How does the transfer command order effect army morale?
ie: an army with 50 morale is transfered into an army with a 30 morale vs. a 30 morale army getting transfered to a 50 moral army
Does the higher rank assume the lower morale rank or do the ranks get averaged no matter which way the transfer is done?
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The way it works is that the morale becomes what ever army the command
is transferred to.
In your situtation, Army commander A has 50 morale and transfers
command to army commander B (which has a 30 morale) and the final army
would be under command of Commander B with a 30 morale. There is no
averaging of morale ranks. If army commander B transfers command to
Commander A then the combined armies would have a 50 morale. I hope
that helps.
How does the transfer command order effect army morale?
ie: an army with 50 morale is transfered into an army with a 30
morale vs. a 30 morale army getting transfered to a 50 moral army
Does the higher rank assume the lower morale rank or do the ranks get
averaged no matter which way the transfer is done?
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