Games Available

The following new games are filling up.
2950 Gunboat 2wk [Game 27]: New combos see below, Player Pool. 5 duos available, 30 word diplo turn 6/11 etc. [18/7/07]
2950 2wk [Game 21]: 11 nations available (Clint playing). [07/7]
1650 2wk [Game 65]: 19 nations available. [07/7]
1650 Normal Gunboat 2wk [Game 61]: 5 duos available - player pool, no 3 nations, 30 word diplo turn 6/11 etc. [7/7]
1000 2wk [Game 44]: 23 nations available [11/6]

Grudge Games we need opposition for:
Mike SankeyTeam Praetorians 1650 12v12 (4 players)

I have the following drop-outs available - don't forget you get a free turn for taking these up:
1650 11(m)
1650 Gunboat 2 nations (m)

GB 2950 FP: 1/7 Woodmen/SouthGondor, 2/8 NorthMen/ Dwarves, 3/10 Riders/Noldo, 4/9 Dunadan/ Sindar, 5/24 Silvan/White Wizard, 6/23 NorthGondor /Dunlendings

DS: 11/21 WitchKing/Corsairs, 12/25 DragonLord/Khand, 13/14 DogLord/ Cloud Lord, 15/16 Blind Sorcerer/ Ice King, 18/20 FireKing /DarkLieutenants, 17/19 Quiet Avenger/LongRider

1650 GB Duos FP: 1/4 Woodmen/Arthedain,2/8 Northmen/Dwarves, 3/7 Eothraim/South Gondor,
5/9 Cardolan/Sindar, 6/23 North Gondor/Dunlendings, 10/22 Noldo/Harad

DS: 11/20 Witch King/Dark Lieutenants, 12/21 Dragon Lord/Corsairs, 13/15 Dog Lord/Blind Sorcerer, 14/24 (Also CL town @3428 goes to village, CL town @3629 goes to MT) Cloud Lord/Rhudaur, 16/19 Ice King/Long Rider, 17/18 Quiet Avenger/Fire King

Middle Earth Games Ltd



UK: 340 North Road, Cardiff CF14 3BP UK
US: ME Games Ltd, 73 Edgewood Terrace, South Bound Brook NJ 08880

Phone Times: 10am-6:30pm UK Time (BST); 5am-1.30 (EST)
UK: 029 2091 3359 (029 2062 5665 can be used if main engaged)
(Dial 011 44 29 2091 3359 if in the US)
US Phone: (732) 642-8777 EST

UK Fax: 029 2062 5532 (24 hours)
US Fax: 1-503-296-2325

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

The following new games are filling up.
2950 Gunboat 2wk [Game 27]: New combos see below, Player Pool. 2 duos available, 30 word diplo turn 6/11 etc. [18/7/07]
2950 2wk [Game 21]: 11 nations available (Clint playing). [07/7]
1650 2wk [Game 65]: 19 nations available. [07/7]
1650 Normal Gunboat 2wk [Game 61]: 5 duos available - player pool, no 3 nations, 30 word diplo turn 6/11 etc. [7/7]
1000 2wk [Game 44]: 23 nations available [11/6]

Grudge Games we need opposition for:
Mike SankeyTeam Praetorians 1650 12v12 (4 players)

I have the following drop-outs available - don't forget you get a free turn for taking these up:
1650 11(m)
1650 Gunboat 2 nations (m)

GB 2950 FP: 1/7 Woodmen/SouthGondor, 2/8 NorthMen/ Dwarves, 3/10 Riders/Noldo, 4/9 Dunadan/ Sindar, 5/24 Silvan/White Wizard, 6/23 NorthGondor /Dunlendings

DS: 11/21 WitchKing/Corsairs, 12/25 DragonLord/Khand, 13/14 DogLord/ Cloud Lord, 15/16 Blind Sorcerer/ Ice King, 18/20 FireKing /DarkLieutenants, 17/19 Quiet Avenger/LongRider

1650 GB Duos FP: 1/4 Woodmen/Arthedain,2/8 Northmen/Dwarves, 3/7 Eothraim/South Gondor,
5/9 Cardolan/Sindar, 6/23 North Gondor/Dunlendings, 10/22 Noldo/Harad

DS: 11/20 Witch King/Dark Lieutenants, 12/21 Dragon Lord/Corsairs, 13/15 Dog Lord/Blind Sorcerer, 14/24 (Also CL town @3428 goes to village, CL town @3629 goes to MT) Cloud Lord/Rhudaur, 16/19 Ice King/Long Rider, 17/18 Quiet Avenger/Fire King

Middle Earth Games Ltd



UK: 340 North Road, Cardiff CF14 3BP UK
US: ME Games Ltd, 73 Edgewood Terrace, South Bound Brook NJ 08880

Phone Times: 10am-6:30pm UK Time (BST); 5am-1.30 (EST)
UK: 029 2091 3359 (029 2062 5665 can be used if main engaged)
(Dial 011 44 29 2091 3359 if in the US)
US Phone: (732) 642-8777 EST

UK Fax: 029 2062 5532 (24 hours)
US Fax: 1-503-296-2325

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                 ME Games Ltd

UK: 340 North Road, Cardiff CF14 3BP
         Tel 029 2091 3359 12-6.30 Weekdays
         Fax 029 2062 5532 24 hours

US: 73 Edgewood Terrace, South Bound Brook, NJ 08880
         Tel (732) 642 8777 EST
         Fax 503 296 2325 (comes straight to us)

Each day I will try to put this message up. So if you don't have your turns by email you can log in and get the turns from the webmail server.

Don't forget your going to need your password and log in.


Turns now up for today



Each day I will try to put this message up. So if you don't have your turns by email you can log in and get the turns from the webmail server.

Don't forget your going to need your password and log in.
