Gads, who are the DS here???
I’m a Dashing Stud, if that’s what you mean…
NG checking in!
Our nation has begun gathering timber for the burning of orc corpses :bash:
Neutrals can contact me at:
The other big Gondorian brusier checking in. Looking forward to laying a beatdown on the slaves of Sauron.
Interested in making contact with all neutrals: heironeous -at-
Uh… “Baby-Eothraim” checking in?
The razing of Middle Earth is about to begin… The Dog of War has been unleashed! :bash:
The Mighty Nation of the Dog Lord seeks contact with the Emperor of the East, the Pirates of Umbar, the Lords of Harad, the Warriors of Rhudaur and the Lords of the Dunlendings.
The 3rd of the 9 Black Riders is about to begin his long ride to victory over the fowl boot lickers of hobbits.
Play with elves, hug trees, sing songs and be a daisy eater or join up with the cool kids with the Darth Vader look…the choice is yours! :rolleyes:
The Master of the Warhounds can be contacted at:
I’m confused… you’re on the loosing side, and yet you seem happy…
Sinda up, send all messages to:
Lots of love for my allies, greetings to the neuts, and nothing but the fondest wishes for an agonizing defeat for the servs.
The Boys dont take kindly to your words!:mad:
We will be feasting on Free People flesh, soon!!
Tree huggers and daisy eaters winning?
…and to believe I once thought the men of Gondor didn’t have a sense of humor…
Also good to see that the Ruler of Southern Gondor decided to declare immediately this game instead of hiding out as a pre-declared neutral
Greetings, Neutral Lords of Middle Earth!
The Mouth of Sauron speaks, and sends to you His words. Places at the side of the True Lord of the Rings are open to you, you need but extend your hand to his and power and glory shall be yours. The emissaries of His Lieutenants eagerly await your communications.
Urzahil, Lieutenant of Sauron,
Emissary of the Eye, from whose gaze there is no escape…
Gentlemen Servants of Sauron. I wish you all the best in your real life endeavors.
Gentlemen Neutrals - please advise which DS nation you’ve always wanted to eliminate and we’ll leave them for you. But rest assured, this guarantee only lasts for the first 4 turns, so please get your rush orders in early~!
the Free
Men of Arthedain checking in ,
Greeting to my fellow free Brothers and Sisters , Lackeys of Sauron prepare to be throw back into the depths of Mt Doom , special note to witchy poo – world of hurt is coming your way , and to our cousins the neutrals please feel free to contact me at :
Let the Dance begin :bash:
PS – I decided to give the one weeker game a last try and I for one will be contacting each neutral , so they don’t have the excuse that they haven’t been contacted by this side or that !!
Okay I’m here. I freely admit I can’t beat you in a stand-up fight. S’why I don’t fight fair. Now s’cuse me while I go start some bedeviltry…
[QUOTE=Blue Knight;59489]Men of Arthedain checking in ,
Greeting to my fellow free Brothers and Sisters , Lackeys of Sauron prepare to be throw back into the depths of Mt Doom , special note to witchy poo – world of hurt is coming your way , and to our cousins the neutrals please feel free to contact me at :
Let the Dance begin :bash:
A world of hurt no less. My poor deluded friend there will be no hurt other than the pain my allies and I lavish on you and your fellow fools. Men, you dance to the tune of the Elves who will desert you and flee to the safe havens of Avalon. The Lord Sauron demands what is rightfully his, woe unto them that resist.
Regards Herman
(Eye of Newt, wing of Bat … pinch ofCorriander, damn where have I put that again…)
Oh and to the neutrals, the choice is yours, join us in crushing the Rebbel Alliance, seethe power of the Dark side of the force… whoops wrong universe, ahh you get the picture though. Join us and win or join the lackies of the Elves and be crushed!
Regards Herman (Which King, the Witch King of course!)
The tribal leaders of Rhudaur have gathered, and have pondered several questions…
Ally ourselves with the servants of Sauron, who for so many years have poisoned our ears with promises of glory and power and freedom, yet have never delivered on those promises?
Or ally ourselves with those who would once again be our oppressive masters, the Dunedain of the North?
The choice is unclear, for the choice seems to be between the lesser of the two evils. In truth, we desire to be the pawns of no nation and party to no alliance, but to rise to power and glory in our own right!
Who should the tribes of Rhudaur assist in the battle over Middle-earth? Hah! The proper question is this: Who shall assist the proud people of Rhudaur in our quest for freedom and glory!
We are prepared to receive emissaries of all the nation of Middle-earth. Prepared to receive your offers.
Greetings fellow brethren. Join in the bedeviltry and checkith thy email please!
To be quite honest, the Elves haven’t a clue what’s going on around them, too busy staring at their “beautiful…just beautiful!” faces in the mirror. Gondor and the Woodmen really run things around here.
Rhudaur - Gondor has a long standing issue with the North Kingdom, as you may well know. Join the Free and you shall Reign over ALL your neighbours!
To the Neutrals of the South. If you knew who your Friendly Neighbourhood Dark Servant was, you would consider planning your HC St/St War Machines assault across the southern Mordor mountains toot-sweet… Please hit either of the private options to learn more.
Enion, comrade, brother, friend. I will happily race you to Dol Guldor for the glorious prize of 125 points in command artifacts and the resulting possession of that fine and strategic major town. Are you ready or set…?
Brad of the Plains
Lord of the Steppe
Prince of Hoof
Emperor of the Greater Rhovanion Co-Prosperity Sphere
Imperator Maximus of Dung. Lots and lots of dung (follow the Dung, find the army, there you will enter unto Mordor itself and see many wonderous things…).