GB 2950 & 1650 nearly full

Okay we’re close to filling both of these games. Both games are using the no 3 nation rule and Player Pool pick-up so if you’re interested then get in touch (off list please) with your list of 3 duos (or more is helpful) that you’d be happy to play.

*** New 2950 combos being tried out ****

2950 FP:
1 Woodmen/ 7 SouthGondor
2 Northmen/ 8 Dwarves
3 Riders of Rohan/ 10 Noldo
4 Dunadan Rangers/ 9 Sindar
5 Silvan / 24 White Wizard
6 NorthGondor/ 23 Dunlendings

11 WitchKing/ 21 Corsairs
12 DragonLord/ 25 Khand
13 DogLord/ 14 Cloud Lord
18 FireKing/ 20 DarkLieutenants
15 Blind Sorcerer/ 16 Ice King
17 Quiet Avenger/ 19 LongRider

1650 FP Combos: 1/4 Woodmen/Arthedain, 2/8 Northmen/Dwarves (4217 Fort) , 3/7 Eothraim/South Gondor, 5/9 Cardolan/Sindar, 6/23 North
Gondor/Dunlendings, 10/22 Noldo/Harad
DS Combos: 11/20 Witch King/Dark Lieutenants, 12/21 Dragon
Lord/Corsairs, 13/15 Dog Lord/Blind Sorcerer, 14/24 (Also CL town @3428 goes
to village, CL town @3629 goes to MT, 1910 Fort) Cloud Lord/Rhudaur, 16/19
Ice King/Long Rider, 17/18 Quiet Avenger/Fire King