Aplogies, forgot to send this out Friday
“It is perilous to study too deeply the arts of the Enemy, for good or for ill. But such falls and betrayals, alas, have happened before.”
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Council of Elrond, The Fellowship of the Ring
TeamsWe are in the process of clearing out old teams from the prs leaderboards. So in the next week or so we’ll be getting in touch with the captains of all teams we believe to be still active. After that, all other teams will be removed from the ratings. So if you don’t hear from us and captain either a current team, or one that you want to stay in the rankings system, please email John, at john@middleearthgames.com.
New JOverseerWe need some play testers for the new look JO - any takers? It’s set-up for new players and we’ll have a new guide and video tutorial but we need some feedback to get it working first.
The following new games are filling up:
1650 2 wk (Game 67) 11/25 nations available.
1000 2 wk (Game 45) 18/25 nations available. Upto 2 nation game, 10% discount on cost for 2 nations.
Kinstrife 2 wk (Game 656) 11/14 nations available
1650 GB 2 wk (Game 68) 12/12 positions available (2 or 3 nation game - tba)
1650 1 wk (Game 58) 22/25 positions available (upto 2 nation game)
“Go not to the Elves for counsel, for they will say both no and yes.”
J.R.R. Tolkien, Three is Company, The Fellowship of the Ring
GB Games Updated 18/12/17
1000 42
Dead nations: 1,2,5,13, 22,23
1450 649 (KS)
Loyalists Combos: 1/2/5, 3/4/6
Usurper Combos: 11/13/15, 12/14/16
Dead nations: None
1450 650 (KS)
Loyalists Combos: 1/2, 3/5, 4/6
Usurper Combos: 11/13, 12/16, 14/15
Dead nations: None
1450 655 (KS)
Loyalists Combos: 1/2, 3/5, 4/6
Usurper Combos: 11/13, 12/16, 14/15
Dead nations: None
1650 52
FP Combos: 2/5/8, 3/7/9, 6/23, 10/22
DS Combos: 13/15, 24, 14/16/19, 11/12/20
Dead nations: 1,4,17, 18,21
1650 54
FP Combos: 1/4/8, 3/7, 2/6/23, 9/10/22
DS Combos: 11/20/24, 12/18/21, 13/15, 14/19
Dead nations: 5,16,17
1650 56
FP Combos: 1, 8, 3/7, 5/9, 23, 10/22
DS Combos: 11/20, 12/21, 13/15, 14/24, 16/19, 17/18
Dead nations: 2,4.6
1650 57
FP Combos: 1/4, 2/8, 3/7, 5/9, 6/23, 10/22
DS Combos: 11/20, 12/21, 13/15, 14/24, 16/19, 17/18
Dead Nations: None
1650 60 3ntn
FP Combos: 1/5/8/10, 2/3/6/7/9/22/23
DS Combos: 11/14/24, 12/13/15/16/18/20, 17/19/21
Dead Nations: 4
1650 64 3ntn
FP: 4/5/8, 1/2/9, 310, 7/22/23
DS: 12/13/20, 14/15/16/18, 17/19/21/24
Dead nations: 6, 11
2950 237
FP Comboes: 1/7, 2/8, 3/10, 4/9, 5/24, 6/23
DS Comboes: 11/21, 12/25, 13/14, 15/16/19, 17/18
Dead Nations: 20
2950 239 3ntn
FP comboes: 1//7/8, 2/3/10, 4/5/9, 6/23/24
DS comboes: 11/12/21, 13/14/18, 15/16/17, 19/20/25
Dead Nations: None
ME Games Limited, Office A, 340 North Road, Cardiff, CF14 3BP, UK
e: me@middleearthgames.com
w: www.middleearthgames.com
Turn-based gaming at its best