Games filling

The following new games are filling up.
FTF Sep-Nov (date to be arranged): So far 9 players signed up for. We'll probably try out 5v5 "Untold tale of the War of the Ring" game.
1650 2wk [Game 69]: All v All Neutral game. 10 positions filled. Upto 23 nations available, but probaly play with less. A player can play 2 nations if need be.
2950 2wk [Game 21]: 15 nations available. [07/7]
1650 2wk [Game 65]: 7 nations available. [07/7]
1650 Normal Gunboat 2wk [Game 61]: 4 duos available - player pool, no 3 nations, 30 word diplo turn 6/11 etc. Clint & friend playing [7/7]
1000 2wk [Game 44]: 22 nations available [11/6]

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