Game 98 is quickly filling up only 7 players needed to kick off.
Anybody interested??
Game 98 is almost ready to start off only 3 more players are needed. So don’t hesitate and sign in so we can begin another epic battle in Middleearth.
down to one player needed if any…come on with it…
Fellow Middleearth warriors especially Free People players,
O N L Y 1 FP slot has to be filled to start game 98.So give yourself a push sign in and end the waiting which is lastin too long now.
regards and see you on the battlefield
Greetings fellow Free Peoples, Northern Gondor checking in. I was told that the turns will be out later today. Best of luck to all my allies and look forward to the upcoming battles!
I can be reached at
South Gondor would be delighted to hear from any neutrals, especially my neighbours the Duns, Harad and Corsairs. My email is just my name with @ in the middle and .com at the end:
Michael Grazebrook
Harad is here! Looking forward to envoys from both sides, as well as fellow neutrals.
Contact is harbqll at Hotmail.
I guess I’m not in this one, my bad! Good luck guys!!
Dunlendings signing in. I’m back playing after several years exile. Particularly interested in speaking to the Rhuduar player. I’ll make a longer post when I’ve got time, my forum account has only just been reactivated.
Alan Gowler
Out of character first. I’ve finally settled my new born son for the night… Hopefully!
I played the Duns in the last MEPBM that I took part in. I attempted to do something that I am once again going to try, I’ll explain partly out of character and mostly in character. Unfortunately, I failed very quickly by basically being totally trounced by Rhudaur. Mostly my fault for a. believing him and b. not taking defensive action against him just in case. This wont happen this time.
I have extensive experience in MEPBM, albeit I will be very rusty and tactics etc may have changed over the last few years. I have played many nations in the past although I would consider my main expertise to be in the Angmar/Arnor north-western battle. I have played Rhudaur and turned DS and won, played the WK and won without losing my capital despite a very experienced Rhudaur player turning FP. Basically, I have no qualms about joining what appears to be a losing side. I just want to enjoy my first game back in a while as a neutral to refresh myself with the game for potential future games.
My intention is basically to allow the FP and DS to decide who I will join based on a number of conditions that I will set below, basically attempting to act as the Dunlendings would do based on actions/information that I get in game.
I would like to hear from Rhudaur although ultimately it doesn’t matter one way or another as my first few turns are totally pre-planned dependent on actions from that player.
Greetings once again from Enion and Eribhen on behalf of the proud and mighty Dunlending nation.
Our emissaries report that impending war between the servants of Mordor and the Free People is upon us. As a nation yet to declare an allegiance our priority is to act in the best interest of our people. Hence, it is our immediate decision to close the borders of Dunland to ALL outsiders until we can fully assess the threats to our nation.
To clarify this point, any foreign infiltration into Dunland will be seen as an ACT OF WAR. This includes movement of armed forces into Dunland territory or travel through Dunland by individuals affiliated with ALL other nations in Middle Earth. Any evidence of a breach of these terms will be acted on with immediate aggression and will also certainly result in an alliance with the opposing faction.
As you will be fully aware, the Dunland nation possesses powerful Mages who will make it their utmost priority to identify foreign infiltrators. Sadly, many of our powerful agents died in the devastating plague, however, these skills are inherent within our people and for those who may doubt our intentions, we will be training powerful new servants in the dark arts to protect ourselves.
We are very keen to have hasty contact with Arfanhil and Broggha of the much respected Rhudaur nation who share a similar plight to ourselves in this impending struggle. Whilst an alliance between our nations would be much welcomed, we cannot help but harbour suspicion that such a powerful nation might take the opportunity to launch an opportunistic strike. Regardless of any news from our northern neighbours, we will be taking action to protect our northern borders against such a threat.
We understand that there will be intense interest in the collection of powerful artifacts due to the impending conflict. Should any of these artifacts be located within Dunland territory, we must insist that this information is passed to us to either allow us to collect them or, in exceptional circumstances, allow a friendly nation to make a one off visit to our lands for the sole purpose of collecting the artefact.
Over the next few weeks, assuming that our wishes are respected, we aim to prepare ourselves for conflict. As we have been at pains to point out, we have the interests of our nation at heart and whilst ideally we would wish to remain peaceful, we reluctantly accept that armed conflict may be our only course of action.
Any tidings from the lands of Middle Earth are welcome.
Enion and Eribhen
To explain the above in out of character/game terms: (I’ve been out of the game for a while so forgive me if I cannot name geographical areas/rivers etc, it will quickly come back to me)! I will name hexes etc instead. As I said at the start, I have a 7 week old baby and I haven’t got all the time in the world to research unnecessary facts.
I consider the following area to be Dunland territory. This is NOT open to any kind of negotiation.
The river to the northwest constitutes my northern and western borders. This means all hexes south and east in between 2114 and 1319.
Coastline between 1319 and 1425.
Southern mountains from 1425 to 2021.
All western hexes in the Misty mountains from 2114 to 2019.
Hex 1920 is Dunland territory, 2020 is not.
ANY reports of characters/armies in the above areas will constitute an act of war against me and I will immediately declare for the opposing faction. This includes encounters and camp creation.
Regarding Rhudaur, I will move forces northwards to intercept any potential surprise attack against me, however, I will NOT move an army past the **14 river line, ie 1714, 1814, 1914, 2014 unless provoked.
I may pass on information that I receive to other nations. I will assess this as the game progresses as to whether I consider if it would be in the Dunlendings interest to do so.
Should these terms be adhered to, I make a promise that I will not even consider which faction to join before game turn 6.
If there is anything that I may have missed I will follow it up in the next couple of days on this forum. Only 5 days until Turn 1 is due and not very many nations conversing on this forum so far.
Alan Gowler
On behalf of Enion and Eribhen
By the way, if either of the DS or FP would like to share a player list with me I would appreciate it. I’m very unlikely to know anybody after all this time but it would be nice to get lists of contacts should I wish to contact anybody.
Hiya all,
I’m having another go at my beloved Cardo nation (it’s a first love, so it doesn’t matter that there aren’t many agents involved ). I’m planning to have fun!
As always, I welcome contact with everybody under bettinajwagner at
Have a nice game everybody!
Cheers, Tine
Hi All,
This is Jose, playing Northern Gondor as subtituion of the first one.
I´ve played this possition several times but a new game is a new oportunity to make things happen. Take the possition at turn 2 its diferent that from the beginner but Im going to do as well as I can.
Happy to play again in the same side as Tina and Michael. Old friends of game.
I´ll be happy to hear about Dunland, Harad and Corsairs.
If anyone need feedback from me just ask for.
Jose (NG98)
Good to see you back Alan!
Corsairs and Easterlings !!!
We understand your desire to build up your Nation and linger in the safety of neutrality. But we get more and more worried if your messangers we have so many times called upon die on their way to consult with us. Maybe time has come for US to visit YOU and underline our understanding of neighbourhood relations.
The DS