Games filling

Game 79 - at present I've got too many DS players and so I might be moving players around. (It's got all 24 nations signed up for).

Usu KS Grudge team aslo looking for opposition.
1650 Grudge team (FP) looking for DS opposition, Cor/Dun Fp, Har/Rhu DS no Easterlings.

Games Filling
1000 GB variant 2 wk (Game 47) 1/8 positions available. (3 nation game with Racial Mods - see below)
1650 2 wk (Game 82) 20/25 nations available. (Upto 2 nation game, Normal format.)
Kinstrife 674 5/14 nations available. Aligned game - Tirkhor Loy and Khazad Usurper. (Upto 2ntn)
Kinstrife GB 2 wk (Game 678) 6/6 duos nations available (2 nation game)
Kinstrife GB 2 wk (Game 679) 2/4 triplets nations available (3 nation game) Comboes are Loy 4/5/6, 1/2/3 Usu 13/14/15, 11/12/16
1650 GB 2k (Game 80) 4/8 (3 nation game and 1 champion per nation).
1650 GB 2 wk (Game 77) 11/12 positions available (2 nation game. One Champion per nation.)

2950 2wk (Game 240) 11/25 positions available (upto 2 nation game. One Champion per nation).
2950 GB 2wk (Game 243) 12/12 positions available (2 nation game. One Champion per nation.).

Middle Earth Games

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Telephone: Phone Times: 10am-6:30pm UK Time (BST); 5am-1.30 (EST)
UK: 029 2091 3359 (029 2062 5665 can be used if main engaged)
(Dial 011 44 29 2091 3359 if in the US)