Game 95

Well done to the Freeps for making a fight of it! :rolleyes: Kudos to the
Noldo for a brave charge into Mordor; I’ve lost count how many times I’ve
done exactly the same with the Noldo chars.

Be a good chap and stay at Doggie capitol so we can extend the hand of
er, friendship next turn? :stuck_out_tongue:


In honor of Betina

“With my last breath I spit at thee!!!”"


Spit away! We love abuse :stuck_out_tongue: You guys ready to concede yet?

You guys didn’t expect us to totally fold did you? Yes, the chips are down and we may be reeling but I think this one is far from over!

Kudos to the DS for getting both the Corsairs and Harad to go DS. They have made things in Gondor difficult along with the hordes from Mordor. Alas, we shall see how the fates smile on us!


So the limited damage from the Noldo/Sinda agent and curse squads is sustaining your hope? The NM will be out very soon which leaves, the 2 Gondors, Sinda, Noldo, Card, Arth, Woodmen, Dw and Rhuduar. 8 Freeps against
13 DS??? :cool:

Right now its 13 vs 10.

You taking out the Northmen is like our claiming we have ALREADY taken out the WK and Dragon Lord. A matter of perception!

There is always hope. It’s what keeps me going. I like what our agents and mages have done. It gives me even more hope! As long as ther is hope there is the possibilty of victory.


You are MANY turns from taking out the DrL and WK, instead of nearing the
brink they are getting stronger every turn. But we are very close to knocking
you and the NM out… SG is fatally weakened and wastes his time in North
Harad. You rest your hopes on a handful of Noldo and Sinda characters and
that hope will crumble when our agent squads catch up with them. We’ve
missed them a few times but that luck will soon dissapear.

Let’s not forget the Rhuduar, Sinda and Woodmen counter attack in Mirkwood, the Woodmen will follow their cousins of the Eoth swiftly…


For every character the Freeps kill we name 2 more. For every army destroyed
two spring up in its place. Countless dragons follow our armies. There is no
victory here for the Free. The time of man is over, welcome the time of the

You must be kidding, Guy; it’s just getting interesting… : )
Come, let’s play a bit.
Show us that huge advantage you are speaking of— trust me, we won’t scream, no maidens left on this team!
Right now, though, things seem just fine to us…
all of us that don’t help you and yours with a ‘special service’ turn, anyways…

We’ve got a game for a couple of turns at least…don’t holler too long for a surrender, the shrill tone clashes with the restful sound of the waves back home… : )
and frankly, we aren’t that easy! You must at least buy us chocolates AFTER dinner before we even consider rolling over…

Simply put, Quit your braying…the idea of surrender at this point is ridiculous, it’s premature and annoying, to boot. Suck it up and BEAT us! We won’t give you a win based on numbers. Your team needs to show us you can do something with an advantage first! : )



I have but one thing to say to that…

Well, two actually grin.

  1. Asked and answered…

  2. George…was it worth the pairing of you and your brother NG/SG?


The jury on the pairing up is still out. It was a bit rocky with NG missing a few turns,argh! my own flesh and blood! Oh well, life gets in the way much like it did for your BS player and others from what I understand.

But if you guys think this one is in the bag, please continue smoking whatever it is your passing around:D

George for Gondor!

Hehehehe, there’s more than 1 of the Freeps about! Finally! If 3 of our team
were’nt dealing with the aftermath of Katrina in New Orleans this game would
be over and Minas Tirith burnt to the ground… We’ve had a fair share of
special service turns but we don’t need to make an excuse of it even when
it cost us dearly.

So the Arthudain; hmmm, have you played this game before Jim? You seem
to be very ineffective, taking turn 15 to finish off the NW DS holdings and
far to late to knock out the WK or DrL. They’ve re-organised, relocated and
now coming back at ya! Time to wish farewell to the Woodmen…
Hmmm, the Gondor pairing; the SG play has been good but the NG play?

Dk Lts

Please don’t surrender just yet as I’m having so much fun in this game… :smiley:
By all means drop by my capitol to say hello, only not telling you where I
relocated it too! :stuck_out_tongue:

Good luck Freepies weepies, we’ve been gentle on you guys but now its gotta
stop and get rough baby!

Was that all you can throw at the Eoplex??? Kinda disappointed, whatever
gains you Freeps have made will be reclaimed.:stuck_out_tongue: No second wave of armies
in sight and the way is open to the rest of Mirkwood. Bolvag salutes you
from hell and complains he can’t get rid of the flu that struck him down…
Plenty more where he came from… :smiley: Unlucky with Herudor’s assassination!

Hold on is that a speck on my eyeglasses or is it 2 Freep armies on the
Mirkwood road? So glad you can join us… We have to keep our dragons fed…

Glad to hear you’re enjoying the game.
So are we.
Your team has an advantage…can you capitalize on it?
We haven’t heard much from the Neutral nations you convinced to bail you out… are they as happy as you seem to be with the results so far?

Keep pounding… we’re still here.

Woooohoooo, someone to talk to in this game! Was about to create another
user profile and talk to myself in this thread. Neutral nations are wounded but
about to come back at you guys, they know who’s going to win this game
and made the right choice joining us…

How’s the Northmen? Now Rhun is taken and our flank is secure,
another nail has been hammered into the coffin of the Freeps.:stuck_out_tongue:

Who are you playing Frostballs? :smiley:

Northmen? Who are these guys? Has ever 4013 been a population?? humm …


The archeologists of the future will struggle to peice together the history
of the Northmen. ‘Who were the Northmen?’ will be a whole series on
Sauron’s history channel…