Games filling

The following new games are filling up.
1650 Normal GB 2wk [Game 71]: 1 duo available, GB rules 7 with 30 word diplo, Player pool. [23/9]
2950 Normal GB 2wk [Game 23]: 5 duos available, GB rules 7 with 30 word diplo, Player pool. [5/3]
2950 2wk [Game 22]: 11 nations available. [2/11]
1650 2wk [Game 86]: 22 nations available. [9/4]
1000 2wk [Game 47]: 15 nations available [21/1]

Grudge Games we need opposition for:

I have the following drop-outs available - don't forget you get MULTIPLE free turns for GB and a single one for normal game for taking these up:
GB 1 pair 1650 (l)
2950 None
1650 Dunlending (e, Aligned-Grudge), Arthedain (m)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Hello everyone

As part of our continuing development we've created the following Wikki pages. They're intended as a method for players to update simply the encounters on-line so that as a community you can have simple access to them. We've copied across the Bobbins information to the site.

So ideally we'd need you to check it out, feedback as you feel appropriate. As before the content is PLAYER content not GM content, so any responses, comments are all those by a player (and so attributed). We've not corrected, updated or changed any of it.

As a bicky-bonus you'll find a link to the KS encounters as well. Read the instructions for Site Use before asking "how does it work"... please... :wink:

We're adding some functionality to the site as well, you should shortly be able to create a pdf of the pages for you own storage but if you're aware of anything else that can be added (and how to do it ideally!) that would be great.


Very nice,


----- Original Message -----
  From: ME Games Ltd<>
  Sent: Friday, April 18, 2008 10:00 AM
  Subject: [mepbmlist] New bobbins site

  Hello everyone

  As part of our continuing development we've created the following Wikki
  pages. They're intended as a method for players to update simply the
  encounters on-line so that as a community you can have simple access to
  them. We've copied across the Bobbins information to the site.

  So ideally we'd need you to check it out, feedback as you feel
  appropriate. As before the content is PLAYER content not GM content, so
  any responses, comments are all those by a player (and so
  attributed). We've not corrected, updated or changed any of it.

  As a bicky-bonus you'll find a link to the KS encounters as well. Read the
  instructions for Site Use before asking "how does it work"... please... :wink:

  We're adding some functionality to the site as well, you should shortly be
  able to create a pdf of the pages for you own storage but if you're aware
  of anything else that can be added (and how to do it ideally!) that would
  be great.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Any other feedback? Is it useful, simple to use and amend? Any other comments?


Very nice,

  From: ME Games Ltd<>
  Sent: Friday, April 18, 2008 10:00 AM
  Subject: [mepbmlist] New bobbins site

  Hello everyone

  As part of our continuing development we've created the following Wikki
  pages. They're intended as a method for players to update simply the
  encounters on-line so that as a community you can have simple access to
  them. We've copied across the Bobbins information to the site.

  So ideally we'd need you to check it out, feedback as you feel
  appropriate. As before the content is PLAYER content not GM content, so
  any responses, comments are all those by a player (and so
  attributed). We've not corrected, updated or changed any of it.

  As a bicky-bonus you'll find a link to the KS encounters as well. Read the
  instructions for Site Use before asking "how does it work"... please... :wink:

  We're adding some functionality to the site as well, you should shortly be
  able to create a pdf of the pages for you own storage but if you're aware
  of anything else that can be added (and how to do it ideally!) that would
  be great.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Middle Earth PBM - hit reply to send to everyone
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     Middle Earth Games Ltd

Website: <>

Email: <>

Post: UK: 340 North Road, Cardiff CF14 3BP UK
US: ME Games Ltd, 73 Edgewood Terrace, South Bound Brook NJ 08880

Telephone: Phone Times: 10am-6:30pm UK Time (BST); 5am-1.30 (EST)
UK: 029 2091 3359 (029 2062 5665 can be used if main engaged)
(Dial 011 44 29 2091 3359 if in the US)
US Phone: (732) 642-8777 EST

