Game 92 - 3 Nation Gun Boat

There have been about 5 or 6 completed games of 3 Nation Gun Boat so far. We just finished-up Game 78, which was fun (read about it on the Game 78 thread).

I really enjoy the 3 nation format. It’s great for fog of war. I, also, split my trio with my friend Darrel, which is nice for kibitzing about the game with someone; but not so overwhelming as parsing through emails from 11 other players on a grudge team. So, I kind of get the best of both worlds by playing this format.

We’re signed-up for Game 92, and hope a few more people will too. Given that it’ll be a GB game, I can’t really say anything more than:

  1. I love the format; and
  2. Please sign-up to play.

Good gaming,

Mike Bel…

hi i’ve signed up for the next game am hoping it starts soon but what are the combos for each side?
want to study the possibilities ahead of time so its not such a surprise when the game does start.
and can you tell me if one player can take more than one combo or not?

One player can only every be privy to one combos worth of info - i.e., 3 nations worth. This creates an enormous fog of war and makes diplomacies (every 5 turns) highly important.

The nation combos are:

FP: 1/8/9; 2/3/6; 4/5/10; 7/22/23
DS: 11/14/24; 12/13/20; 14/15/18; 17/19/21

Looks like only one trio is left…and this one is ready to go.

Any takers???