in competing with those numbers.

It was a great game, thanks again to the DS who weathered some brutal losses and had the tenacity to keep fighting. The game really was done when the white flag went up, and the next couple results would have been unnecessarily and eye wateringly excruciating. Well done to the DS and good luck in your next game!
Over and out - Rob