From a post on the pbmforum where I feel that the game Environment is a problem playing now that technology has brought the Players together personally, where the game was intended for individual players to play Nations. I shouldn't negotiate with Mark to have the Easterlings join me, Tarondor should negotiation with Ovatha...
I personally feel that a web app where we logged in to play is the answer.
Quote: Clint: "At present a full on browser app is beyond our scope to deliver financially."
Besides the finances, are there licensing implications? If not, and it's *only* finances, then you might consider putting it together 1 piece at a time....
I would expect to log in and see my account, games, etc, pretty much my details on the Front Sheet.
Each game would have the Alias that was playing in it. As 1 Account/Player, I'd have up to X aliases available to me - say, 5. So I could "be" a different "person" (alias) in each of 5 different games...
I'd log into each Game seperately. There, I would see pretty much a JOverseer type app with links. The app would allow me to do everything JO does, only it's showing me MY information only.
Messaging is through a controlled board. I'd choose Who to message and I would type the From for every message individually.
Relations automate information sharing. Friendly is shared files, just like I got my allies files and uploaded them into my own JO file. I make SG Friendly, they see my info. I don't see theirs until they make Me friendly.
That's a quick look at how to control the Environment in which we would log in to play the Nation.
Anyone know anything about this kind of technology to make it happen?