The effect of the sound of thousands of thundering hoofs could never be underestimated. The defenders at Cargash cowered in fear as Argeleb in front of his army, and with Cardolan forces attacking from the south, charged forward against its walls. But there was something wrong. Even in this tense situation, an eiry feeling crept alover him. And there was something wrong with the small group of trolls massing outside the gates of Cargash readying for the attack. Suddenly he knew what was wrong. The small group disbanded, the trolls looking like the melted away to be replaced by a tall, even darker cloaked figure. A hollow voice rang from the empty helmet of the bodyless Lord of the Nazgûls. “I challenge thee Argeleb, Thrall of Sauron” a complete silence fell over the battlefield and all men, steeds and orcs seemed to freeze in place. Argeleb responded in a firm voice “No, Murazôr, damned of the Dark Lord. I will not fight You today. But I bit that everybody in the town of Cargash will be spared if they lay down arms and leave as fast as they can…” The Nazgûl didn’t reply and seemed to shrink a bit in the light the was reflected from the sun of the Holy rod of Anduin in Argeleb’s hand. Argeleb saw the first orcs troops fleeing through the north gates toward Angmar, slauthering eachother in equal attempts to get their comrades to hold the lines as to get infront of the orcs in front. Cargash was in Arthedain hands…
Hrmm… Very quiet here…
Did I say something wrong ?
The free people of Middleearth welcomes Arfanhil and the Rhudaur empire among the ranks of the free. More nations will soon follow toward the ultimate goal. The defeat of Sauron.
Large armies under Cardolan, Arthedain and Rhudaur all over WK’s pops unoppossed. I think this will be the fastest exit for Murazor ever
Jeppe/Argeleb II of Arthedain
DS !! Pull yourselfs together !!
Angmar is gone and 3224 is about to get leveled - TURN 6 !
Will see you soon down south.
Greetings Jeppe,
I can’t believe we haven’t seen so much as a whisper on these boards from the DS. I realize that nazgul are quiet (other than an occasional high pitched scream or two), but this is ridiculous. Perhaps the WK being knocked from Angmar (or worse) will help them find there tongue?
Good Gaming (please),
Kyle (aka Cardolan 98)
“Marl Tarm looked upon the doomed town of Tir Nindor. Soon after this minor obstical had been removed would he join the victories armies of the free marching into Mordor through the shattered Black Gate. He smiled to himself. The war would still take sacrifices, but it would be won…”
Hehe… Ulrik, did NG caught you with your pants down @ 2730. My oh My, the Harad people can not be happy with that declaration opening - Losing a city
That was plain stupid of me not seeing that one coming. I will not fail again - the master will not allow it.
At least my cav in the pass is doing it’s job properly