Game 95

Yep… I aint out just yet…

The DS-Plex achieved its objective of occupying a huge proportion of FP
recources, like flies on er, jam… While you guys were busy we the DS
took Minas Arnor, Edhelond and this turn Calmeire among others… The
Sinda walk into a trap at Dol Goldur; thanks for the predictable curse
Noldo; it came as a complete suprise… Lol

A free victory like the sands of time is slipping away…

Let’s not forget Buhr Widufiras, Aradhrynd and Azanulimbar-dum joining the
victorous DS hordes. I’m honoured to have the strongest and the best the
Free have to offer concentrating on my nations. Why guys, have I hurt you?
The cream of the Noldo again try to stop the FK’s march. Even had to
call daddy Elrond in! Lol

So little to plug so many holes… Must be annoying fighting for 15 turns to
retake DS-Plex just to see nearly all of Mirkwood taken behind you.

The age of man is over, welcome the age of the bunny

Nothing to taunt me with Freepies? Watch it or I’ll loose the killer bunnies
on whats left of the Freep holdings

Darren, Reklan and the Freeps,

Calling on you guys to concede this game… As I’ve said before the Noldo
agent squad and curse squad (maybe 2) is NOT enough to plug all the
holes and there is no danger of any of the DS nations being knocked out.

Military, emissary and tax base we have a huge edge on you guys. We
hold many PC’s west of the Misties, most of Mirkwood and NG only holds
the gap. This game is heading for a bug hunt and you guys should do
the honourable thing and concede.

Guy Roppa DkLts/FK

Ps. Yet again honoured the might of the Noldo concentrates on my
forces this turn but it will be all for nothing. Characters and armies are
being replaced the same turn they are killed and even more importantly
you are leaving my allies alone to carry on with their carnage.

Dear Darkies…

It is deep regret That I must inform you that the Free Peoples are conceding this match…

You guys put up a hell of fight… Albeit, you had the advantage with the east/harad/corsairs all going DS…

We tried to keep it going, but didn’t want a bug hunt…

A number of us have already informed clint that we are conceding… the others will be soon…

Pleasure playing with/against you all…

aka Dave
Rhudaur 95

Just when Darkies were about to liberate Rhuduar land… :stuck_out_tongue: Thankyou
Recklan it was a great game, some of the fighting around the Eoplex
was epic. At some points you guys really had us stretched
and our economies was close to our limit without any Harad finanicial
help but our lines held; sometimes to the last orc & troll.

On the DS side I would like to congratulate Tine Wagner (CL/Dog),
Joseph Williams (IK/QA) and Wade (EA/DrL) for carrying on the bitter fight
so couragously. Recklan, Darren and Joel thankyou for being such
hard opposition…

All the best

Guy Roppa FK/DkLts