Games close to filling

… and 1 for …
1650 NO Drop Gunboat 2wk [Game 61]: 1 duo available - player pool, no 3 nations, 30 word diplo turn 6/11 etc - experienced players only please, no names in diplos.

Come on Drew, you can play again. This time you will probably be against us and therefore have an easy opponent to beat up on.


Per Dave’s email we will split up to get the “no drop” game going faster.
I will send you my 3 choices shortly.

Okay one more for the no-drop then please


Come on guys/gals!!! John Folz and I made the ultimate sacrifice and split up to get this one going. Just one more experienced player needed…

Hey Clint, you might want to clear up confusion? in the Front Sheet it says there are 2 GB games filling:

1650 2wk [Game 60] Gunboat: 9 duos available - note new rules (no 3 nation, Player Pool etc)
1650 2wk [Game 61] No Drop Gunboat: 6 duos available - note new rules (no 3 nation, Player Pool etc), 30 word diplo (no name).

But you say in this note that there’s only one duo now needed for a 60 “no drop”… I presume you mean the Game 61 described on the front sheet?


Apologies - lots going on at present. Game 61 is the one - we don’t keep game numbers definite until the game is ready to go. The normal GB game is presently on hold, the no-drop is the one I’m pushing.


Bump to top

One more, come on you can play one more game!!!


[i]One more, come on you can play one more game!!!


Don’t fancy you and Tony playing 2 nations each then uh - that would get the game going… :rolleyes: :wink: Don’t worry - I prefer players play to their means both in terms of financial and energy, enjoyment levels… :smiley:

Clint (GM)

We can’t have the Huiatts split up. That’s like having the left brain & right brain splitting in two. I’m sure there this would result in all kinds of bad things:
[li]cataclismic rifts in the space-time continuum
[/li][li]sunamis engulfing Colorado
[/li][li]global warming in Egypt
[/li][li]Hillary Clinton marrying George W. as her 2nd husband
[/li][li]Californians getting accepted as God-loving, flag-waving, true Americans

oh woe unto us all!

Game is just to much fun to be able to talk with someone about the game. I just don’t think Tony and I could play in the same game without violating the no talk code. Plus, we have already designed some specific strategies that we would like to play for some of the pairs we have chosen. As much as I would like the game to start today, unfortunately I am going to have to pass on us playing as individuals.

Thanks for the invite however. We would like to see you jump in and play however Clint.


re: GB 61 no-drop
Clint, is there a 1/5 turn voting option to continue/concede? This is a very important feature to allow a game to end if it’s no-drop…


Yes Dave


Plus I love yelling at Tony for the stupid move he made. Only for him to calmly say, you put the order in, and I told you not to do it. Yup, love to eat crow every now and then.



Dave, you DO have a flair for the dramatic…:bash:

(I especially liked the last two…grin)


Clearly the last one is a total fantasy! I shudder even considering the penultimate one (Dave, you clearly have a twisted mind to even come up with that one…).

Tim and I talk about the game at least three times a week…it’s our excuse to communicate as he’s in Colorado while I’m in Louisiana. We would absolutely stink playing solo…we’re not very good when we combine our ideas as it is now…I can’t think of any greater handicap to our allies then to put us on the same team…just wouldn’t be fair and the opponents wouldn’t get a good game…

I keep waiting for Tim to win the Powerball so we can play against each other…until then we just can’t afford that…

ah well…

We just need to talk Drew in to signing up for another go…


Tony H.

Still the one player… :o

Clint (GM)