Latest Bree now out…
“You are a set of deceitful scoundrels! But bless you! I give in. I will take Gildor’s advice. If the danger were not so dark, I should dance for joy. Even so, I cannot help feeling happy; happier than I have felt for a long time.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
Dropouts: Early game 1650 neutral, excellent shape.
The following new games are filling up:
1650 GB 2 wk (Game 57) 7/12 positions available (2 nation game)
1650 2 wk (Game 67) 24/25 nations available. - Pondering making it a 12v12 game (no neutrals)
Kinstrife 2 wk (Game 656) 13/14 nations available
1000 2 wk (Game 45) 23/25 nations available. Upto 2 nation game, 10% discount on cost for 2 nations.
“Hammer and tongs! I am so torn between rage and joy, that if I do not burst, it will be a marvel!”
― J.R.R. Tolkien
GB Games Updated 03/11/17
1000 42
Dead nations: 1,2,5,13, 22,23
1450 649 (KS)
Loyalists Combos: 1/2/5, 3/4/6
Usurper Combos: 11/13/15, 12/14/16
Dead nations: None
1450 650 (KS)
Loyalists Combos: 1/2, 3/5, 4/6
Usurper Combos: 11/13, 12/16, 14/15
Dead nations: None
1650 52
FP Combos: 2/5/8, 3/7/9, 6/23, 10/22
DS Combos: 2, 13/15, 12/14/24 16/19, 11/18/20
Dead nations: 1,4,17, 21
1650 54
FP Combos: 1/4/8, 3/7, 2/6/23, 9/10/22
DS Combos: 11/20/24, 12/21, 13/15, 14/19, 17/18
Dead nations: 5,16
1650 56
FP Combos: 1/4, 8, 3/7, 5/9, 23, 10/22
DS Combos: 11/20, 12/21, 13/15, 14/24, 16/19, 17/18
Dead nations: 2,6
1650 59 3ntn
FP 2/3/6,10, 1/5/8/9, 4/7/22/23
DS 14, 16, 13/18/20, 19/21
Dead Nations: 11,12, 15,17,24
1650 60 3ntn
FP Combos: 1/4/5/8/10, 2/3/6/7/9/22/23
DS Combos: 11/14/24, 12/13/15/16/18/20, 17/19/21
Dead Nations: None
1650 64 3ntn
FP: 4/5/8, 1/2/9, 3/6/10, 7/22/23
DS: 11/14/24, 12/13/20, 15/16/18, 17/19/21
Dead nations: None
2950 237
FP Comboes: 1/7, 2/8, 3/10, 4/9, 5/24, 6/23
DS Comboes: 11/21, 12/25, 13/14, 15/16, 18/20, 17/19
Dead Nations: None
2950 237 3ntn
FP comboes: 1//7/8, 2/3/10, 4/5/9, 6/23/24
DS comboes: 11/12/21, 13/14/18, 15/16/17, 19/20/25
Dead Nations: None
ME Games Limited, Office A, 340 North Road, Cardiff, CF14 3BP, UK
Turn-based gaming at its best