Fax: 029 2062 5532 (24 hours)


  ----- Original Message -----


Middle Earth Games Ltd

Website: <>

Email: <>

Post: UK: 340 North Road, Cardiff CF14 3BP UK
US: ME Games Ltd, 73 Edgewood Terrace, South Bound Brook NJ 08880

Telephone: Phone Times: 10am-6:30pm UK Time (BST); 5am-1.30 (EST)
UK: 029 2091 3359 (029 2062 5665 can be used if main engaged)
(Dial 011 44 29 2091 3359 if in the US)
US Phone: (732) 642-8777 EST

Fax: 029 2062 5532 (24 hours)

Oh well, as you've asked twice, I'll take the bait...

I suppose I'm of the "old fashioned brigade", but I think it's a very
odd thing for you to have been spending your time on. I think that the
company and the GMs should stay out of the "player collated
information." To be involved in it is like having sports referees
involved in the team talk and tactical discussions.

On one level (but see mitigation later) the game was reduced when the
Mouth of Sauron editors first started collecting encounter response data
and publishing it widely. There were always players who opposed it, but
once the cat's out... When you know exactly what to respond to a
specific dragon in order to recruit him, and it works for the same
dragon every time, you not only have a dull encounter, but a technique
which radically alters the balance of the game (compared for example
with the intitial play tests where the dragon encounters would not all
have been known.)

Even so, for many years the companies owning the Mepbm license kept a
distance from the activity, many players did not discover the MoS data
until they became experienced and the total volume of that data, the
number of "known" and proven responses was much lower. I thought it a
mistake when you first got involved in the disemination of player
collated data by appending it to the ME Guide.

I personally have my own versions of the MoS/Bobbins data, with a few
valuable additions. But I certainly shalln't be broadcasting them.
Like a fisherman's knowledge of the best "swims" or a secret bait
recipie, these secrets are a part of the fun. I share them with new
team mates as and when they might be needed. Tell the world, lose the fun.

There is however a mitigation for what the MoS editors and others since,
chose to do: It is that the enconters themselves are actually very
feeble, with a very large number of "no result" responses. Like the
naval rules, they are one of the game's conspicous weak points. For
example in the last few turns I had back, I have about six encounters:
- an unavoidable death
- an unavoidable smashing for a weak character by ruins spirits and wights
- a "trail" where I know there's an artefact, but must waste a turn
- a trail which was unexpected and which I won't bother to investigate
- an encounter where I know the response to avoid combat, but will lose
an order in consequence
- an encounter with an NPC who does nothing useful

With a re-write, it could be SO much better. Riddles could come from a
growing list, so that there's more chance one actually has to be thought
about or researched. (Free turn for a riddle good enough to be
accepted, perhaps). Dragon encounters could sometimes vary, to allow
the dragons some changes of mood simulating personality. There could be
a greater range of encounters which give more chances of small rewards/
small penalties with better clues in the encounter descriptions as to
what might be coming or what might be risked. And there should
certainly be a lot less responses where the result is nothing. How
often have you seen something like this:

9.9 The Boring Man
Location: Anywhere you like, when a character is doing something important.
Description: The character is meets a boring man, who yawns.
Options Free Peoples Neutrals Nations Dark

ATTACK the man combat combat combat
THROW stones combat combat combat
COUNT his teeth escape escape escape
SAY (one word)
SAY "Hello" escape escape escape
SAY "$%**!" escape escape escape
FLEE combat combat combat
Characters winning the combat are rumoured to win a toffee apple. The
challenge rank of the boring man is
about 75. (So your camping emissary, who 9 times out of 10 is liable to
be the one encountering him does not
stand a snowball's chance in a fight.)

