Game Stats...DS Advantages...?

Is the company tracking game stats? Winners, top this and that, etc? I haven’t seen anything since the GSI data was made available like, years ago.

This data showed a definite skew in favour of the DS in 1650. I’d like to know if the 3/2 ratio of wins is still about right…or if it’s become even more slanted in favour of the DS? My personal impression is that the DS are becoming even harder to beat, and this is from both a FP and a DS perspective. Whether this is due to improved knowledge affecting the game, more veterans playing DS/newbies playing FP, or tweaks to the code, I don’t know, but some of the results I’ve seen, and seen somewhat consitently (as opposed to one-offs) seem to point in this direction. Anyone else?

Brad Brunet

Hi Brad,
it’s always hard to beat the DS in the case they’re able to celebrate their char-war.

Some let’s say experienced players might be able to strengthen their efforts, but I don’t believe that they’re harder to beat than in former times.

Have Fun !


I would like to see some stats myself.

One man’s opinion: For “open games” I think the GM could probably predetermine the winning side. Put two mini-teams over here and random individuals over there. Best man (PRS style) gets the Fire King. Worst man gets the Noldo, etc. I’m sure sorting out the sides is not an easy task and I wouldn’t want it. But, if there is a big variation from the Olde Days this might account for it.

As for codechanges, Harley denies it. Still some funny business going on. Any Olde Tymers notice two or more wild dragons show up at a pop at the same time, in the Olde Days? Didn’t think so. Or you put the wrong palantir number down and something strange happens?

In my current game our DS team had two Dragon’s in the same army. In the old day’s Dragon’s would not join more then three or four times a game. They were just hard to find. That’s not the case any more. About one in three turn’s I see a pc reporting a Dragon. Add that to DS character war and poof go’s the Free. Thing is it’s not just stats and DS advantages. It’s the type of players. IMO A lot of games are won due to ( 1 ) drop-outs.
( 2 ) Team’s within team’s, plus not working together. ( 3 ) Communication and team planning “the lack of.” So IMO stats and DS advatages are the least of my worry’s on a Free team.

All those 3 happen to both teams…my more recent DS games have seen more turnover and quiet-solitary play than any FP team I’ve seen.

But I’ve seen numerous games where the FP have dealt solid blows to the DS on multiple fronts early. One game saw the DS lose WK,Rhu,Dun,Dragon,Ice all within 4 turns. FP broke into Mordor through the Ithil taking out FK cap and 1 Cloud town as those other nations were poofed…but by then it was after turn 10 and Cloudy finally had more than a couple decent killers, a wave of FP death ensued, Gondor kidnapped out of Mordor, Cloudy currently has 18 or so Gondorian hostages…and more and more killer agents. The FP stormed Mordor, eliminated 5 DS positions…and are essentially losing the game. This is not the only game like this, it’s just so monumentally skewed that it’s hard to take.

A friend of mine is playing another game that has seen him lose numerous characters on 2924 a turn, including 80+commanders leading high morale armies on a city/citadel with 100 loyalty. And his good scout didn’t turn up ANY DS (from multiple nations…) the turn before. Gentleman has 5 characters to give orders to pay for his 15 hostages. Something isn’t right here.

Basically, the FP have to play sooo much better than the DS, or be that much luckier, else vs competant/equalish DS opposition they lose. And it appears to be more glaringly obvious, to me at least, over the last couple of years.