Calling all Nations
The Rhudaur are opening the doors of our fine nation for emissaries seeking our hand of friendship…
We may be contacted by using the Lore Spell of “e-ma-il”
Calling all Nations
The Rhudaur are opening the doors of our fine nation for emissaries seeking our hand of friendship…
We may be contacted by using the Lore Spell of “e-ma-il”
Hello Neuts! Jerry of the Woodmen here.
It is great to hear from such fine folks! We are currently sending diplomats to your respective capitols to offer generous signing bonuses and fabulous prizes if you were to join the most excelent Free People of Middle-Earth. My brothers and sisters-in-arms are gearing up for a most over-powering onslaught on the baaaaaad people of ME. If you wish to be on the fun side of the slaughter, I would suggest you join the side of light!
We’re looking to hear from the other three Neuts as well!
The Noldo Elves checking in here. The FP of Middle-earth are reaching out to all neutrals to join the battle against the evil minions of Sauron!
Looking forward to a great game.
Darren - Noldo
Hi guys,
it’s the CL turning out to be a lady once more. I’ve sharpened my knifes and bred LOADS of even nastier mutants in my lab (and I’ve trained Clay Pidgon Shooting !!!). So I’m well equipped to follow the nastier sreaks in my character…
Dear Neutrals, I’m looking forward to talk to you soon. Be sure I’ll have gruesome stories for you to keep you entertained.
Dear team mates, looking forward to playing with you.
Dear Freeps, thank you for providing targets (game wouldn’t be fun without you) - how could I live without you??? I might see you soon (you won’t necessarily see me… ).
I welcome contact with everybody - Neutrals, Friend and Foe:
Everybody have a great game!!
Cheers, Tine (CL)
Hello all,
Cardolan here. Nice to see a few neutrals leading the board posting. Hello to the Woodmen (again) …and of course to the DS (one is it?) that posted so far.
A good game to all,
Hallas of Cardolan
Hi all
The Corsairs can be contacted at
I look forward to hearing from the Alliances, though I would especially like to speak with the Harad.
Long Rider here!!!
You can contact me at
Welcome to Neutrals and DS fellows, death to FP, Dino is willing to practise some interesting agent orders
LR 95
Children of Aule here.
Separate diplo went to Rhuduar already… All other neutrals are welcome to shelter beneath the broad sholders of Zigat-zigil, Silvertine to Men, as we are preparing for the coming storm.
John d
Hi esteemed neutrals & freepies weepies,
Greetings from the Dk Lts to all the players I have played with or against in
the realms of ME…
To battle & good hunting
Guy Roppa
Children of Aule,
It appears that your emmisarry has got lost, please send another…