With the game starting thought I would send this out as greeting to those opposing the forces of Sauron the Just.
May the wind be in your face and the hordes of camels at your back.
Ovatha IV
With the game starting thought I would send this out as greeting to those opposing the forces of Sauron the Just.
May the wind be in your face and the hordes of camels at your back.
Ovatha IV
From the quiet halls of Olbamarl comes the quiet silabant whispers, “Welcome to the future!”
Heh guys where are you getting the images from?
I’d be very interested in getting a lot of colour images like this for the game.
Clint (gm)
Hi Clint :0) nice to hear from you.
For the images I just used a photo editor to crop down and resize pics we found on line.
The pic of Ovatha was from the pdf itself. I just used a desktop publishing program to get the pic out of the document and then hand colored it in for use here.
If you want to correspond directly just let me know and I’ll give you my address. I could go in to it in more detail that way.
You may not find a lot of chatter here from the other side. Steven is a very serious player and his likely partners are not much for leaking secrets.
But we shall see.
See what happens when you try to be nice and invite the opposition to sit down and quietly discuss the future of the world with them over a cup of mulled Elfblood Wine. They snub you and don’t show. Well the invitation is out for them if they so choose to grace us with their presence.
Ovatha IV
Welcome Fellow Dark Nations
Just a friendly hello from the most loved morale officer ever. Wanted to share a mug of Dwarf liver ale and some Elf blood wine with those who care to have my company. Quick note to any free people out thier quit now and save yourself some pain. We will leave most of you alive but we will need those arms and leggs as snacks for the cold winter to come.
Your friend The Dog Lord.
It is my sincere hope that the DS enjoy this game as much as I do; allbeit I anticipate our respective enjoyments will be manifest by entirely different criteria.
The other side.
Hi B&G welcome to a session at the oblong table. I am sure irregardless of the fate of our repsective nations we all shall enjoy the forth coming conflict. Besides, I have never had difficulty in dealing with winning.
Prince Ovatha IV
Care to step-up and place a wager on the game?
Heh. Not likely. Unless you want to try to pick what turn you’ll wipe the floor with our collected arses.
I hope we give you guys a better run for your money than the DS did for us in Game 27, though. Not that this will be difficult…
You mean a wager larger than the whole of Middle Earth. I think I will just stick to a world, but thank you none the less for your kind offer.
Prince Ovatha IV
The time of men is over the time of the Orcs is at hand. This game will last as long as we want no quitting on turn 12 or 15 no matter how hard it is we plan on fighting until the bitter end of men. I will predict this that the game will be over between turn 25 and 35 not any time before. You could quit now before your blood is spilled.
I assume you are likewise unwilling to backup your words with a wager?
Like what? Lets say if we win you pay for our turns something like that some of us have very deep pockets. I would bet you two guys have deep pockets as well as your playing 6 nations each. Now I have lots of money but thats a very high climb for a game even for me. I am a game nut and when it comes to money some things just dont matter. Let me know what you had in mind boys and I will step up.
Dark Iron Will Of Mordor !!!
I am good for $500 US.
I am willing to put up 500 USD also.
Ok what do you know I don’t? You are way to confident in your own ability what turn do you think we will all be dead? How long does your game usualy last? Is it early due to you lack of funds? Are the teams you play really that bad? How do you win that fast? or do the other teams just quit and give you the game without much fight.
We Will be here until the bitter end!!!
singed : Orc with ten arrows in his head.
I state quite authoritatively that I will NOT be taking either of you up on the $500 wager.
I’m here to game. A little banter for fun.
But then you both know that from my rants on the Game 27 E-List.
Heh. You wait. I may yet sign one of these things “Dwarves-221” given how much I’d been playing the Dwarves.