GB 1650 games poll

Hi guys, have you been in a completed 1650 gunboat game?

If you have:

  1. what was the game # and ~ end date (since some numbers for games are repeated),

  2. Which side won (Dark or Free)

  3. On what turn

  4. what modifications were there from the normal set up (fort on 1910 and 4215, etc).


GB game 59 ended in June 2005 on T22 with a FP victory. Turn 21 was the actual turn that the FP met the greater than 4:1 nation advantage for automatic victory. Typical old rules with Rh/Cs as DS and Dun/Ha as FP, forts on 1910 & 4217.


Ken, I have completed three gunboat games with my brother as a teammate

Game 14 (our first game back after a five year layoff). The Free people won around turn 20 or so. We played Cardolan Sinda and picked up the Arthedain on TURN THREE. The game ended around January of 2005. Spanked Dave Holt in that game as he has already posted. Dave dropped the game although all three of his nations were in really good shape at the time he requested a game drop.

Game 71 won again by the free people. We played Dragon Lord Corsairs and again picked up the Cloud Lord on TURN THREE. Dave Holt played NG/DUNS and he spanked us by turn 12 or 13. Tony and I requested a game end in that game although all three of our nations were in good shape, but everyone else was just getting pasted. That was a limited diplo game that did not work well for the dark servants although I think it would be nice to implement some type of diplo back into the game.

Game 70 just ended with a dark servant victory on turn 33 last month. We played the Noldo Eothraim and picked up Cardolan on turn 15 or 18. Two of our three nations were in good shape (Eothraim was hurting by the end), but we only had six active nations in the game. The Duns were eliminated by turn five without losing their capital.

Personally, I think the game favors the free side. However, most gunboat games are decided by drops and not by who plays the best.

Game 14, game 70 and game 71 all had multiple drops within the first five turns for no reason other than someone did not want to play anymore.


To be clear, in game 14, I dropped to end the game. My nations (CL, FK, BS) were in good shape and I had taken over a bunch of NG, had a bunch of hostages, etc. But, it was clear to me that the DS had lost and the ROW was at the bottom of the Lake of Rhun, so what’s the point in keeping everyone paying money?

This brings me to another “rule variation” that we’ve implemented for GB 94 & 96 (maybe others?):

End game:
No more often than once per five turns (ie turns 1-5, 6-10, 11-15 etc), a player may request that their team vote to concede. Each surviving nation on the team gets one vote. If 2/3 or more of the surviving nations on the team vote to concede, the game ends. Votes are confidential (including which player requested the vote) and are solicited by ME Games. A “no-response” is considered to be a vote to continue play. The other team is not informed the vote is taking place unless the vote is successful, at which point all players are notified, the final turn is run, and the game ends.

I think this is a good rule, though I think it should be updated such that dead nations should be counted as votes to quit and the word “surviving” should be removed from the 2/3 vote requirement. But we live and learn and make things better all the time.

Dave said:

To be clear, in game 14, I dropped to end the game. My nations (CL, FK, BS) were in good shape and I had taken over a bunch of NG, had a bunch of hostages, etc. But, it was clear to me that the DS had lost and the ROW was at the bottom of the Lake of Rhun, so what’s the point in keeping everyone paying money?

Tony and I did the same in Game 70 and 71. We could have continued playing, but felt we did not need to make everyone continue to pay for a game where the outcome was already determined.

I do like the rule of having your side vote on continuing to play or not to play. It at least gives you an idea if your allies want to keep playing or if they are only playing because they do not want to quit and ruin the game for the rest.

Tim Huiatt

I like the Vote rule and have decided to make it standard in all games of GB that now set-up.

Clint (GM)

cool. thanks. I think it’s a good rule. What do you think of changing it slightly to be as follows:

End game:
No more often than once per five turns (ie turns 1-5, 6-10, 11-15 etc), a player may request that their team vote to concede. Each nation on the team gets one vote. If 2/3 or more of the nations on the team vote to concede, the game ends. Votes are confidential (including which player requested the vote) and are solicited by ME Games. A “no-response” is considered to be a vote to continue play. A dead nation is considered to be a vote to concede. The other team is not informed the vote is taking place unless the vote is successful, at which point all players are notified, the final turn is run, and the game ends.

I think the above is a good refinement. Please note that if there are 5 nations that want to continue, then the game continues with the above rule. With the old wording, it’s possible to have 7 nations defeated, 5 remaining, and have 2 vote to continue and have the game continue… that doesn’t seem right…


Case in point that Dave makes would be game 70. We had six active nations left (I think) and we were running three nations. We wanted to drop but did not want to leave our teammates who were playing without allies. I assume the three active allies we had playing said they wanted to continue (or more likely did not vote at all which by definition means they voted to continue). That left the vote at three for, three against the game continues.

At the time Tony and I did not know how many nations were active, we just knew quite a few were not active. If we take the six not active nations and Dave’s rule, it would have been a vote of nine against and only three to continue which would have ended the game.

My point is if we had had more than six nations (even if it was only eight or nine) we probably would have enjoyed continuing the game. With only six on I think eleven active nations, it did not make much sense to continue.

My two cents worth.


Game 6 ended 7/3 2005 (Nations: normal WChamp rules except 21 +22 swopped around, Fort on 1910 & 4217). I played DrkL/Rhu and took over FK. Game ended turn 35 with a DS win. NG (and numerous other FP) was inactive from very early.

Hi Jeppe,

Now wouldnt a CL-Noldo pairing be so kool…!
