Game 98

The mighty Haradrim decides !

We have chosen to follow the biddings of the Eye. Our Lord Sauron shall from this day forth be our supreme commander in all things.

Let darkness spread !

Ulrik, ruler of the Haradrim

(both teams offered good communication at first, but in the end it was the FP silence and the DS greater desire to recruit me, that tipped my hand. Good gaming to all)

Greetings Ulrik of the Haradrim

So the honey tongues of Mordor has clouded your eyes. Very well, so be it. You have 7 days to surrender or sway alligence to the free people or suffer the consequeses, your nation will be destroyed…

The free people would at the same time like to welcome the Rhudaur and Dunderling nations among the free people.

Er-Murazor is no more, soon Mordor will burn with clensing flames and then it Your turn in the south.

  • Argeleb II

PS. I guess it is OK that you go dark Ulrik, your new friends REAAAALLY need you and your MTs, I would hate to see another game end turn 12 (compared to now - turn 15 ;-))

Good gaming to all in game 98

The Corsairs now declare allegiance to the Servants of the Dark Lord of Mordor. The combined strength of the Haradwaith and the Corsairs will break the backs of the Free Peoples.

The Imperial Corsair navy will crush Southern Gondor and any other nation that stands in our way.

Let the Chaos begin.

Emperor Teldumeir :cool:

Congratulations freeps on your attack on Morannon. However, your puny offense will come to an end very soon. Enjoy your moment of “victory” while it lasts.

As we speak, the vast armies of the Haradwaith are marching against the free lands of the North. Turn 11 will see a great deal of destruction and chaos.

The Great Eye is moving His attention to the fair lands of Gondor. These lands will soon fall under the protection of the Dark Servants.

Minas Anor will once again belong to the Corsairs…the city’s true and rightful owner.

Long live the Corsairs & the Dark Servants!
Emperor Teldumeir

Enough of your empty words and sad delusions.

Nothing on the face of Middleearth can undo what is about to happen. The clensing fires of the Free people has begun scorging Mordor and soon the fires will reach the south. I am only sorry that you too have fallen to the lies of the Eye. Nothing can save you now…

King Argeleb II of Arthedain

Most excellent. After much delay, the mighty Corsair fleet has arrived at the Dol Amroth. The fortifications protecting this costal city will not pose a problem for the vast armies already being dispatched to positions just outside of the castle’s main gates. The lands of Southern Gondor will be mine!

As for the “brave” Dunlendings who are currently attacking my unfortified camps nestled beneath the White Mountains, I will deal with you soon enough. Enjoy your victory while it lasts.:stuck_out_tongue:

Emperor Teldumeir

  • the official scourge of all freep nations

Hrmmm… Maybe that Castle DID prove harder that expected ? :wink: (At least harder than those SG characters)