Boring boring boring. An interesting exercise might be to look at a
"grudge" game, and log how many of the standard (as opposed to artefact
yielding or dragon) encounters are simply ignored, or responded to with
a known safe escape response. I'll wager that you'll find it's the vast
majority. Maybe even 90%+ That surely isn't in the spirit of Tolkien's

And THAT... I politely suggest is what you could be spending your excess
time on, rather than doing the players' work and spoiling the fun
element of "trade secrets". Get some better encounters into the game,
or even redesign the whole encounter system.

You asked.


On 18/04/2008 ME Games Ltd wrote:

Any other feedback? Is it useful, simple to use and amend? Any other


  Laurence G. Tilley


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Hi Laurence

There is however a mitigation for what the MoS editors and others since,
chose to do: It is that the enconters themselves are actually very
feeble, with a very large number of "no result" responses.

Unfortunately that's GSI's baby - in that we didn't code it. The new KS ones are much more flavoursome, partially due to that perceived weakness.

- an encounter with an NPC who does nothing useful

We've made the KS ones that they are more interesting to chase down - well at least I hope so. Time will tell.

With a re-write, it could be SO much better. Riddles could come from a
growing list, so that there's more chance one actually has to be thought
about or researched.

See KS

(Free turn for a riddle good enough to be
accepted, perhaps). Dragon encounters could sometimes vary, to allow
the dragons some changes of mood simulating personality. There could be
a greater range of encounters which give more chances of small rewards/
small penalties with better clues in the encounter descriptions as to
what might be coming or what might be risked. And there should
certainly be a lot less responses where the result is nothing. How
often have you seen something like this:

9.9 The Boring Man
Location: Anywhere you like, when a character is doing something important.
Description: The character is meets a boring man, who yawns.
Options Free Peoples Neutrals Nations Dark

And THAT... I politely suggest is what you could be spending your excess
time on,

KS... :slight_smile: Check out the link to that if you get the time for a "flavour". We went with the wikki so that we could assist players collating information if they wanted to.

rather than doing the players' work and spoiling the fun
element of "trade secrets". Get some better encounters into the game,
or even redesign the whole encounter system.

Point taken. I think that for players that have such a system as you set-up that it's less useful. For other players though, it's great to have a resource that is open to many in this manner. As a player myself I find Bobbins very useful (note we now host Bobbins). Note the Wikki site didn't take too long and it's useful experience for potential other projects in the future.

You asked.

Much appreciated. Feedback, espy constructive criticism is very useful. One other thing that we're looking at long term is players coding their own encounters. We'll keep you posted on that as an option. For KS I got players to send in ideas and prose for the game and then changed it appropriately (John, who works for us the text in most situations, me the balance), partially so that the player who created it isn't at any more of an advantage than others.


I mostly agree with Laurence. The Realm of DitCoP
getting reduced..? If none of my allies will/can help
or I'm in a Gunboat, and my company policy prevent
accessing the site, can I send my riddle to MEGamess
and get the right answer to save my character with an
expected Next Business Day turnaround..?


--- "Laurence G. Tilley" <>


On 18/04/2008 ME Games Ltd wrote:
> Any other feedback? Is it useful, simple to use
and amend? Any other
> comments?

Oh well, as you've asked twice, I'll take the

I suppose I'm of the "old fashioned brigade", but I
think it's a very
odd thing for you to have been spending your time
on. I think that the
company and the GMs should stay out of the "player
information." To be involved in it is like having
sports referees
involved in the team talk and tactical discussions.

On one level (but see mitigation later) the game was
reduced when the
Mouth of Sauron editors first started collecting
encounter response data
and publishing it widely. There were always players
who opposed it, but
once the cat's out... When you know exactly what to
respond to a
specific dragon in order to recruit him, and it
works for the same
dragon every time, you not only have a dull
encounter, but a technique
which radically alters the balance of the game
(compared for example
with the intitial play tests where the dragon
encounters would not all
have been known.)

Even so, for many years the companies owning the
Mepbm license kept a
distance from the activity, many players did not
discover the MoS data
until they became experienced and the total volume
of that data, the
number of "known" and proven responses was much
lower. I thought it a
mistake when you first got involved in the
disemination of player
collated data by appending it to the ME Guide.

I personally have my own versions of the MoS/Bobbins
data, with a few
valuable additions. But I certainly shalln't be
broadcasting them.
Like a fisherman's knowledge of the best "swims" or
a secret bait
recipie, these secrets are a part of the fun. I
share them with new
team mates as and when they might be needed. Tell
the world, lose the fun.

There is however a mitigation for what the MoS
editors and others since,
chose to do: It is that the enconters themselves
are actually very
feeble, with a very large number of "no result"
responses. Like the
naval rules, they are one of the game's conspicous
weak points. For
example in the last few turns I had back, I have
about six encounters:
- an unavoidable death
- an unavoidable smashing for a weak character by
ruins spirits and wights
- a "trail" where I know there's an artefact, but
must waste a turn
- a trail which was unexpected and which I won't
bother to investigate
- an encounter where I know the response to avoid
combat, but will lose
an order in consequence
- an encounter with an NPC who does nothing useful

With a re-write, it could be SO much better.
Riddles could come from a
growing list, so that there's more chance one
actually has to be thought
about or researched. (Free turn for a riddle good
enough to be
accepted, perhaps). Dragon encounters could
sometimes vary, to allow
the dragons some changes of mood simulating
personality. There could be
a greater range of encounters which give more
chances of small rewards/
small penalties with better clues in the encounter
descriptions as to
what might be coming or what might be risked. And
there should
certainly be a lot less responses where the result
is nothing. How
often have you seen something like this:

9.9 The Boring Man
Location: Anywhere you like, when a character is
doing something important.
Description: The character is meets a boring man,
who yawns.
Options Free Peoples Neutrals
Nations Dark

ATTACK the man combat combat
THROW stones combat combat
COUNT his teeth escape escape
SAY (one word)
SAY "Hello" escape escape
SAY "$%**!" escape escape
FLEE combat combat
Characters winning the combat are rumoured to win a
toffee apple. The
challenge rank of the boring man is
about 75. (So your camping emissary, who 9 times
out of 10 is liable to
be the one encountering him does not
stand a snowball's chance in a fight.)

Boring boring boring. An interesting exercise might
be to look at a
"grudge" game, and log how many of the standard (as
opposed to artefact
yielding or dragon) encounters are simply ignored,
or responded to with
a known safe escape response. I'll wager that
you'll find it's the vast
majority. Maybe even 90%+ That surely isn't in the
spirit of Tolkien's

And THAT... I politely suggest is what you could be
spending your excess
time on, rather than doing the players' work and
spoiling the fun
element of "trade secrets". Get some better
encounters into the game,
or even redesign the whole encounter system.

You asked.

  Laurence G. Tilley


[Non-text portions of this message have been

I mostly agree with Laurence. The Realm of DitCoP
getting reduced..?

Not at all - all of the information there is already on the Bobbins site. We've not changed anything that isn't already out there. As LT says he compiles the information himself. if you don't want to post then don't - don't forget the old Whispers et al had this information in it, should we remove the mapping programs that you've been promoting by a similar argument?

If none of my allies will/can help
or I'm in a Gunboat, and my company policy prevent
accessing the site, can I send my riddle to MEGamess
and get the right answer to save my character with an
expected Next Business Day turnaround..?

No comment


--- "Laurence G. Tilley" <<>>


> > Any other feedback? Is it useful, simple to use
> and amend? Any other
> > comments?
> Oh well, as you've asked twice, I'll take the
> bait...
> I suppose I'm of the "old fashioned brigade", but I
> think it's a very
> odd thing for you to have been spending your time
> on. I think that the
> company and the GMs should stay out of the "player
> collated
> information." To be involved in it is like having
> sports referees
> involved in the team talk and tactical discussions.
> On one level (but see mitigation later) the game was
> reduced when the
> Mouth of Sauron editors first started collecting
> encounter response data
> and publishing it widely. There were always players
> who opposed it, but
> once the cat's out... When you know exactly what to
> respond to a
> specific dragon in order to recruit him, and it
> works for the same
> dragon every time, you not only have a dull
> encounter, but a technique
> which radically alters the balance of the game
> (compared for example
> with the intitial play tests where the dragon
> encounters would not all
> have been known.)
> Even so, for many years the companies owning the
> Mepbm license kept a
> distance from the activity, many players did not
> discover the MoS data
> until they became experienced and the total volume
> of that data, the
> number of "known" and proven responses was much
> lower. I thought it a
> mistake when you first got involved in the
> disemination of player
> collated data by appending it to the ME Guide.
> I personally have my own versions of the MoS/Bobbins
> data, with a few
> valuable additions. But I certainly shalln't be
> broadcasting them.
> Like a fisherman's knowledge of the best "swims" or
> a secret bait
> recipie, these secrets are a part of the fun. I
> share them with new
> team mates as and when they might be needed. Tell
> the world, lose the fun.
> There is however a mitigation for what the MoS
> editors and others since,
> chose to do: It is that the enconters themselves
> are actually very
> feeble, with a very large number of "no result"
> responses. Like the
> naval rules, they are one of the game's conspicous
> weak points. For
> example in the last few turns I had back, I have
> about six encounters:
> - an unavoidable death
> - an unavoidable smashing for a weak character by
> ruins spirits and wights
> - a "trail" where I know there's an artefact, but
> must waste a turn
> investigating
> - a trail which was unexpected and which I won't
> bother to investigate
> - an encounter where I know the response to avoid
> combat, but will lose
> an order in consequence
> - an encounter with an NPC who does nothing useful
> With a re-write, it could be SO much better.
> Riddles could come from a
> growing list, so that there's more chance one
> actually has to be thought
> about or researched. (Free turn for a riddle good
> enough to be
> accepted, perhaps). Dragon encounters could
> sometimes vary, to allow
> the dragons some changes of mood simulating
> personality. There could be
> a greater range of encounters which give more
> chances of small rewards/
> small penalties with better clues in the encounter
> descriptions as to
> what might be coming or what might be risked. And
> there should
> certainly be a lot less responses where the result
> is nothing. How
> often have you seen something like this:
> 9.9 The Boring Man
> Location: Anywhere you like, when a character is
> doing something important.
> Description: The character is meets a boring man,
> who yawns.
> Options Free Peoples Neutrals
> Nations Dark
> Servants
> ATTACK the man combat combat
> combat
> THROW stones combat combat
> combat
> COUNT his teeth escape escape
> escape
> SAY (one word)
> SAY "Hello" escape escape
> escape
> SAY "$%**!" escape escape
> escape
> FLEE combat combat
> combat
> Characters winning the combat are rumoured to win a
> toffee apple. The
> challenge rank of the boring man is
> about 75. (So your camping emissary, who 9 times
> out of 10 is liable to
> be the one encountering him does not
> stand a snowball's chance in a fight.)
> Boring boring boring. An interesting exercise might
> be to look at a
> "grudge" game, and log how many of the standard (as
> opposed to artefact
> yielding or dragon) encounters are simply ignored,
> or responded to with
> a known safe escape response. I'll wager that
> you'll find it's the vast
> majority. Maybe even 90%+ That surely isn't in the
> spirit of Tolkien's
> stories.
> And THAT... I politely suggest is what you could be
> spending your excess
> time on, rather than doing the players' work and
> spoiling the fun
> element of "trade secrets". Get some better
> encounters into the game,
> or even redesign the whole encounter system.
> You asked.
> --
> Laurence G. Tilley <>
> <<>>
> [Non-text portions of this message have been
> removed]

     Middle Earth Games Ltd

Website: <>

Email: <>

Post: UK: 340 North Road, Cardiff CF14 3BP UK
US: ME Games Ltd, 73 Edgewood Terrace, South Bound Brook NJ 08880

Telephone: Phone Times: 10am-6:30pm UK Time (BST); 5am-1.30 (EST)
UK: 029 2091 3359 (029 2062 5665 can be used if main engaged)
(Dial 011 44 29 2091 3359 if in the US)
US Phone: (732) 642-8777 EST

Fax: 029 2062 5532 (24 hours)


> On 18/04/2008 ME Games Ltd wrote:


Middle Earth Games Ltd

Website: <>

Email: <>

Post: UK: 340 North Road, Cardiff CF14 3BP UK
US: ME Games Ltd, 73 Edgewood Terrace, South Bound Brook NJ 08880

Telephone: Phone Times: 10am-6:30pm UK Time (BST); 5am-1.30 (EST)
UK: 029 2091 3359 (029 2062 5665 can be used if main engaged)
(Dial 011 44 29 2091 3359 if in the US)
US Phone: (732) 642-8777 EST

Fax: 029 2062 5532 (24 hours)

DISAGREE... What you're saying is that the "old hands" should have even more
of a leg up on the "newbies". This will only serve to make newbies feel at
more of a disadvantage, and will likely keep newbies away (or at least
reduce the odds of them playing a 2nd time).

I say keep the info available to all, and let everyone know where it is.

As for the other stuff, I'm not against randomzing things more. Then the
playing field is still level cause no one can have a bank of knowledge not
available to others.



-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of Laurence G. Tilley
Sent: Friday, April 18, 2008 12:11 PM
Subject: Re: [mepbmlist] New bobbins site

On 18/04/2008 ME Games Ltd wrote:

Any other feedback? Is it useful, simple to use and amend? Any other

Oh well, as you've asked twice, I'll take the bait...

I suppose I'm of the "old fashioned brigade", but I think it's a very
odd thing for you to have been spending your time on. I think that the
company and the GMs should stay out of the "player collated
information." To be involved in it is like having sports referees
involved in the team talk and tactical discussions.

On one level (but see mitigation later) the game was reduced when the
Mouth of Sauron editors first started collecting encounter response data
and publishing it widely. There were always players who opposed it, but
once the cat's out... When you know exactly what to respond to a
specific dragon in order to recruit him, and it works for the same
dragon every time, you not only have a dull encounter, but a technique
which radically alters the balance of the game (compared for example
with the intitial play tests where the dragon encounters would not all
have been known.)

I agree entirely with Mike.

The real problem is that the original code does not allow for swappimg things around each game.


  DISAGREE... What you're saying is that the "old hands" should have even more
  of a leg up on the "newbies". This will only serve to make newbies feel at
  more of a disadvantage, and will likely keep newbies away (or at least
  reduce the odds of them playing a 2nd time).

  I say keep the info available to all, and let everyone know where it is.

  As for the other stuff, I'm not against randomzing things more. Then the
  playing field is still level cause no one can have a bank of knowledge not
  available to others.



-----Original Message-----
  From: [] On Behalf
  Of Laurence G. Tilley
  Sent: Friday, April 18, 2008 12:11 PM
  Subject: Re: [mepbmlist] New bobbins site

  On 18/04/2008 ME Games Ltd wrote:
  > Any other feedback? Is it useful, simple to use and amend? Any other
  > comments?

  Oh well, as you've asked twice, I'll take the bait...

  I suppose I'm of the "old fashioned brigade", but I think it's a very
  odd thing for you to have been spending your time on. I think that the
  company and the GMs should stay out of the "player collated
  information." To be involved in it is like having sports referees
  involved in the team talk and tactical discussions.

  On one level (but see mitigation later) the game was reduced when the
  Mouth of Sauron editors first started collecting encounter response data
  and publishing it widely. There were always players who opposed it, but
  once the cat's out... When you know exactly what to respond to a
  specific dragon in order to recruit him, and it works for the same
  dragon every time, you not only have a dull encounter, but a technique
  which radically alters the balance of the game (compared for example
  with the intitial play tests where the dragon encounters would not all
  have been known.)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]