gb 14

your situation is hopeless…surrender now while you can and we may show mercy…nobody on my side surrender though…just the other side…

has me scared I give up


always happy to see my rather meaningless words drive fear into the very hearts of enemies…or maybe allies…or maybe even people not in the game…I really didn’t expect people to quit on turn zero…obviously I’m scarier then I thought lol

I guess I too might as well surrender now. Darn, I thought I was going to enjoy GB 14. :wink:

I was so scared, as you can see, dropped the minute I had an inkling you where in the game


vandel is starting to remind me of my ex…always wanting the last word no matter how rediculous the topic…heather? is that you?



Is this the fate of anyone who wants to post on G14… Vandal will have the last word… and he’s not even playing the Easterlings in the game!! :slight_smile:

Well, to drive more fear into everyone’s hearts… my initial T#0 was a blinder!!!

I must be winning… still got all my pop centres, armies are intact and characters are looking good.

Are you playing the Easterlings and still in dream land? Or am I?


Hello everyone in game 14, just came to wish good fortune on my allies and a pox upon mine enemies. (If you are an enemy and receive good fortune by accident, please return it to me. And if you are an ally and receive a pox, i’m really sorry. It’s hard to be accurate with these things when you don’t know who is who.)

Since we won’t know what’s happening outside of our own turns, i thought it would be fun if everyone made sort of a journal about the game. I don’t mean anything elaborate, just a few notes each turn with the highlights. Then we can exchange them at the end of the game. It would be easier than going through all the pdf’s, and may provide some insight on some of our more important moves throughout the game.

Confession: I’m scared too…
This is my first GB. So I’m scared of everyone. I’m scared my
allies will not do the expected things, and I’m scared that my
enemies will. Paranoia reigns. aieeeee

Whip, I think a small turn-by-turn journal is a good idea. I’ll give it a try (and try to keep it up).

Dave Holt, yes, GB breeds paranoia. I prefer to think of it as “intensity.” But it’s alot different than coordinating your moves with 9 or 10 or 11 allies. And alot more fun, in my opinion. Still and all, I’ve found myself biting more than one fingernail as I send off my GB orders, wondering if I misread the intentions of my allies and enemies.

I’m less afraid of the enemies that do the expected things then I am of those that do the unexpected…unless of course they march in the wrong direction every turn…that doesn’t scare me too much lol…and I’ll try to keep a journal…but knowing me that means I’ll make one up at the end of the game <shrug>


First turn done and things are looking good.

It’s good to see that those icons I can see on my map don’t seem to have been given bog standard orders!!!

Now to work out what the hell is going on :slight_smile:

Am I winning or are things looking bad?

AAAhhh… can I keep this up for another 49 turns!!!


I’ll also try to keep a journal… see how long I can do that :slight_smile:

Make your journals.

They won’t be long ! Ha, Ha !

Have Fun !


Hey, Sc0rp10, I hope you don’t use any “dead character” names when naming new characters. It’s a violation of the “spirit of Gunboat,” you know. :wink:

Game 14, like every other GB game I’ve begun, looks like it’s off to a wild start!

Good gaming to all!

Dead characters…

well that depends on whether I thought they were a worthy oponent or not

Maybe I’ll name all my characters after famous people

Commanders start TAR##
Agents start JI ##
Emmies start ELR##
Mages start URZ##

