Game#97 Bloodguard vs The Crowlanders

Who challenges with agents??? LOL Just making room for stealthy ones, :slight_smile:

Yeah yeah right! Keep thinking that… send my Ji and Din so i can smoke thier asses to!:wink:

Be careful what you ask for, you might just get it, :slight_smile: and you ain’t going to like it, LOL


If someone is able to recruit 30k of HI in a grudge their opponents should ask themselves …

Different to #6!

What are you doing, following me??? LOL


… but 30k of troops at one hex is something I’ve never seen in 20 years of gaming!

Only an exaggeration or the truth?


Extremely false… But thier opening was so lame not put even I ds army on any NG pc turn 1… Ran by me… Lmao Ds are going to pay bigtime… Not to mention a NG captain killed Errinnis turn 2 on a blind challange at OZ trying to recieve Doglord agent artifact… Then playing it off as well we needed stealthy agents… Rather Ironic NG got the first Kill against the DS in character wars around OZ wouldn’t you say! :eek:

what happened to all those surprises I was going to see… Ahh keeping me with all my towns… Hmm lost just one so far… Oh waiting for dragons hmm I get it LOL

Surprise!!! How’s that, LOL

So you guys ready to give up yet?

Regards Herman

I was wondering what happened to you lot. The lights went out, it went so quiet and the machine that goes ‘ping’ stopped pinging.

What happened? Were you all euthanased? (would any of you like to be? :D)


Winsten wun toof

Don’t worry, my apish friend, the Dark Side is still going strong. The Freepers are looking a bit battered, though… I expect they’d benefit from a swig of something “medicinal”.

Yes you might be keeping yours but the Woodmen and Corsairs seem to have misplaced quite a few of theirs!:eek:

Regards Herman

Well that’s a relief. There was the possibility that the game ended and that you had all moved on to the next phase of life. I’m guessing for many that would involve becoming butterflies :slight_smile: For Halex it may involve becoming christmas lunch :slight_smile:

Re the swig of something medicinal you need to be a bit more prescriptive. For instance, if living in fear and under pressure would not recommend agarol (note Agarol is a laxative. When my cousins and I had anger issues my aunty would force a big spoonful into each of us. I’m not sure that I’ve ever made the link between the two, I suspect it was just an act of dark humour :slight_smile:

Well good to see you’re alive. Someone should post some results, slag off at someone, do a chicken dance - anything to relieve the boredom for the spectators :slight_smile:


Winsten Wun Toof

Sooo who wants to lead off with the slagging?.. Ahhh o.k Elrond wears dresses… well so does murazor but at least he has the legs for it.:smiley:

Regards Herman


Its getting that time of year again. Last year we extended the turn over Xmas by a week to make things a bit easier. Would you be interested in this again this year? Thinking the current turn ends on the 22nd. If we have the next one go to the 12th Jan rather than the 5th.


1906 was not kind to the FP - lots of bodies hit the ground and shiny toys were lost. One can only hope their sacrifice in such a remote theatre of the conflict was not in vain.

The darkness spreads across the land. Despair, Free Peoples, for there shall be no dawn.

I love a two for one deal! Sorry Sinda but your agent just wasn’t up to the task!:stab:

Regards Herman