Games filling

The following new games are filling up.
1650 GB 2 wk (Game 54) 5 positions available (2nation game)
1650 2 wk (Game 55) 7 nations available. Note 4 nations list is requested here please.
2950 2 wk (Game 235) 21 nations available
Kinstrife 2 wk (Game 644) 2 nations available
1000 2 wk (Game 41) 3 nations available
1650 1 wk (Game 4) 15 nations available

I’m planning on pushing the FAS game next week assuming all is fine with the latest game we created so if you’re thinking of playing now is a good time. KS only needs 2 and the GB 1650 game looks like it will fill in the next couple of weeks as well.