Games filling question on variants

So I’m playing with the format a little, may aim is that every other game will be a variant of some form or other. So next 1650/2950 games will have Champions in them all.

So some Christmas homework for you all whilst supping on the mince pies (if you can sup mince pies).

both 2950 and 1650 list the Character from each nation you think should be a Champion (or you’d like to have as one!)

Eg 1650
1: Osric
2: Beawyn.
25: Ovatha

25… you get the idea.

I’ll use it as the basis for each game, and in each game I’ll list the character that is a Champion.

Games Filling
Kinstrife GB 2 wk (Game 675) 1/6 duos nations available (2 nation game)
1650 2 wk (Game 79) 22/24 nations available. Minor variant game. (Upto 2 nation game, aligned neutrals 12v12. I’m also making a character from each nation a Champion.)

1000 GB variant 2 wk (Game 47) 5/8 positions available. (3 nation game with Racial Mods - see below)
Kinstrife 674 6/14 nations available. Aligned game - Tirkhor Loy and Khazad Usurper. (Upto 2ntn)

1650 GB 2 wk (Game 77) 12/12 positions available (2 nation game. One Champion per nation.)
1650 GB 2k (Game 80) 7/8 (3 nation game and 1 champion per nation).
2950 2wk (Game 240) 12/25 positions available (upto 2 nation game. One Champion per nation).
2950 GB 2wk (Game 243) 12/12 positions available (2 nation game. One Champion per nation.).