Hi DS guys
Sorry for the silence, I have been moving between places.
Good to see that you still are able to achive something. Corsairs was not too happy this turn and your BR buyout worked very well.
But well, I guess we are more than please on nearly all other fronts.
So hangs is it hanging ?
I think things went rather even this turn. Captured a few DS agents, quite happy with that, even though Orduclax should have been dead meat
Anyway, is the Vamag populace feeling kinda naked this turn with a large SG army on top of them, and their Castle suddenly gone over the night
Yeah, both ups and down on our side. The South isn’t going particularly well, but then on the other hand we have Rhun under control. I’m confident this will be a long and interesting game.
ps. The dragon that mauled the FP at 2405 (Throkmaw) was actually recruited at 2405 while the NM army was there. Wish you’d sent a character there, wouldn’t you …
Damn… 2405 shouldent even be yours. Turn 8 or so, I fumbled and made a 230 order instead of capturing it
Rhun under controll? Think that is only in your dreams Ulrik But yes… Rhun is very hot at the moment… lets see if we cant swing it back in our favour in the comming turns
Originally posted by Ulrik Bisgaard
I’m confident this will be a long and interesting game.
Are you ? That sounds great. We were a little concerned about the DS silence following the FP armies burning Angmar, status quo in the South and closing in on Mordor, but great news you still are alive and kicking (now we only need alive and posting ;))
Anyway, compliments on Rhun. But who needs those useless Northmen anyway ? All they do is just to ask for money 24-7
Corsairs is complaining a bit lately. Apparently Mireädur is looking a little pale, maybe there is a flue around in the south ?
Lucky Argirion Guess some mage ins’t popular now.
Looks like the flames are closing in on Morannon AND Kas Shodoul. We are very sorry, but I am not sure you can promise to burn your capitals in consequitive order with regards to nation number after Doggie’s. We might take you from behind (in more than one way ;)) from now on. Rhun is still open…
Yeah, the mage in question is getting a spanking as we speak. But the problem is he seems to like it… He will not fail again.
At least he will succeed again. That can hardly be said about Meriot - got awful sick did he ?
The good thing about all these ups and downs is that I can’t see this game ending anytime soon
Yes indeed, nice to get into midgame.
Din O had his lucky day that your second curse squad mages actually all three casted before Meriot
We are kicking your scrotums really hard next turn
Hrmm… pretty impressive job you guys have done on the Eoplex. Per said it was a bit out of control 2 turns ago and I replied “No sweat, we will beat them back in no time”, lucky 3012 for MoD, just too bad that is not an option anymore And Corsairs - Ay caramba, I thought you guys were running out of troops.
Good thing is that Doggie doesn’t seem to be barking so loud anymore
Respect to you guys. We really have to tighten those tumbscrews on Mordor now
PS. Numerous Corsair sources tells me Gontran wears pink underwear (TIRED of all those 620)
Time to break the silence, this game has fare too little taunting
Anyway, two exelente turns in a row for the FP. I don’t know what happend @2734 but it looks like that little mistake? will cost you Harad’s capital and the south as a whole. Thanks to Hallas and Homies for those 2000HC. Corsairs are back in great shape after a rather poor spring with many commanders away at teaparties with mysterious dark strangers from the east. But things have turned a bit dull after all those nice young men (or what they were) in dark cloaks with pointy daggers seems to have disappeared from Heavens of Umbar so I guess the pirates will have to relaxed by burning the remaind harad towns. Gontran … what can I say but “Muuuuhmm”
And your curse squads are down to 1½. The news of Dendra Dwars new status as added to our collection of Nazgul-head-above-the-fireplace warmed my heart. I hope that will even the curse kills for a while
And it looks like we have retaken all you took in Rhun/Mirkwood, good job there, lucky for us you lost breath a couple of turns. Annoying you managed to take Dilgul though.
All in all, things looks sunny from our side of the fence. What can I say, Mordor, flex your face and get ready for a biach-slapping.
What can I say - that damn Card army has ruined it for us down south. That and the loss of every god-damn agent-shootout.
And BS is a bit pissed about Pochak being kidnapped - AGAIN. Couldn’t you just kill him… He deserves no better.
But even though things aren’t really going our way at the moment, I think it’s fair to say that you have now gotten the game you wanted: One that goes beyond 30 turns - AT LEAST
That damned Cardolan army did only take us about 10 turns to build up, but I am more than happy now that they managed to get all the way to 2734 (That really surprised me). Didn’t you expect me to have one agent left who could assassinate @ 2734?
Anyway, things look brighter for us now and in the comming turns, so yes! we are also very happy with a game that doesn’t look like it will finish before turn 30
Hrm… pretty nasty blow to our curse capability this turn
Anyway, I guess that was it for the south. Corsairs are enjoying the silence
Pop quiz: How many fist can a standart Nazgûl back orifice handle? and will it be a white christmas in Mordor this year?
Yeah, we were quite pleased with killing off an entire curse-squad in the same turn
Wonder which high-level Freep will bite the dust next ??
Im more wondering how long time you can take loosing pop’s at this rate?
Nice one on our cursesquad though