Game#97 Bloodguard vs The Crowlanders

I just love it your in this game! You have no idea what your facing… best yet I have you right where i want you and we don’t even have the setups!:smiley:

HolyAvenger;61909]I just love it your in this game! You have no idea what your facing… best yet I have you right where i want you

*rolled in honey and dressed as wonderwoman?

and we don’t even have the setups!

*large feather and a rubber chicken?


Winsten wun toof

The only Crow-poop I haven’t played with is you H.A., and the rest of Bloodguard, know you better then I do, LOL

Linda Carter still looks good, :smiley:

*Nor shall you ever play with the King, the King has class, the King plays with himself. See the nana, love the nana.

*Who are the other BlondeGirls?

Winsten wun toof

Yes she does. That reminds me of a joke. Batman and Aqua man are on a day off so they go to the movies leaving superman by himself. So he goes for a fly. As he’s up up in the sky looking down with his telescopic vision he sees Wonderwoman stark naked sunning herself on the roof of a tall building. Well superman thinks to himself “I’ve always had a real thing for wonderwoman” so he flashes down and has his way with her faster than a speeding bullet, then he’s gone.

Wonderwoman says “What was THAT?”

The Invisible man said “I don’t know but it REALLY hurt!” :smiley:

You’ve got a lot to live up to :smiley:

Winsten wun toof


I’ve awarned you before about passing crucial information to the enemy.:wink:

Guys, have got the last info sorted and posted details of the FP team to ME so ready[ish] when you are.


PS - While I would fancy a young Linda Carter dressed as Wonderwoman [or better undressed:D] I’m not sure that I’d find any of the Bloodguard that attractive in or out of that uniform.:eek:

Wasn’t there another version with the invisible jet, LOL

So we have game start??? muwahahahahahahahaha

*Yes - sometimes that’s all you get :smiley:

Winsten wun spank


No. Heard back from Rob @ ME and waiting on the layabouts we’re playing to get their team in.:stuck_out_tongue: Seriously hopefully ready to roll when your team arrives, if it hasn’t since he mailed me.



No. Heard back from Rob @ ME and waiting on the layabouts we’re playing to get their team in.:stuck_out_tongue: Seriously hopefully ready to roll when your team arrives, if it hasn’t since he mailed me.

*Where did they go? Looks like Winsten waving his nana of power at them has set them running in girly squealin’ terror? I think I should get player of the match for my style and strut on the forum :smiley:

*Oh well Steve, better find some new opposition so I can pull some more piggy tails :slight_smile:

Winsten wun toof

Ah, it never gets boring with the lively ape around to keep us entertained.

That you’re an enemy ape this time around will be difficult to get used to… I guess the first step will be to get a hammer and give your banana a good squashing - perhaps that will take some of the piss out of you. :slight_smile:

*Hah! :smiley: Don’t provoke the nana, you don’t want to make it angry :smiley:

*Good e-mail by the way - oh but it’s on! :slight_smile:


Winsten wun toof

My “Nana” is 89 years old, not much of a threat either, :stuck_out_tongue:

Well that’s very sad for you. Maybe you should invest in some Naniagra :smiley:

Where’s those turns?


Winsten wun toof

Why would I want a horny grandmother??? LOL

…and in a flash of insight, scientists at Winsten laboratories deduced why the rare ‘Halex’ turkey was almost extinct.

Where the package reads “returns function to your red wobbly fing” It didn’t mean the one on your head" :smiley:

excerpt from Captain’s log HMS Winsten
Day 3 and still no sign of land (startup turns). Reduced to annoying the ship’s turkey. If we don’t make landfall soon, may have to eat the turkey… :slight_smile:


Winsten wun toof

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, LOL Where are the 0 turns already??? LOL

Prepare to eat Crow, turn 0’s are out, Muwahahahahaha, :slight_smile: