Game 94

So who’s out there?

Dragon Lord Here

Blind Sorcerer here.

Please contact me: Martin (at) pfendtner (dot) net

for Dunland, Suraklin98 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Well. I see this will be an exciting game. If any Allegiance players finally get around to caring, we can only say here now: Too late.

Good day to you.

None of the FP around? That will be a boring game. Just neutrals and DS…

Well, it’s been a long time, it seems. Turn 10 has run and the Free People are juuuuust a little annoyed that I ended up DS. C’est la vie, I guess. Who has the smaller nation? Easterlings or Northmen…? :slight_smile:

Anyone EVER get in touch with the Harad?

Well Brad, after 4 turns, I’d say its the Northmen who have a larger nation. Do you own anything besides your capitol and 2 other pop centers? To the Cloud Lord, I think the Eothraim are going to need to send you a bill for the rent. Beside killing his folks, he is still whupping that butt and. Do you think you’ve done anything to alter the game?

The Northmen have more formerly Arthedainian towns. Hooray. The Easterlings signed a 10 turn tryout contract, gives me 2 more - thanks to Caranthir, I doubt I’ll get an extension… :frowning:

Incorrect sir. No pop centers have been given to the northmen.