GB 57 ends

So it ends, and while my position CL/Rhu was still fairly strong, I agree that the DS would be unable to turn it around.

Will add more details later, but to sum up, I thought the game was a DS win, when I managed to take both Card MT’s, but around that time I became aware that WK was dead, and I had no chance of defending against Arth, Noldo, and WM who all fell upon me.

Down south I held of, what I believe, was NG attempt to enter Mordor from the south.
I also took down 2928 bridge, and got QA agents as scouts for my agent company (later companies, despite many misunderstandings between our two comboes…).

In the end I focussed on helping QA fight Harad/SG, but I often miscalculated and landed on empty hexes :frowning:

To late I found out Card didn’t get backup from Sinda, but from Noldo, I would have liked to harass him some more.

Don’t think the DS ever really kicked of, although DragonLord seemed to be the DS who did the most damage, well maybe apart from my Rhudaur :stuck_out_tongue:

Was a fairly fun game, just really sad that what I thought would be a looong fight in NW, was cut very short when I found out WK likely were bankrupt from turn 4-5+

NG / Duns here

Enjoyed game.

Yes, tried to get over back wall of Mordor and CL did good job of stopping me.

The North West did look it was getting interesting - did send armies but apart from one early blocking move was largely over by that stage.

I was pleased to have taken four DS starting capitals - DL, DkL, FK and IK. Got lucky avoiding armies with dragons and making good use of war machines (thanks to Noldor for Timber). Also, SG helped push Fire King back on numerous occasions.

Duns were largely left to get on with life. North Gondor suffered more. They endured 18 steal gold’s in one turn. Duns largely supported the very large army that hit Mordor.

Not many sitreps going around so not really sure of what was happening elsewhere so looking forward to hearing.

Oh… won my first ever personal challenges :slight_smile:

I’m on a serious losing streak with gunboats lol.

So first I have to come clean because my duo made a humongous turn 1 error. I figured for sure it meant the entire south would be lost and was surprised not to get the riot act from the QA in any of the diplos. I do apologize - you must have played great to have done as well as you did with NO help from the Corsairs.

On turn 1 we moved all of the Corsair fleets to 2430. On turn 2 we stranded most of the Corsair fleets and troops at 2430. Complete game mechanics FAIL.

Meanwhile SG landed at 2337 and it was pretty obvious that the Corsairs’ was doomed, though it turned out to take quite a while which allowed the Dragon Lord to get revved up with gold transfers.

Dragon Lord was not pressured early and forked 2711 and 2912 on turn 4. I went on to destroy 2912 and capture 3012, but the EO ground down the army and recovered 3012 by turn 10.

By game end the Dragon Lord had captured 2908 and 3109, had a curse company and offensive emissary company taking NM and DW pc’s, but the Sinda had either 2/3rds of a curse company or a curse company with some bad rolls. There was certainly some room for fun in the center and northeast, but down 12 nations to 7 I thought it was time to end it.