Ok, here is the NG/Duns post game report, sorry it is very late:
Pre-turn 1
When the game was advertised, I was keen to go DS mainly because the game was starting in spring! But my #3 pick was NG/Duns for something different and I wasn’t that surprised when I got them, probably not that popular.
The Duns I would play the normal way and go help the NW and build some agents and emmies for some fun in the mid game. NG I went a little radical I was convinced we were in for a slug fest and that characters in gunboat would be key. So I went for an initial mordor attack to keep them on their toes and then I would settle back and develop lots of agents. I tossed up between blocking the FK and attacking the IK or the other way around. Either way, 3024 would be castled to stop it falling early.
ps. I usually love my armies and 4 new commanders for NG would usually be my cup of tea
Turn 1-5
Dun armies stay home turn 1 and recruit. One army sent north to give Rhu something to think about. When I finally did march, Rhu sent his cav down south. Worried about challenges, it wasn’t until turn 5ish the dunnish horde made it to Rhu land and I was getting very worried about being too late and maybe be bbq’d by a wrym. Surprised there were no more Rhu blocks on the way. Rhu tried to defend 1910 with troops but I guess he forgot how much I was bringing. 2 agents & 2 emmies named. Not much else happening. One mage casting LA and using a palantir, the other casting 415 and investigating.
NG recruited and pooled at 2924 for the big push. Block armies sent against the IK to stop him getting to 3024. 3024 castled. FK beat me on the 3024/3124 move but I had everyone in one huge army under Taronder and I knew without help he would be in trouble. Palantirs showed BS and CL were not coming either. The slow advance though would grab attention and at this point, made my big mistake in getting too excited about making it to 3224 and winning the battle that I moved my navy at 3024 to 3224 to help. End result was with a bit of help with DS steel HC recruiting, I still lost at 3224 and 3024 got threatened by the IK (when I should have been sitting safely in boats offshore denying the threat). Not happy! I always knew I could not take 3224, the intention was always to clear it and try and draw plenty of attention. Named 3 agents and 1 emmy, lost a commander at 3224 and replaced him with another agent. Really worried about the IK, he’s now off to a flyer with no attacks on him. Secrured all but one palantir (it got lost at 3224).
Turn 6-11
NW is rolling along. 1910 captured, fort removed, leftovers make it to 2008 and with the unkillable dwarves, clear the Rhu capital for an absolute flood of troops to arrive turn 7 I think and the cardy hordes takes it. Rhu gone from the NW by turn 8 or 9, fantastic effort by Cardy and the dwarves with Arth also everywhere going by my palantirs. Starting to change my usual opinion that you can’t expect jack from allies in GB! Everything pretty much goes to plan for the Duns around this time, with the first wave that took 1910 eventually clearing 2006 (now Dark Loo with 7 turns of recruiting but strangely enough, no wrym) of armies with the second wave (with NG) right behind. We had heaps of troops up here, it was a real pleasure seeing all the good work being done up here by the freep. Camping was a problem though, I never had much luck all game. 3 more agents named. Elenya recovered. I then spend a few turns trying to find Staff of the Wanderer with no success (try about 5-6 LAs). At the game end, Duns were recruiting HC, had a okayish economy and had some nice agents on the train.
NG in slumber land with not much to do besides train. I waste some time retrieving my navy from 3024. 3026/3028 fall quickly and loyalties are starting to plummet. Start recruiting new wave with plans to hit back at 3024 (about all I focus on actually as I am still spewing over losing it). However, the globals report great work happening down south from SG and the Harad and I decided I won’t miss out. 3500HI shipped to 2634 to go hit the QA capital. 2 more agents and another emmy named. Taronder gets out of 3224 with all his artys and tries to unsuccessfully recruit the Woses a few times in between trying to ferret out DS camps in the white mountains (bloody QA!). Lots of timber bought around this time too due to the good market. Turn 11 end with the transports about to be loaded with a couple of thousand HC and plenty of WMs. NG agents are in company and starting to steal in Mordor. And even better, SG hands off the RoI to the Duns, who can now pass off that arty and elenya to my A60 to start the blood letting! But all to no avail. Then the globals come back, the QA capital already taken and there is nothing left to be done down there! So now I have my waves in the wrong order not to mention needing to now go pick up the stranded first wave in harad! So, in the end NG didn’t really do much besides take a few camps and kill a couple of fool hardy agents (sorry Dave, it was NG’s highlight of the game in the end!)
I think this GB I had more fun seeing and reading about all the good work of my allies then I did actually doing anything. The globals were great and like I said before, well done Harad that was a mighty effort. I guess if the game had gone a few more turns, my double digit agent numbers might have had some impact.
Thanks for the game everyone!