GB 63 (Vereran) - over in 11 turns

Hi Mike,

Thanks for posting, I think most of us made a number of unfortunate mistakes in the game. However, that is why I like this game more than most games. If you make a mistake, your opponenets usually make you pay for it. It means you need to be at the top of your game almost the entire way through the game.


Drukarzan - 1) I don’t know who you are. :smiley: Is it Drew?

If you are interested then PLEASE, please, please email us directly for the reasons that I’ve already mentioned. :smiley:

Okay can those that are definitely interested please email the “me” address? So far I’ve got 8 duos signed up, and emailed the rest.

For reference those are:

Tim H
Tony H
Dave H
Alain D
Alan G (& friend)
Martin & Bernd
John F

So if you’re name isn’t here I’ve not got you signed up.

Clint (or is that Sisyphus?)

Tempted to pick up a duo in this game.

Clint (player)

As I recall, you’re the one who egged me on to join that ridiculous all neutral game too…

Try and get Kim Anderson into this game as well, he is a top notch player although he might be frustrated with the lack of competition in this last game. Remind him he was extended to turn 43 in the previous game as well.

Hopefully we can entice a few of the current players to keep going as well.


That wasn’t a ridiculous game…mind you, your behaviour in such might have been… :smiley:


Hmmm… I’d rather be the kettle…

Well there is that: I might’ve never got to know BB and how warm and cuddly he is :hug: had I not joined that non-ridiculous all neutral game. :rolleyes:

Clint - you should definitely join!

Drew, quit your belly-aching and just sign up. You know you enjoyed the all-neutral game! And it’s where we met Marty (and maybe Bernd?) I might add… So shuddup about it <grin>


Yea, Drew. That that! You tell him Dave! :smiley:

I’m play on a team with Bernd again if we do this again. Drew and Clint, you guys should definitely sign up.

A little on SG, which I played in 63. Knowing how hard it was for the Corsairs and Dragon Lord to survive the FP forces from my previous game, I decided that I would go all out against the Corsairs and hope that NG could hold until I could send help.

Quick recap:
Turn 1 - starting navies went to S. Harad. Armies combined at 2527 for next wave.

Turn 2 - army down south runs into Harad, navy moves back to get more troops.

Turn 3 - I see a bunch of DS icons in N. Harad. Hold on my friend. I consider sending the naxt batch of troops from 2527 to N. Harad, but decide it’s better to keep pressure up on Corsairs, so they sail to 2534 again. I defeat the small Corsair army and move onto his first pop (2236).

Turn 4 - capture 2236, move to 2136 and the other troops move to 2536. HC recruting at 2527 and hi at 2227. Recon shows a bunch of Harad troops with me at 2536. Good news.

Turn 5 - Ooops, looks like I didn’t have enough forces left to capture 2136. I try and threat (whcih fails) and move back to 2236 to recruit some more (where a Corsairs army shows up). The second batch of troops lands on 2337. QA shows up at 2225. It says small army. I can send my 1100cav to deal with him but decide he’s really not a threat so I’ll leave him alone.

Turn 6 - I capture 2337 and win at 2236. Cav sent to try and help NG, but bridge is down. Diplo says that both bridges down. I figure 2421 is a long walk, so I’ll send the cav back and can put them on ships to finish QA/Corsairs. Navy back at 2227 to get infantry that I’ve been recruiting. QA does nothing at 2225 and moves to 2425. He’s clearly not a threat, but my cav from 2927 has to wait for ships, so I’ll see if they can’t chase him down just in case.

Turn 7 - QA captures 2425 but is tiny. I don’t run into him but I won’t worry about him anymore. Mostly moving armies/navies around to be in position for next turn offensive. Expeditionary warship navy lands on 2137.

Turn 8 - combination of leftover armies form 2337 and 2236 move onto 2136 (with warmachines from ti that I buy). Navy sails to 2829 (2900hi). Warship navy takes a bite out of Corsair navy.

Turn 9 - 2900hi to 2730, which is CL. Capture 2136. Next warship navy to 2632. Main transport navy back to 2527, where 2700hc are waiting.

Turn 10 - Troops in S. Harad move on 2137. Second warship navy moves ont 2137 also. Capture 2730 and move onto 2631, a Corsair village.

Turn 11 - my first real mistake. I didn’t have enough to take 2137 (Corsairs had more troops that I thought (hadn’t gotten a recon, dammit). But, the 3000cav is about to land on 2534 (oops, Harad blew the harbor - what’s up with that?). Hopefully he won’t take down the 2535 harbor…and then game ends…

Good game everyone, though I did expect a little more fight from the DS.



Ok…after much consideration…I’m in…if Clint plays as well :slight_smile:

These veteran games are the most fun GB games, so if we have a full team of quality players, then I expect a very fun game and a little longer game.


OK guys, got a message from Clint to say there are 12 players and this new game will go ahead.
I do assume it is another no-drop game so there should be no extra set-up fee to cover the player pool cost for filling in drop outs, right?


Great news Alain!
No drop is for sure.

[i] do assume it is another no-drop game so there should be no extra set-up fee to cover the player pool cost for filling in drop outs, right?


No-drop doesn’t mean players won’t drop, so the fee will stand I’m afraid. Note I’ve got the game reasonably balance in terms of players (I’ll be playing). I’ll get Rob to actually put the duos together though. (He’ll need some assistance as I know the players better so can balance the game).

I’ve got no idea what anyone is playing :wink: No really…;):rolleyes::cool::eek:

Clint (GM)


I think I read above that Diplo’s are every 5 turns. Keep in mind that starts on turn 6 and is only 30 words. So turns 6, 11, 16 ect…

GB63 - NM/DW last game

Everyone keep a small log please.


[QUOTE=Clint;34196No-drop doesn’t mean players won’t drop, so the fee will stand I’m afraid. Clint (GM)[/QUOTE]

I would be happy to agree with other players here that if anyone drops a position that it is not replaced.
I know that in other no drops previously some people dropped because of non game related reasons, I am prepared to take that risk knowing who the players in this game are.



even with our set of players, life can always get in the way, and I would not want to let that ruin the game for all other players. I am OK if MEgames replaces “forced” dropouts secretly and with skilled players.

Ok, looks good to go then guys! :slight_smile:

There’s been enough said about this anyway but I’ll just mention it again for good effect…

PLEASE, PLEASE, use your Diplos! Whatever side you are on!


No, sorry I strongly disagree with you here. I don’t want to have the no replacement rule.

i) This is a re-run of the game so the same rules should apply.
ii) I think the replacement rule is a good one. Say a player becomes unemployed or worse and therefore unable to play for a while - that’s not a good reason (within game terms) to have one side win the game when there’s a simple solution of finding a replacement player.

It’s a system that we use throughout the game and I’m strongly convinced that the best game is the one where there are the most active players. For a small fee we can simply find the replacement players and guarantee the game is competitive (at least from that perspective).

Clint (GM)