Game78 Grudge War declared

to my team mates as we reunite again to fight the dark forces of Sauron, I extend salutations to our opponents and bid you have a good game, but not too good :wink:
Dragon Lord prepare to be re located… soon :eek:

Raven for the

Greetings Freeps :slight_smile:

The Dark forces of Sauron is gathering and strengthening. Soon the dark tide will flow out of the gates of Mordor to once again reclaim control of Middleearth and its inhabitants.
Murazor welcomes the freeps forces in the north and expect a long and bloody game in the north. I have no intentions of leaving anytime soon.
good gaming in the future.

Witch King

hello freeps :slight_smile:

I hope you´re enjoying the game so far, but you have me confused with the situation in mirkwood? you´ve gone all in to rid the forrest from DrL which is normal. But to sacrifice Eoth to do it leaves me baffled? I know you tried to sneak in the backdoor and this failed, what wil become of the horsemonger now?


Greetings Lapdogs of Sauron,

Didn’t see a thread on this game when i started the other one – oh well guess we will have two then !! Wk , sometimes the one has to be sacrificed for the many !! The Eothraim also wheren’t trying to sneak – free people don’t sneak – he was trying to locate and put a hurting on the LR army – which i must say i think he accomplished – severe losses !!

First Blood was taken away from the Cloud lord – South Gondor holds that spot by killing a QA character !! Just hope we can keep it up – know we got lucky there !!

Your side did some interesting moves also – like the Dragon lord army going west from Goblin gate – guess he got tired of fighting Elves or is he scared of Elves as his other army in Mirkwood shows up on the Eothraim !! Seems to be shaping up to an interesting game !!


Hey, Mike.

Don’t sell South Gondor short. They got first blood, and second blood, too!


Well another turn and it seems as if the Dragon lord has lost his home this turn while his effort to take the eothraim home failed !! Now i understand why the Servants of Sauron asked us why we would leave Eothraim to the Wolves as they moved the IK hugh army up to 3116 , i would image to help seal the coffin on the Eothraim – but as they can see they have run into the fully operational and working Eothraim Battlestation at 3116 also – Ik/Dk Lts can you please come scoop up all the dead trolls and orcs as N Gondor has informed me that he doesn’t want them cluttering up his town – thank You !!

      Sorry about Poor Duran -- Eothraim informs me that his head is on a Pike right outside Dol Guldor if interested parties want to retrieve his body parts !! But then again it is his own fault for challengeing poor Mahrcared when he did nothing but stop by to send his greetings !! 

       Good game thus far -- you've thrown some surprises our way -- hope we are doing the same for you !! 


Well guess the IK and Dark Lts stock markets have taken a hugh jump this turn with the loss of all those troops at Romanost !! Servants of Sauron – please be advised that we expect you to police up after your self – least you can do for your troops that gave there lives for your side – the place is starting to smell really bad – guess thats one way to get us to GIVE the place to you since you couldn’t take it !!

Couple days till next turn – can’t wait – great game so far !!



I think it is actually part of their grand strategy — noxious fumes and all that. It really reeks.

For my visitors at Romenost I’ll remind you that death is one of the few things that can be done as easily lying down. So, relax, and enjoy.


Greetings ,

Another turn is upon us and this time i have a question for the Evils or Iceman since he is the onlyone one who has posted – How do you plan to save Rhudaur – or do you ?? This turn see 2409 ( Goblin Gate ) burnt to the ground !! Yes i know we lost 4217 but this turn will see the end of the BS army on 4017 !!

Don’t remember seeing any freep characters being lost this turn – but the freeps can chalk up Hargrog and the Long rider’s Navy this turn !! Not to mention the Harad are down to his capital and 2730 – so guess rhudaur won’t be finding a back-up MT in his area !! Great game so far – keep up the surprises and i hope so will we !!
