Game 94 1 Weeker Starts

Far be it from me to try to change someones mind with the facts once their mind is made up…:smiley:

Gargal did exactly what he was suppose to do… Expose you for what you really are!

Yet unlike your nation I had no devious plans with a friend from the very begining… But that’s ok good luck do anything to my nation except loses from here on out! :wink:

Yawser - Gargal moves to my pop center in a clearly hostile act of naked aggression and I defend myself and still don’t move to your pop centers and this exposes me how? :confused:

I also don’t understand how plans with the Harad to hit the Corsairs (while the Harad keeps himself hidden and unavailable from anyone except you) isn’t devious? Perhaps its just semantics - can we call that “tricky” - how about “sly”?

Contrary to what you believe (however army moves speak for themselves) you were never a target. Harad was, and is, the target. Think of it this way - Harad is that big juicy low hanging fruit, ripe for plucking - you are that little dried up piece of fruit way up in the branches, hard to get to. Which one would you go for?

Now you DS can finally see the FP have even bigger issues with these neutrals…:eek:

In order to make your Juicy prize… Number 1 at game start work for you you have to be on winning side to be Number 1… Then again playing game only for yourself might not make you very popular with your Future team…

but hey either way you have to live with the results… I made myself into hard to get at piece of fruit…

As for tricky or sly… I didn’t come into this game as a nuetral with a friend then plan from turn zero to target a Nation no matter who it is… I do have friends though who would love to play on the same side as me in any game… Niether me or those friends would ever plan on doing what your already doing simply to win the game for selfish reasons!:bash:

Terry - I would like to clarify a few things.

I have no animosity to you or anyone in the gaming community. I would never sacrifice a good move or strategy to make an attack on an individual.

I did not violate any rules in this game. Cheating is ridiculous - why play?

It is entertaining to play against you - and I’m sure with you as well. You are a “loose cannon on deck”, to use a Naval term. What that means (for any that are not sure) is that when you “fire a salvo” sometimes you will hit your intended target and cause a lot of damage. Other times you shoot yourself and cause damage to yourself. Being a “loose cannon” no one really knows where that “salvo” is headed. That’s the entertaining part.

I look forward to an entertaining game.

You can’t clarify anything, you’re likely only doing it for “selfish reasons” or something like that. Shame, I have to agree with the great Ed Mills here, but the simulation of a nation at war has been shamelessly bastardized into an honourable conflict with all the drama of a doubles badminton match by some moralistic types expecting checkers at all times.

Once one takes the time to consider “What would these characters, as leaders of men who rule kingdoms, do, under these circumstances?” I guess the answer is “Tell everyone who you want to attack ahead of time.” and “Choose the side in a global conflict that has the least chance, in order to be fair” or also “Don’t follow your friends into war” and “Most certainly consider national interests such as growth and future prosperity as the least important concerns.”

well said. Playing neutrals is not easy. Long gone are the days of building up, especially in a 1-wk affair. If a neutral is not up to the task of diplomacy, then that’s their loss. This is a game of strategy and deception in order to gain advantages. And both are encouraged in the game. Now some games are like listening to my kids, “dad, Richie’s teasing me”, “dad, Sofala called me a baby”. And now it’s “Brad, Corsairs and Easterlings are friends”. Make them go away. They are bad bad bad.

child’s play at it’s finest.

I won’t let you off on this, you know… Is it ending soon yet…? This is already considered Late Game for 1 weekers this year…

Bloody big army Duns! Took me by surprise :frowning:

Anyway, good to see DarkFlu is still holding out after the friendly relocation we serviced.

Also hope Hoarm has found a new capital, because this turn we will also service him with a relocation :stuck_out_tongue:

Old Tarondor is getting tired of the mountains, Mordor is a dreadfully depressing place. Think his road-running days are over…

I died. I can’t believe it, they killed me. Like, just, man…unbelievable. I mean, this is just, well, so fu…like, man, geez…dead. The guy is like, totally dead. Man, that’s terrible, just a freaking terrible thing. Dead…totally. Man.

Hmm interesting… From what I’ve seen from this turns results that 900 LC you ran roughshot over did cause you some unexpected problems… Maybe a downgrade of QA you wasn’t prepared for… For why else would you leave The Harad town unscathed… Failed threat from some troop loses… Or maybe a failed downgrade becuase of Com issues of starting your Campiagn one or 2 turns to early…

I enjoy the loose cannon comment though… Playing from the otherside it would seem so… But if you actaully ever get the chance to play with me then watch my nations developement… You might find it wild at times but cool calm and always well undercontrol!

You guys will have alot of fun just trying to hurt me… But expect surprises and alot of them!

Dragon Lord feeling all lonely without his Volcano Capital? Hope he took the long road back to Mordor, sure would be tough to have to lose another capital…

Sarn Goriwing army? Now stop trying to fight back!

Harad towns to Sinda villages–like that magic trick?

Mike the Pointy Eared

Spivo, I am glad you liked the size of the Duns, more where they came from. I did think it was a bit mean having to fight cavalry though. Yes liked the Tarandor move, shaping up to be quite a good game.


Well, well. what happened at the IK capital? NG what were you doing leaving it all to the dwarves. This is a game of back and forth. Seems to me that the free have shot their bolt and wasted a fantastic opportunity in Mordor.

Its amazing how much 1 turn makes a difference.


Rub it in why don’t you…


Witchypoo, what were u thinkin? Surely, you didn’t think Dancu could take on the stumpy folk. It’s one thing to go splat with a 30c, but to bury your best comm… hmmm. Got any more regents you want to splat? :smiley:

Tarondor should’ve helped out. That was a big door and Gain couldn’t reach the knob.

Yeah a regent’s a big sacrifice, but so was a 30c and a horde of troops paid for for 7 turns that did…nothing.

And actually, Veo, we don’t need to rub it in. Just going back and rereading your comments for irony is entertainment enough. We all knew there was no way you were going to knock out one of our team but watched silently with much amusement.

He had to go, absolute Diva, so demanding… Beter value with a C40 anyhow… not. :frowning:

Regards Herman

Why not! It’s was a Major mistake! Notice the DS are much much stronger now! geting that feeling this game is begining to slip away!:wink: