Games filling

Hello Everyone

** Bree 35 is now out. Includes tips for food management, some KS encounters, UW FTF report and other such. Enjoy.

** New Hall of Fame section of the website:
For now it's only for the present and recently ended games but we'll look at updating that in future.

** Wikki pages are now available for encounter updates on-line.

The following new games are filling up.
1650 ONE wk [Game 87]: 6 nations available. [16/4]

2950 2wk [Game 22]: 11 nations available. [2/11]
1650 2wk [Game 86]: 18 nations available. [9/4]
1000 2wk [Game 47]: 4 nations available [21/1]
UW 2wk [Game 205]: 7 nations available: [17/4]

Grudge Games we need opposition for:

I have the following drop-outs available - don't forget you get MULTIPLE free turns for GB and a single one for normal game for taking these up:
GB 1 solo 2950 (l), 1 duo 1000 (l)
2950 None
1650 None
UW (free game) 1 position
Bofa None

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Do you not e-mail it out any more?


On 16/05/2008 ME Games Ltd wrote:

** Bree 35 is now out. Includes tips for food management, some KS
encounters, UW FTF report and other such. Enjoy.


  Laurence G. Tilley


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Not any more.



> ** Bree 35 is now out. Includes tips for food management, some KS
> encounters, UW FTF report and other such. Enjoy.
> <>

Do you not e-mail it out any more?