Games filling and GB status

he 1week game is filling nicely at present … hopefully get that started soon. At present no-one wants to 2 nations in it (20% discount)

GB is one away so I recommend you get in that fast as it will go shortly

The following new games are filling up.
1650 GB 2 wk (Game 54) 1 positions available (2 nation game)
1650 2 wk (Game 55) 12 nations available. Note 4 nations list is requested here please.
2950 2 wk (Game 235) 7 nations available
Kinstrife 2 wk (Game 648) 14 nations available
1000 2 wk (Game 43) 24 nations available
1650 1 wk (Game 4) 7 nations available (Upto 2 aligned nations, 20% discount if you do).

GB Games Updated 24/2/17

1650 31

FP Combos: 3/7 2/8/9, 6/23, 10
DS Combos: 11/20,13/15, 14 16/19, 17/18
Dead Nations: 1,4,5,12,21, 22,24

1650 50

FP Combos: 1/8/9, 3/5/10, 6/7/22/23

DS Combos: 11/14/24, 12/13/20, 15/16 17/19/21

Dead nations: 2,4,18

1650 52

FP Combos: 1, 2/8, 3/7, 5/9, 6/23, 10/22

DS Combos: 11/20, 12/21, 13/15, 14/24, 16/19, 17/18

Dead nations: 1,4
