Well, that settles which allegiance is communicating, which allegiance has a clue and which allegiance knows the fork goes on the left. Keep posting like this and I won’t have to post at all…
Rider Brad
Well, that settles which allegiance is communicating, which allegiance has a clue and which allegiance knows the fork goes on the left. Keep posting like this and I won’t have to post at all…
Rider Brad
I’m a bit worried about the Bed Eviltry, That Uvatha is a bit too kinky for my liking. :eek:
Regards Herman
Northmen here.
We would like to start by saying that our capital is open to all neutrals, we welcome word from the Easterlings as soon as can be given.
Also Shrel-Kain 4013 is welcoming Din Ohtar on turn one or any turn thereafter, we have a nice house on the hill over looking the docks picked out for him already.
Hi there, Woodies checking in. As usual we welcome contact with everybody. We can be contacted under bettinajwagner at web.de . No spaces and replace the at.
Herman, you’re on the wrong side AGAIN. Seems to be my fate to play against you. Never mind, you’re just going to lose as usual ;). Some people never learn :))).
Oh, and if you threaten to use Coriander - which is very much banned in this game -I’ll use German on you :)).
Have a nice game everybody!
Cheers, Tine
Hey Mike… Good to see you again! Bad for you your not on my side :rolleyes:
Greetings All… Well they finally found a nation I can’t bust easily LOL… Qa here! I see many of my old mates on the FP! Sheesh! Guess I will be a friend beater this game!
4 turns! Heck FP it will take you 40 turns just to get to me!
Nuetrals would love to hear from you! Misonor@yahoo.com.
BTW I’m always the True Mouth of every game I play!
Gotta keep Miss Uvatha happy!:bash:
Akhorahil has just returned from Northern countries doing some freelance reconing. Our mages are being tucked away in secrecy and casting our locates on turn 1 and hopefully we will be learning there exact location for turn 2. I see some familiar face on dark and some free but it’s the neutrals which I want to see.:bash:
Happy Hunting to all and too all a good night!
Imperator Maximus of Dung?
Brad, you’ve used many words to title your leaders, but Dung isn’t much more than Horse-****!
Isn’t it?
Gixxx, the spectator!
To the two allegiances: I would like a single point of contact for each of your teams. That point of contact should have authority to make agreements and to discuss strategy with me. I pledge to keep it in strict confidence and expect the same. I am not interested in meaningless spam, flowery roleplayer language or flattery. What I am interested in is how I can win by joining one of the allegiances. Make your case or I’ll sit down here waiting for the hammer to fall. Make it well and I’ll be in the fight soon.
I would like contact information for the remaining neutrals and will keep in touch with each of you as long as I am neutral. Let’s try for a reasonable split.
Have fun everyone!
Doug - Corsairs
I’m actually quite the humble man Brother Gixxx. There are few romantic ballads regarding Rhovanion riders. Brutal and smelly, mostly. Any ladies that are worth their lace run off to the casino’s of Dale or the theatres in Gondor. Not much of me but horses and their byproducts, I’ll take what I can now - because I expect to have a lot more later…!!
Rider Brad
Our mages are being tucked away in secrecy and casting our locates on turn 1 and hopefully we will be learning there exact location for turn 2.
Deception, now that’s nice. I don’t like deception. Bad. very bad. But I like to thump. Stumpers checking in and the thumpin’s bout’ to begin.
Dan, dwc122062@yahoo.com
Just out of curiousity, which allegiance was victorious in each of the previous 1 week games and what were the neutral splits (by nation)?
Last one was a FP victory, Rhu/Cor/Harad FP, Dun DS, Easterlings didn’t play.
Previous was a DS victory, forget the neutrals but I think it was a majority DS.
Note, both games deserve asterix’s with the explosion of nations on turn 3 each time (WK last time, Eo previous).
Thanks - hopefully nobody will be out on turn 3 this time.
EO is played by an absolute dimwit, so my guess is he could go out by turn 2 really :rolleyes:
Oh I don’t know. Our Eo is pretty out there, but unlikely to POP that early. Although, this is the same guy that popped Ice and Dragon in the same game on the same turn a few games ago, but that was at least after turn 5…
Last one free people won , with Harad , Corsairs and Rhudar all going free , Duns dark Servant and Easterling wanted nuetrality to be a mercanary
One before that was Evil win , with Corsairs , harad and Easterlings evil and Duns and Rhudaur free people
Both games didn’t make it to turn 15 if I am not mistaken and was probably even lower then that might even have been turn 10 !!
Sorry for the late post - I have been busy.
This is the Easterlings. I am looking for a good game and have no predisposition to go either way. Actually this is my first game (1650) as a neutral.
I would like to talk to both sides.
Please contact me at kevin.risner@gmail.com
The Easterlings